Friday, December 7, 2007

A Fixed and Fraudulent Poll

The lying lengths the war-makers will go to justify their assault on Iran.

Don't be fooled by this shit, readers!

Either that, or the American people are dumber than I thought!

No, it must be the "poll!"

Desperation on the cusp of madness.

"Just 18% of American voters believe that Iran has halted its nuclear weapons program. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 66% disagree and say Iran has not stopped its nuclear weapons program."

Anytime I see a 66% result in a poll, I smell a stench!

The Rasmussen Reports survey also found that 67% of American voters believe that Iran remains a threat to the national security of the United States. Only 19% disagree while 14% are not sure.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) believe that the United States should continue sanctions against Iran. Twenty percent (20%) disagree and 21% are not sure.

Forty-seven percent (47%) believe it is Very Likely that Iran will develop nuclear weapons in the future and another 34% believe Iran is Somewhat Likely to do so.

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of liberal voters believe that Iran has stopped its weapons program but 54% disagree.

Among conservatives, just 8% believe Iran has stopped and 81% disagree.

Despite the Iranian government's protestations to the contrary, an earlier survey found that 67% believed that Iran’s nuclear program is intended to develop nuclear weapons rather than nuclear energy.

Another survey found that, most voters doubt the United States can count on its European allies when dealing with Iran. Just 1% of Americans view Iran as an ally of the United States. Sixty-two percent (62%) believe that Iran sponsors terrorist activities against the United States.

Only 6% disagree and 32% are not sure."

Ooooooh, am I ever tired of the MSM lies!

Don't they ever get tired of shoveling shit?

Now how do those numbers square with this poll:

"While 46% of those surveyed say military action should be taken either now or if diplomacy fails, 45% rule it out in any case.

In the telephone survey of 1,024 adults Friday through Sunday:

•Three of four Americans say they are concerned that the United States "will not do enough to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons." On this issue, there is bipartisan accord: 35% of Republicans and 36% of Democrats say they are "very concerned" about that prospect.

•However, three of four Americans also express concern that the United States "will be too quick to use military force" against Iran.

Meanwhile, Bush reached an unwelcome record. By 64%-31%, Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50% say they "strongly disapprove" of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48%, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974."

Time to IMPEACH another president!


Comment, blogger?

"These numbers do not come close to the Rasmussen poll reported on below. It is clear that both "polls" are an effort to trick Americans into disregarding the NIE that says Iran is not making nuclear weapons by creating the illusion that most Americans are disregarding the NIE.

This is like a kid who gets caught smoking pot and tries to get out of it by saying that nobody else thinks it is a big deal!

But in the end, Iran isn't the issue. President Bush is the issue. For the second time in a row, Bush has been caught LYING about another nation in order to initiate a war of conquest.

That is the issue.

That is the ONLY issue." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

I second that!