Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Angry and Insulting John Edwards

And he took on the shortest (in height, not in stature) on of the bunch!

Edwards Takes Step Back as Two Others Slug It Out

"His measured touch was a clear break from his performance in a televised debate, when he turned virtually every question into an attack on Mrs. Clinton and when he sarcastically replied to a jab from Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio by muttering, “Cute, Dennis.”

Gee, after I heard they all got along so well!

"the candidates were unusually civil yesterday, peppering their responses with such rejoinders as "I agree with Barack" or "as Chris said,".... the rivals declared their respect for one another by name"

Pick on someone your own size, Edwards!!!

You are just a big a bully as the rest of the candidates -- save
Ron Paul!

Mr. Edwards has been stuck in third place for months, most Iowa polls report, showing no gains with his aggressive stance — and receiving criticism from voters, former supporters and others who disapprove of the angrier candidate.

Iowans are particularly disdainful of candidates who resort to negative campaigns, as former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont and Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri learned in 2004.


And they surely wouldn't like Hillary Clinton!

He said he believed that Iowa voters, many of whom are still undecided, did not like personal attacks.

“They’re looking for a president who’s positive,” Mr. Edwards said.

Then they want RON PAUL!!!!