I fear my nation, my community and my very own life is at risk.
And YOURS, too, reader!
Learn how to Survive Martial Law coming to America
"Believe it or not Martial Law is coming
-Have you seen the signs of Martial Law?
-How about War on American Soil?
-Are you wondering what to do in a National Emergency?
-Do you know what’s really happening in the US?
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I have spent 11 years actively following the changes in this county. I spent several years as a young man teaching troops how to implement martial law, how to kill people and how to deny them ‘food’ and other vital supplies without having a conscious about it because it was my job. Yes, I did awful things but I know what’s coming!! I know the signs. There are 10 steps from democracy to Military control to the death camps. The US has them all! I’ll show you how to keep living.
The information I want to share with you will probably save your life!! If you pay attention I will help you to survive. I'll tell you how to deal with comtrolling troops,how to be left alone... What to decisions to make and more. There will likely be several months of ‘Transition’ where little or nothing will be available to you. When the shit hits the fan the store shelves will be stripped in two hours. I watched two women claw each other bloody for a bag of beans. How will you feed your family for several months? That‘s what this is about. It’s a hell of a lot more complicated than you may think. Have you ever seen anyone slowly starve to death? It could be your family so wake up and listen to me.
Survive Martial Law In |
I’ve written a 37 page article you can download and read from your computer in a few minutes. I can give you tons of proof of what you may suspect is true. If you haven’t noticed the changes it’s because you are too busy to care… or you have chosen not to. You have chosen to stick your head in the sand and say to yourself everything is just find while in the distance a crouching lion prepares to attack...attack you!!
The Government is even telling us we’re going to get screwed. They already know there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop this coming horror. They’ve spent years brain washing you to believe things that don’t exist… they are operating under your very nose and what have we done?
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We’ve watched TV, worshipped Sports players, gone for dinner,revered movie stars, worked long hours for the “good things”, went shopping and took the kids to little league. It’s called ‘mind control’ and it’s very easy to do.
Please take the time to prepare for the coming changes in your world. Learn what to do and what you need hidden to survive the transition to the Martial Law/Police State under which you’re going to live. Do you know what to say and how to act when troops come to your door such as happened in Africa, Germany or Central America? If you don’t, you need to find out and get a fast education before it’s too late. This article tells you what to do. It has an enormous amount of data with solid proofs (and many website URL’s to click on) listed that will shock you and motivate you to act now while you still can prepare… while there is still suplies at the stores. You don’t need to do anything special but follow my list exactly. Everything you’ll need is in those stores. I asked 12 people what they would buy and every one was wrong! How and where to store your specific things is altogether a critical thing. Remember, you are dealing with people trained to find your stuff. Do you think you can just put it in the cupboards and all will be OK? The Article clearly shows where America is going in just a few weeks or months at the longest. So now you need to find out what to do to survive because it isvery probably too late to protest or vote or speak out.
Please look up from what you perceive to be important and spend the $20 bucks. Find out what you physically need to do. I’ve spent decades doing and learning this stuff and now I will share it with you. I retired early because of injuries from Vietnam. I spend hours every day watching the government and studying history, citizen oppression and war.
What you need for supplies of all kinds… it’s a detailed list of what a family of 4 will need exactly and you can get most of it at a couple of big stores. Do it immediately!! If you don’t have the money then you get it and I don’t care how. I’ll tell you where to put it and this is critical. During a house-to-house search the Troops/Police will search for and take all weapons AND your food supplies so do what I say. Remember, during this crisis, food will be currency. Get all you can but from my list! How do you know there will be electric or gas? Remember, your world is changing to one you don’t understand so unless you can afford prepared nitrogen packed food for $20,000 or more then listen to me. There’s other things you’ll need that will become critical. I'll tell you what to get.
What about drinking water? Are lakes, deep ponds or strong rivers around you? Remember, you can live for weeks without food but just days without water. If water is close enough to you you’ll need to filter it. I’ll show you where to get the best gravity function filter. If water isn’t available, I’ll show you how to store enough. How to do it so it won't be found.
I will show you how to act and conduct yourself around troops. What to avoid and what to say. I’ll even teach you how to walk and where and how to look. I give you many examples from the vicious roads I’ve walked. Things to consider before making a decision about nearly anything. My whole point is keeping you and your family alive and it’s a hard job and you must cooperate. I know a hell of a lot more than you do about this so listen to me.
Learn How to Survive Martial Law Now |
Five years ago was the time to stop this thing but what were you doing… think about it. What the hell were you doing? You live with your choices you gave up to others who you didn’t know. You believed bullshit. You did and now I’ve got to keep you alive until things level off some. I’ve spent years watching the government prepare for Martial Law and learning about concentration camps in the US ready for inmates, many with sealed gas piped buildings… what for? Do you finally realize 9/11 was done to ‘shock’ you into running for security? Do you know we have no rights and the game is about up? Do you realize Directive 51 gave Bush total control over everything in America? Do you know this winter will see the worst food shortage of the century? Are you aware there are a few million foreign troops on American bases who practice (using actors) how to overtake and control the United States?
Get this article right now and if you don’t like anything about it email me and you can have your few dollars back. Whether you believe what I’ve said or not is your business but I DO know what I’m talking about. Read the article… it will save your life and the lives of your family. Since you can’t stop it you can stay alive for a better day when things moderate. The most important thing I can tell you now is to ABSOLUTELY KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! NEVER TELL A SOUL YOU HAVE ANYTHING STORED, NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER OR BEST FRIEND. ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS TELL ONE PERSON, WHO TELLS ANOTHER PERSON WHO TELLS SOMEONE WHO WILL KILL YOU TO GET IT. NEVER TRUST ANYONE… PERIOD! KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
Make your choice if you want to live to take action another day in time. All this is very, very real and I’ve put in about 12 huge URL’s to educate you. Many have videos, lots of them. There are accounts how it all came about and why. Look at them all. Many have dozens of sub-sites so pick them carefully. You’ll know what to read. Learn about the Camps, the Secret/Shadow Army, what is the real FEMA, Bio-weapons, how a Police State functions, living in Martial Law, Foreign Troops, The Real Truth, A Supply List it took years to put together and so much, much more.
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How To Survive Martial Law -- Quick Buy"
We are going to have to tear down this government, folks, to stop this!
Sadly, I feel the American people are not up to it!
From my experience around here, most are ignorant and apathetic.
They are going to have no choice soon.
I tried, America! I tried to warn you!