Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Chiming In On Chavez

In their own arrogant, shit-stinking way!

"Democracy stirs in Venezuela" Boston Globe editorial December 4, 2007

A FEW OPPONENTS of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez shouted "Now he's going away!" yesterday after voters defeated constitutional changes that could have made him dictator for life. But Chávez remains president until 2012, and he can make a comeback unless the opposition unites around a program that addresses the popular discontent that he had manipulated skillfully until now.

He sounds exactly like Bush -- except Bush has the AmeriKan MSM on his side!

Since he became president in 1998, Chávez has survived a coup attempt, a recall campaign, and two reelection contests while gathering to himself the power to dispense the oil wealth of Venezuela, about $60 billion a year. His opponents, drawn largely from the middle and upper classes, seemed clueless about his appeal, and inept politically. They refused to contest the last legislative elections, in effect allowing the National Assembly to be packed with Chávez supporters.

Mentions the coup without mentioning AmeriKa was behind it, and are the DemocraPs any better than those limp dicks?

Earlier this year, Chávez pushed through the assembly a package of changes that, subject to popular approval, would have allowed him to run for reelection as long as he wanted, take over the central bank, and rule by decree. As a sweetener for voters, he included a six-hour work day and improved pensions for the elderly. He joked during the campaign that he wanted to remain president until 2050, when he would be 95 years old.

But ignore Bush the DICTATOR!

I don't care about other countries!


This year, however, the opposition was energized by an infusion of students and the endorsement of Raul Baduel, an influential retired defense minister and former Chávez stalwart. The urban poor, Chávez's core supporters, seemed dispirited and underwhelmed by the economic provisions, perhaps because they were experiencing shortages of flour, rice, and pasta as a result of price controls Chávez clamped on these staples in 2003.

Good thing that
American's ain't starvin', huh?

A majority of voters decided that they didn't want another Fidel Castro, Chávez's role model. But to give Chávez his due, he allowed the opposition to make its case and let the votes be counted honestly. Castro would never tolerate this open democratic process.

Like AmeriKa has that! I'm sick of arrogant shitstinks!

Check out the 200 and 2004 American presidential elections!

Even with popular disenchantment, Chávez lost by only 49 to 51 percent. "For now," he said as he conceded, "we could not do it." He is, in effect, predicting another round.

The opposition is an eclectic collection, including Communists, Catholics, state governors, and people worried that Chávez was subverting a constitution he had crafted in 1999.

Gee, who would want to be with that opposition? What scumshits!

Not all of these groups will remain together, but they must not revert to their habits of electoral boycotts and ineffectual negativity. Instead, new leadership needs to emerge to fuse the interests of the poor with those who are better off.

The vote Sunday shows the Chávez government is not invincible. The opposition needs to seize this opportunity to create a new political alignment in Venezuela, before the almost-president-for-life recovers."

And WHAT BUSINESS IS IT of OURS, stink Globe?

Oh, yeah, I forgot!

Chavez's country is the Western Hemisphere's Gas Pump!