Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Quietest Costs of the Wars

Warning, graphic picture!!

"The Uranium War"

"The war of Uranium, the ignored war

The United States knows how to kill, but kills better with Uranium bombs.

By Ernesto Carmona

Nuclear war has started with the Trojan horse of the bombs and projectiles of uranium used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The effects of the uranium war came home in the bodies of the veterans that participated in the fist war of Golf, who transmitted to their women the destructives genetic effects in the "ardent sperm" and the women passed it to her children that were born with no arms and other mutations. 240.000 veterans of Golf War I are in permanent medical inability and more than 11.000 already died, almost everyone "Cannon fodder" (or of uranium) poor, from Latin origin, afro-American or Asian....

The victims of the "weapons that smoke" are the sergeant Hector Vega, Ray Ramos, Agustin Matos, and Anthony Yonnone, all of the "Guard Unit" 42 of New York. They are the first confirmed cases of exposure to inhalations of uranium exuded from the actual conflict in Iraq. Dr. Asaf Durakovic, professor of nuclear medicine in the Medical Investigation Center of Uranio ( led the diagnostic proves. The history was published on April 3 of 2004 en the "New York Daily News". There is no treatment, no cure. (

Leuren MOret informed: "In my investigation about depleted uranium during the last 5 years, the most disturbing information refers to the impact on not born children and in the future generations of soldiers of both sides that serve in the wars of depleted uranium, and for the civilians that must permanently live in the contaminated regions with radioactivity. Today more than 240.000 veterans of the Golf War are in permanent medical inability and more than 11.000 already died. Medical assistance has been denied, like carrying on with tests and indemnifying them for the sicknesses related to the exposure to the depleted uranium since 1991".

Moret continues: "They brought home the worst uniforms in their bodies. In some families, the born children before the Golf war are the only healthy members. The wives and the feminine relatives of the veteran of the Golf War have spread a condition known as "Syndrome of ardent sperm" and now internally they suffer of contamination of depleted uranium introduced in the sperm of the exposed veterans. Many reported reproductive sicknesses like endometriosis. In a Study of the Government of the United States conducted by the Department of Veteran affairs, in 67% of the babies posterior to the War of Golf defects of birth were found of serious sicknesses. They were born with no eyes (anophthalmos), ears, or organs were missing, legs, absent arms, molten fingers, damage in the thyroids and others malformations of organs".

American Boy born with no arms, just born Iraqi with no encephalon.

Moret concluded: "In Iraq its much worst. Even there the babies born with no brains, the organs are outside of the body or the women give birth to peaces of meat. In the babies born in Iraq on 2002, the incidence of anophthalmos was 250.000times mayor (20 cases each 4.000 births) that the natural occurrence, that is of one case between 50 millions of births. (Pictures in"....

Good Lord, reader! What have we done?!

Not only to the Iraqis, but too OURSELVES!


"Defense" companies?