Friday, December 7, 2007

The Presidential Polls...

... are BULLSHIT!

Before you read this post, watch this video!

You may now peruse this post, reader:

Cellphones Challenge Poll Sampling

"With more American households giving up their old-fashioned land lines and using cellphones for all calls, public opinion researchers are facing a challenge of how to make sure they are getting representative samples when conducting polls.

Bloggers and media critics have been questioning pollsters for months about whether 2008 polls are truly representative without including cellphone-only households.

Obviously, THEY ARE NOT, readers!

Did you watch the video?

The demographic groups that tend to be cellphone-only households are also historically less likely to vote, reducing the effects of underrepresentation in pre-election polls.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Health Interview Survey, adults with cellphones and no land lines are more likely to be young — half of exclusively wireless users are younger than 30 — male, Hispanic, living in poverty, renting a residence and living in metropolitan regions.

Pfffffftttt?! How do they know that from the CDC?

Talk about stereotyping and generalizing!

Since the government and media lie, why should we believe them about this?

Martin Frankel, a professor of statistics at Baruch College:

Until Internet polling gets a decent sampling frame, telephone surveys are necessary, and we can’t exclude cellphones from telephone polling.”

Reader, I am tired of them telling us to go on the web, then dissing what they find there!

Fuck you, arrogant shitstink papers!

So which is it? Are the MSM rigged polls accurate or not?

Watch that video again, readers, and you have your answer!

They are ALL BULLSHIT because Ron Paul would be leading in a fair poll!

That's why the pollsters are doing what they do!


"Ron Paul Wins Presidential Election

December 5, 2007

According to Google Trends, if the election happened today, Ron Paul would be the next U.S. President. In a competition between Hillary Clinton, Ron Paul is the most searched for presidential candidate in the 2008 election. What CNN doesn’t realize, what the neocons don’t realize, is that Google is all-powerful, even beyond them. Google Trends accurately predicted the last U.S. President, George W. Bush. Will Ron Paul’s popularity continue to rise and spread? We hope so."

If it is a FREE and FAIR election, then Ron Paul CAN'T LOSE!

You see, readers?