Thursday, December 13, 2007

Conspiracy Factists

You know which ones I find legitimate and which ones I focus on, readers!

"Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Fact?"

Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Fact?

Recommended Websites for Those Already Convinced of
9/11, Health, Mass Media, Mind Control, and UFO Conspiracy Theories

And a Strategy for Reaching Skeptics and Those Who Don't Know

You may have noticed that we consciously avoid using words like "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory" on the website. We do this not because we don't believe there are major conspiracies happening in the world. The official story of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory in that the government claims 19 hijackers conspired together to hijack four planes and create terror in the world. We avoid using words like "conspiracy theory" because many people who are not aware of the major cover-ups shut down their rational mind as soon as they hear the word conspiracy.

The main purpose of the website is not to preach to the choir—those who already know about 9/11, mass media, mind control, UFO, and other conspiracies—but rather to reach those who know little or nothing about all that is going on behind the scenes. We have found that the most successful way to reach the unconverted is to present them with reliable, verifiable information that does not overly tax their belief systems. Most people can't handle too much disturbing information at once. Thus, we initially present only a small chunk of the conspiracy which the uninitiated can, we hope, digest without being overwhelmed. Yet we also offer lots more resources for those who are ready to go deeper.

For those of you who are ready to go even deeper than the information presented on this website, you might first appreciate some of the deepest information we have at The refreshing summaries at this link present the big picture of what is happening on planet Earth in a deep, yet inspiring way. Then, we recommend exploring the following informative websites which go even deeper in many areas than - Excellent website for news the media doesn't report -, the State Department's #1 conspiracy website - Various conspiracy experts report valuable news - Nexus Magazine, an excellent alternative news magazine

We recommend exploring these websites with a dose of healthy skepticism. Though we believe much of the news they report is true and some of it is verifiable, much is not based on what most people would consider reliable information. Some of their reporting can end up being misleading or spreading rumors. Yet the media reports so little on any of these conspiracies that we do recommend exploring one or more of these websites on a regular basis to balance the information you receive. Many of the vitally important "conspiracy theories" reported on these websites have turned out to be true.

With the exception of, we do not recommend these websites for those who have little or no knowledge of all that is being hidden. The reason is that the other websites to a greater or lesser extent have on their front pages information on very deep conspiracies—information that would cause many uninformed people to immediately shut down. We find it most unfortunate that there are very few websites which present the conspiracy information at an entry level first, only gradually drawing people in to the deeper levels of all that is being hidden.

For an excellent book which shows how complex research into conspiracies and conspiracy theories can be, we highly recommend the book Them by Jon Ronson. One of the exceedingly few mainstream journalists who have tried to cover some of the deepest conspiracies, Ronson has worked together with the likes of well known, yet controversial conspiracy researchers Alex Jones and David Icke. His fascinating, detailed accounts of these people show both how real these conspiracies can be and how conspiracy researchers sometimes adopt a very biased or skewed perception of the world.

As someone who is already aware of much of this information, we invite you to play an important role in bringing about positive change by considering how best to inform those who don't know of all that is going on. Consider that most people's minds can only handle a certain amount of "reality shifting" at once. Start out with only a few pieces of verifiable information, and then see if they are open to more. Pushing people rarely is effective. Consider using our introductory email and the "Email page" icon at the top and bottom of any of our webpages to introduce people to the reliable, verifiable information we provide.

We also advise presenting any information which has a conspiracy flavor not as something to cause fear or anxiety, but rather as an invitation for us all to work together for positive change in our world and for the good of all people on our planet. For other suggestions on what you can do to make a difference, see and

Thank you for being someone who has chosen to live with an open mind and who wants to know what is really going on. As people who are aware, we can support each other in playing the role at which the media is so sadly failing. We can educate the public to all the hidden conspiracies and "conspiracy theories" that may turn out to be conspiracy facts. Once we reach a critical mass, the public will demand accurate media coverage and real change. By working together, we are convinced that we can and will turn this whole thing around. Thanks for caring."