Thursday, December 6, 2007

The New York Times and Its Racism

Must have been BASH Latin and South America day over at the Times:

For Chávez, Reflection and Anger After Defeat

It's a total hit job, so I'm not posting it!

Turn the page, and they go after Castro's Cuba:

Old Havana Gets a Lift, but Cubans Don’t Benefit

Like Americans have benefited of Bush's rule!

Well, a select few -- like the N.Y. Times -- have!

At least they treated 9/11 rescue workers that the government -- THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT -- CRIMINALLY INFORMED them the air at Ground Zero was safe and then NEGLECTED their HEALTH PROBLEMS!

Then the Times' Richard Cohen damns Chavez with faint praise:

Op-Ed Columnist: Democracy in the Americas

"I salute you, Hugo Chávez.

Those are words I never thought I’d write. But nor did I think it possible that a Latin American strongman, issued from the barracks, accumulating power through threats, slandering opponents as “traitors,” buying support with $150 million a day in oil money, and bent on a socialist revolution, would accept a marginal electoral defeat.

No, if it came to the humiliation of a 51 to 49 percent rejection of his proposal to end term limits and undermine private property rights and centralize authority, he would surely use a controlled Election Commission to tweak the numbers for Venezuela’s glorious march to socialism.

And yet, there was a glum Chávez declaring in the unadorned language no totalitarian system can abide that:

The people’s decision will be upheld in respect of the basic rule of democracy: the winning option is the one that gets most votes.”

Doesn't sound very much like a dictator, does he?

The United States needs a new beginning. It cannot lie in the Tudor-Stuart-like alternation of the Bush-Clinton dynasties, nor in the macho militarism of Republicans who see war without end. It has to involve a fresh face that will reconcile the country with itself and the world, get over divisions — internal and external — and speak with honesty about American glory and shame.


His name is RON PAUL!!!!!

So why does the NYT DIS HIM?

Let’s be clear: Chávez is a menace. He’s about to introduce a new currency, the strong bolívar, with monetary policy in chaos, inflation rising toward 20 percent, and his crony bankers pocketing millions by arbitraging the disparity between the official and black-market rates.

Yup, changing away from the declining dollar another reason Chavez is under attack!

But his honoring of democracy’s brittle wonders still merits a salute. Above all, however, I salute the Venezuelan people. Chávez said before the referendum that a “no” vote equaled a vote for Bush. Unperturbed, Venezuelans went ahead. And they gave a civic example from which Bush’s battered and blathering democracy can learn."

Here's some advice for dear Hugo (thanks for the cheap oil over winter):

How to 'Beat the Elite' - in Ten Easy Steps

Good luck, amigo!