Saturday, December 22, 2007

Keeping Iran in the Crosshairs

More bullshit propaganda:

"U.S. Envoy Says Iran Could Revive Halted Nuclear Arms Program"

VIENNA (Reuters) — An American official said Friday that a secret Iranian nuclear arms program that United States intelligence agencies believe had been halted in 2003 could easily be revived because of later curbs on United Nations inspections in the country.

Gregory L. Schulte, the American ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, told reporters on Friday that the intelligence finding contained “new evidence” of a concerted, clandestine nuclear bomb project in Iran and that there was no reason to relax even if it was shelved four years ago:

Iran’s leaders could choose to restart that program. There is no certainty the I.A.E.A. would know, particularly with the director general twice warning us that I.A.E.A. knowledge of Iran’s current activities is diminishing. That is a matter of grave concern. The technology that Iran is mastering today for enrichment — a capability not necessary for Iran to have a peaceful nuclear program — could be readily applied to building a bomb, should Iran’s leaders so decide.”

I've really fucking had it with U.S. government lies, folks.

Damn fucking sick of them!

Yup, even though the program is on the shelf (if there ever was one), now we gotta get more Zionist propaganda shoveled at us.

Go away, Israel.

Just go away and leave us alone!

Mr. Schulte also said the findings made it more, not less, urgent that Iran cooperate with an inquiry by the international agency to resolve questions about past Iranian nuclear activity to help defuse mistrust.

Mr. Schulte, referring to the Iranians: “We still expect full disclosure, but now we think they have even more to disclose as a result of the N.I.E. We are waiting to see if Iran’s leaders are ready to confess to past weapons-related activities.”

I'm tired of the lying, shit-selling fucking AmeriKan government!

GOD-DAMN TIRED of them!!!!!!!!!!