Monday, December 3, 2007

Fake Hate Crimes

I'm flabbergasted by the extent people will go to propagate lies and draw attention to themselves.


Fake Hate crimes

"You know nothing quite diminishes the plight of victims of racism sexism or bigotry quite like minorities who sabotage themselves and blame it on others. For example if we have enough false charges of rape and the next person who actually is won't be believed. If we have enough false claims of learning disabilities and then those who actually have them will be ignored. If we have enough false claims of "hate crimes" and those who actually have faced prejudice will be ignored.

Here we have a bunch of attention grabbing false claims where minorities have created fake threats to themselves.

firefighter who found a noose a Baltimore fire station did it himself

a jewish girl was caught putting swastikas on her own door at GW (no surprises there)

Black woman admits to craving KKK of her own chest

Jealynn Sealey, a black woman, has been condemned to 6 month in jail for staging a racist hoax. In order to get insurance money, she had burnt her own car in her driveway and had painted racist slurs on her house

here is a list covering crimes from 1999 to 2005

Here are some more

And yet some more -note that this one was written in 2003 and even then was saying this is nothing new.

That's why you always gotta ask CUI BONO, readers!!!!


And click on all the links!

Man, are there ever a LOT OF THEM!!!

I remember a childhood story about Peter and a Wolf, readers!

Would that be relevant here?