Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why We'll Win

If we survive these madmen, that is:

"Why We'll Win

George Washington's Blog
Thursday January 17, 2008

History proves that ideas are more powerful than weapons. Sure, in the short-term, those who possess the strongest military and the deadliest weapons will prevail. But powerful new ideas bring greater change over the span of a couple of hundred years than military might.

The wannabe-fascists in America, England, Israel and other countries have won in the short-term. For example, there already is soft fascism in America and England. Wars have already been launched just because America -- as sole superpower -- had the military strength to do it. The elections are already rigged, with only those hand-picked by the powers-that-be standing any chance of winning.

But people world-wide are waking up to the facts of manipulation of intelligence, false flag operations and rigged elections. This is a huge development.


Well, these things have been going on for thousands of years. These ideas -- which have never before been understood by so large a proportion of the population, are very powerful. Previously, people have believed that their form of government -- whether capitalism, or communism, or socialism, or any other ism -- would basically protect them.

But with an understanding of false flag terror and faked intelligence, people can see that the elite have been playing an entirely different game: the blame-the-enemy-for-your-own-brutal acts-of-murder game.

Once people understand that the powers-that-be in every country and every culture will wrap themselves in the nation's flag, dominant cultural expressions, and prevailing religion and then manipulate the population through the creation of boogeymen, something amazing will happen.

People will rise up and demand new forms of government that cannot be distorted through false flags, cooked intelligence and rigged votes to serve the elite at the expense of the people. Tweaks on the old forms of government, brought about by constitutional Convention (or even new forms of government) will be implemented which will prevent the abuses of the last couple of thousands of years from recurring, and which will create true democratic republics which actually embody the vision of the Founding Fathers. Because America, for example, has become so corrupted, and because anti-freedom forces sought to sabotage the Constitution from the first, the new governments will be better than the world has ever seen before.

I believe that the elites overplayed their hand. I believe that by carrying out the brutal act of cynical murder on 9/11 and by using overt forms of power to try to stifle dissent and truth, the elites have not only sewn the seeds of their own downfall from power, but have also paved the way for an awakening of humankind to the realities of how people have been manipulated by the elites for millennia.

9/11 was a brutal act of murder on innocent Americans. Nothing will ever wash the horrible taste of that treasonous act from my mouth. But I believe that we can make lemonade from the lemon -- and with the ugly truth so obviously displayed for all to see -- use the 9/11 murders to awaken humanity so that the people of the world demand true mechanisms to protect our freedom in a fashion that cannot be destroyed by games of manipulation.

The truth will out. And when the truth is known, the idea generated by that truth -- of the need for true liberty protected from the manipulation of false flag attacks and fake intelligence -- and the action generated from that idea can sweep away the tools of repression and usher in a golden age of liberty and justice better than anything before.

But that will only happen if we are committed to turning the lemons of 9/11 and the gathering clouds of fascism into the lemonade of the best system the world has had, one which comes much closer to carrying out the Founders' intent and which will actually deliver on the promises enshrined in the Constitution.

Obviously, it is difficult to create procedures than can withstand attempts at manipulation. If the demand of the people is strong enough, ingenious methods can be implemented which discourage manipulation.

Moreover, new technologies and new insights into biology, psychology, and related fields will lead to new forms of psychological warfare and manipulation by the elite.

That is why a "vigilant" public is the strongest protection because -- when the public is paying attention -- the elites know they have to behave themselves. That is why informing and waking up the population is the key to protecting freedom in the long-term.

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