Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Somali Picture You Won't See on the New York Times' Website

Just like you won't see them in print.

"A Grim End for an Attempt by Somalis at a New Life... Bodies on the beach yesterday at Mayfaa Hijr, in southern Yemen. About 80 people drowned when a boat carrying 126 refugees from Somalia tried to escape that country by crossing the Gulf of Aden, Yemeni officials said."

Yeah, why would that merit newsprint?

Just black Africans, right, racists at the Zionist Times?

Take a look at my
Somalia labels if you don't believe me!

Yup, Somalia was a one-day wonder, even if the famine is worse than Sudan!

Somalis Want Islamists Back

What would our masters care about starving people, anyway?

Plenty of Americans starving right here!

The Culture of Death: AmeriKans Going Hungry This ...