Saturday, December 8, 2007

Forces of Freedom Attacked in USA Today

"Neo-Con Medved Attacks Alex Jones In USA Today Piece"

Michael Medved
USA Today
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Medved (bottom right) gets his orders along with a gaggle of other fake conservative talk show hosts during a White House meeting last year. The North American Union doesn't exist, the government is here to help us and everything is OK - go shopping. Thanks for sending over to us more of your dwindling number of listeners, Michael.

FLASHBACK: Talk Radio Government Mouthpiece Whores Receive Their Orders


'Eve of destruction' politics feeds alienation

While most people go about their business - working hard, enjoying their families, struggling to pay the bills and planning to celebrate the holidays - activists try to raise money or snare votes by announcing The-End-Of-American-Civilization-As-We-Know-It. (TEOACAWKI).

No wonder voters feel increasingly embarrassed to identify as either Democrats or Republicans, preferring the designation "independent" or, most likely, uninvolved - feeling understandably alienated from the desperation that sets the tone in the political process.

Consider, for instance, Pat Buchanan's new book, Day of Reckoning (following its two similarly cheerful predecessors, State of Emergency and The Death of the West). This time, "Pitchfork Pat" (who drew a paltry 0.42% in his last presidential run) ups the ante with his bald declaration "that America is indeed coming apart, decomposing, and that the likelihood of her survival as one nation through midcentury is improbable."

On the other side of the ideological Grand Canyon, feminist firebrand Naomi Wolf simultaneously promotes her book The End of America, outlining a supposed 10-step Bush administration plan to impose a fascist dictatorship. In this context, she has talked on the radio with "black helicopter" conspiracist Alex Jones, who's hawking his own gift for the season: a new videotape "proving" that international bankers are perfecting plans to liquidate 80% of humanity.

Meanwhile, The World Can't Wait/Drive Out the Bush Regime crowd (with support from several members of Congress and a half-dozen Oscar winners) insists that the nation can't survive unless President Bush and Vice President Cheney are promptly impeached and jailed.

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I'm proud to be a member.

Proud to be sounding the alarm.

Because its true!

And its not like its fun knowing.

It sucks!