Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The New York City Piss Test

Don't worry, readers, you don't have to drink it!

"Sloppy Police Lab Work Leads to Retesting" by THOMAS J. LUECK

The New York Police Department has begun to test thousands of drug evidence samples, as a review by the state’s inspector general has found that sloppy work by analysts in the department’s crime laboratory could have skewed drug evidence used by prosecutors.

But since the mistakes in the laboratory, the nation’s busiest, were found to have been made in 2002, some of the evidence has been destroyed, making any new tests very difficult, according to the review, which was released yesterday. Legal experts said this could open the door to appeals by those who want to have their convictions overturned or their sentences shortened.

The slipshod drug testing — which may have involved “dry-labbing,” or failing to test all the bags when many were seized — has been acknowledged by the Police Department. The drugs seized by the police are often the most important evidence in prosecutions, which can also involve witness testimony, often from undercover police officers who made drug purchases.

The five intervening years had left a cold trail of evidence that had been destroyed or contaminated, making it difficult to determine how accurate the original testing had been.

The report said senior officials in charge of the laboratory had been far too slow to respond when evidence of inaccurate drug testing was found in 2002, and allowed the same criminalists who failed internal tests to remain on the job. One was suspended after she failed a second internal test, but was responsible for 23 drug cases after she failed the first time, the report said, and another worked on 11 tests between his first and second internal tests, both of which he failed. Both criminalists should have been removed after failing a single test, the report said.

Advanced technology was being used to analyze the old drug evidence, even where the evidence had been destroyed or contaminated. In some cases, he said, the laboratory is taking scrapings from envelopes in which the now-discarded powder had been sealed.

The department has also changed its methods to avoid similar problems in the future. It will reatin drug evidence so it can be retested in the future, and will no longer mix the illegal drugs with others for safekeeping."

What a HOTBED of CONTAMINATION that lab must be!

Can you say FRAME-UP CENTER, readers?

I will never trust police evidence in a court of law ever again!

What scumshits! They don't give a fuck about us!

How can you EVER BELIEVE in AmeriKan Justice ever again, readers?