Why don't you offer your support to him, too, readers?
"Blackwater VP Threatens Democratic Candidate: "Let..."
"Blackwater Adamant About Adame

Friday, January 18, 2008
Marshall Adame should be the sort of Congressional candidate Blackwater would get behind. He's a retired Marine. He's worked in Iraq for the State Department and for The Sandi Group Intl., a military contractor. Both his sons have served with the Army in Iraq.
But he spoke his mind online: "I have interacted with many mercenary groups, including Blackwater. There is no place in the American force structure, or in American culture for mercenaries. They are guns for hire; No more, no less. The primary motivation is money. In most cases it does not matter who's money. Private Security Organizations as extensive as Blackwater, for example, should not be allowed to operate in war zones as augments of the United States of America. Private Armies represent the very things we depise as a people. Servants to the highest bidder with true allegiance to no-one."
This generated nastygrams from Blackwater supporters, after Blackwater VP Bill Mathews sent out the following email:
There is a man named Marshall Adame who is running for congress in our district. He just put a quote online which says he wants this company and all of us to cease to exist.
Do you like your jobs? Are you sick and tired of the slanderous bullshit going on in DC?
If so, would you all mind joining me in reminding Mr. Adame that he is running for office in our backyard. Tell all your friends and family too. We welcome their assistance in making this point very clear to Mr. Adame……
Anyone who wants to send a letter may do so at the following address…..
PMB #161
His email is info@marshalladame4congress2008.com
He was too cowardly to put a phone number on the web. I ask that you keep your comments to Mr. Adame professional (well, mostly professional). We help him if our comments get threatening or too crass. Let’s run this goof out of Dodge….!
Bill Mathews
Executive Vice President
Blackwater Worldwide
850 Puddin Ridge Road
Moyock, NC 27958