Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Hauntings of Mike Huckabee

But the MSM is promoting him anyway!

Not me!

My candidate -- and the next president of the United States -- is
Ron Paul!!!

"Candidate had once supported isolating AIDS patients from public" by Associated Press December 9, 2007

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal funding in the search for a cure, and said homosexuality could "pose a dangerous public health risk."

As a candidate for a US Senate seat in 1992, Huckabee answered 229 questions submitted to him by the Associated Press. Besides a quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health agencies.

Huckabee wrote:

"If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague. It is difficult to understand the public policy towards AIDS. It is the first time in the history of civilization in which the carriers of a genuine plague have not been isolated from the general population, and in which this deadly disease for which there is no cure is being treated as a civil rights issue instead of the true health crisis it represents."

Oh my God!! He wants to TREAT AIDS VICTIMS like LEPERS!!!!!!!



This man cannot become president!


The AP submitted the questionnaire to both candidates; only Huckabee responded. Senator Dale Bumpers, the incumbent, won his fourth term; Huckabee was elected lieutenant governor the next year and became governor in 1996.

When asked about AIDS research in 1992, Huckabee complained that AIDS research received an unfair share of federal dollars when compared to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Huckabee had written:

"In light of the extraordinary funds already being given for AIDS research, it does not seem that additional federal spending can be justified. An alternative would be to request that multimillionaire celebrities, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna and others who are pushing for more AIDS funding be encouraged to give out of their own personal treasuries increased amounts for AIDS research."

No, America DOES NOT NEED an INTOLERANT ASSHOLE like Buckahee becoming president, no sir!

Huckabee did not return messages left with his campaign. When Huckabee wrote his answers in 1992, it was common knowledge that AIDS could not be spread by casual contact. In late 1991, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there were 195,718 AIDS patients in the country, and that 126,159 people had died from the syndrome.

Since becoming a candidate for the presidency this year, Huckabee has supported increased federal funding for AIDS research through the National Institutes of Health.

Huckabee, in a statement posted on his campaign website last month:

"My administration will be the first to have an overarching strategy for dealing with HIV and AIDS here in the United States, with a partnership between the public and private sectors that will provide necessary financing and a realistic path toward our goals."


MSM tried to make it appear Buckahee was different than the other politicians -- which was JUST ANOTHER MSM LIE!!!!

Now that was on page A30.

This puff-piece was on page A1 of the Globe:

"Huckabee finds his campaign at a tipping point"

Then Frank Rich opines on him in the NYT

"The Republicans Find Their Obama"

No, he doesn't mean
Ron Paul!

Of course, that is forgetting that Huckabee has a Willie Horton in his closet (pun intended):

"Decade-old parole case haunts Huckabee on the campaign trail"

I don't know, Buck! Lot of BAGGAGE!

Better play it safe and vote
Ron Paul, readers!