Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ron Paul Is Now G.O.P. Front-Runner

Don't listen to the MSM, folks, and don't let them steal this election!

"Ron Paul is now the G.O.P. frontrunner

John Armstrong
Nolan Chart
Friday December 14, 2007

There was an interesting article written the day before lift-off of the Ron Paul Blimp by Michael Duffy titled "The GOP Race: None of the Above" on (in partnership with CNN) you might have missed.,8599,1694094,00.html The reason you may have missed it is because if you were simply googling "Ron Paul" it wouldn't have shown up.

Why wouldn't it have shown up? Because the GOP's leading 4th quarter fundraiser (at least after this Sunday's Tea Party didn't merit a single mention in the article. Not one. If you haven't clicked the link yet, you haven't noticed that there is a nice picture from the youtube debate of Mitt, Rudy, Huck, John, and Fred (why do they all have four letters in their spoken name?) but Congressman Paul is like Rudolph (not the Mayor--the red-nosed reindeer) before that fateful foggy Christmas Eve--all left out.

At first I thought this was a typical MSM slight of Dr. Paul. But then I read the article. Yes, the one that doesn't mention Dr. Paul once. After reading it, I think this was actually a nod towards Paul's campaign and an implicit acknowledgment of his Front-Runner status (especially considering the campaign is past the "first they ignore you" stage). Why? Here is a quote from the aforementioned article:

"If somebody could run as None of the Above," says former McCain campaign chief John Weaver, "he would be the front-runner."
If you still haven't read the article or seen the picture (positioned directly under the article's title) who is the only candidate not running for VICE-President or who doesn't have a last name that is a homophone of the metal thing used to unlock your door who isn't pictured? Golly, you are smart; it's not Chuck Norris-Texas Ranger; it's Dr. Ron Paul-Texas Congressman.

Another part of the article sounds as if Mr. Duffy watched this youtube clip

and then wrote the following paragraph:

Still, it is hard to overestimate the moral and intellectual power outage that now darkens the G.O.P.. Long out of step with a majority of voters on such secondary issues as outlawing abortion and narrowing stem-cell research, Republicans have more recently managed to get themselves on the wrong side of popular trends on what were once old reliables: foreign policy, economics, energy, even health care. Iraq is still somewhat taboo in Republican debates, so fearful are the candidates that the situation in Baghdad might again deteriorate. Thanks to Katrina and several war-contracting scandals, the party has squandered its bragging rights on running a more efficient government. "We've lost, clearly, some of the moral high ground on the larger issues of taxes and spending," says South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.

The one bright spot who has never lost his "high ground on the larger issues" during the "moral and intellectual power outage that now darkens the G.O.P." is the Front Runner. Congressman Ronald E. Paul. That's R.E.P. for short-as in REPutation for never sacrificing his integrity and duty to fulfill his Congressional oath of defending the Constitution when it comes to the issues listed in the paragraph above.

If the passion of his supporters does ignite another "money-bomb" on Sunday, and that momentum carries over to the early primaries, the Front Runner status Mr. Duffy's article implies without specifically stating should be confirmed by Super Tuesday.

Since the problems the G.O.P. faces are spelled out beautifully in this article and Dr. Paul has actual solutions, the only way he won't be nominated is if enough of the rank and file Republicans don't hear his message before the primaries (assuming they actually show up to vote during the primaries).

If somehow the Front Running Paul doesn't get the G.O.P. nomination, he may ultimately prove to be the perfect conduit for the Libertarian Party's message. If he decides to use some of his funds to do an infomercial, or if he can garner enough support to make it into the National Debates this fall, he could end up proving that the old Libertarian slogan (Most Americans are Libertarians; they just don't know it yet) is true. In one of the most ironic twists of all time, the man the GOP didn't want could end up costing the election and give rise to a legitimate political movement that would last as long as America does since it is based on the same principles, and not based on a silly ephemeral notion like "Reform."

Although he said on Wednesday that he was 99.99999 (give or take a 9) percent sure that he wouldn't run as a third party candidate, Michael Jordan once said he was 99.9% sure he was done with basketball.

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