"Attack of the Zio-Fems"

Henry Makow published this article three years ago, but I think it remains relevant.
He attended speech in Winnipeg by one Irshad Manji, a lesbian who calls herself a “Muslim reformer” and makes $7,500 per hour for her speeches. A worshipper of Zionist Jews, she’s praised by Oprah Winfrey and the Zionist-owned Maclean's magazine. She has spoken at Oxford University, the United Nations press club, the World Presidents Organization, the International Women's Forum, and the Pentagon. The New York Times describes her has "Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare."
Her book The Trouble With Islam: A Wake Up Call for Honesty and Change is an attack on Muslim males, and is being translated into a dozen languages.
Her Winnipeg speech was sponsored by the The Asper Foundation and the Jewish Women's Federation. The Aspers are militant Zionist Jews that own a TV network, plus Canwest Media (the largest chain of newspapers in Canada).
There were about 800 people in the audience. Most were Zionist Jews. The rest were lesbians, plus a smattering of globots. (globalists)
Makow writes…
Manji stood before 800 Jews and exhorted Muslims to dump their traditions. Have you ever heard of a book titled The Trouble with Judaism: A Wake Up Call for Honesty and Change?
In the audience was a woman who identified herself as a Muslim -- apparently the only Muslim there. She boasted of defying her family by giving birth to a Black child out of wedlock. She also boasted of adopting two aboriginal children, and called her brood "a regular United Nations." The Jewish audience applauded for this “rebellion,” and this example of “racial tolerance.” Would any of these Jews have applauded had this woman been their daughter?
Since the subject was “tolerance,” Henry Makow asked Ms. Manji to comment on Israel's intolerance in forbidding Palestinians who are married to Israelis from living in Israel.
Manji evaded the question.
In her lecture she spoke of “women's oppression” in Muslim societies. She advocated "micro business loans" to make women into "entrepreneurs” so men would be forced to work for them. She said women in Afghanistan are using small business loans to start schools for girls. "The women believe that if you educate a boy, you educate only him," she said. "But if you educate a girl, you educate the whole family." (Applause.)
Thus, Muslim fathers should have no role in educating their children. And as for little boys in the war zone, sorry, but males deserve nothing.

It’s always been the goal of the elite to castrate underclass males by depriving them of their roles as protectors and providers. Muslim males are especially targeted, since they’re the only ones resisting the elitist New World Order.
In Muslim society, women are cherished for their devotion to their families. Ms. Manji, a militant lesbian, would destroy all that. She would export the West's family breakdown and plummeting birthrate by "liberating" women from their place of honor.
Family-devoted women are dangerous to people like Manji. They can’t be controlled. Their men can’t be controlled. Such men and women might have a healthy family with independent values. This could spread!
Most ordinary people are content to live and let live, but militant homosexuals like Ms. Manji use claims of persecution to advance their hostile agenda. They are financed and promoted by the financial elite, who seek to control all of society by destabilizing it.
In her lecture, Ms. Manji referred to Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as a "double occupation." She admitted there is a military occupation, but said Islam is a far worse occupation, since it makes Arabs reject Israel's "many generous peace offers." (Applause.)
Hence there would be less resistance if Muslims were stripped of their religion and culture. (Double applause.)
This is a good example of how Zionists and militant homosexuals work together to destroy our society.