"January 21, 2008
Bhutto's Assassination! There is NO "Al Qaeda"! Osama is our "1984's Goldstein"! Bhutto's Death, and "The Shell Game"
By Bill Douglas
When I was young, I saw what I thought was a silly bumper sticker, that now I realize was perhaps the most prophetic statement I’d ever read. The bumper sticker simply said, “Everything you know is WRONG!” SEE BELOW SHORT VIDEO TRAILER:
“Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan.”
-- Wayne Madsen Report
"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the 'TV watcher' to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money."
-- French Officer, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel
In George Orwell’s famed novel, “1984,” the hero, Winston Smith, is a poor sap who like most of us is being manipulated a thousand ways from Sunday with fake news, fake elections, and popular culture meant to distract him and his fellow Party Members and Proletariat from realizing they are being lied to about war and their economy on a minute by minute basis.
At some point Winston Smith is contacted by someone in the underground resistance, who hands Smith a book that reveals all about how the population is manipulated by maintaining endless war, to keep everyone struggling and ignorant, by using a boogey man to terrify the masses. To quote,
“The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor.”
“War is a way of shattering to pieces...materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and...too intelligent.”
~George Orwell – 1984
These above quotes are from a book by the government’s boogey man called Goldstein. Goldstein is all the things America’s enemies are, a zealot, a child molester, a rapist, a torturer, a war monger, who hates our freedom and our good life, etc. etc. You know the spiel. You’ve had almost 8 years of it yourself.
Goldstein’s face appears in hatefilled propaganda films for all the people of the nation to spit at and shake their fists at, everytime the govt. shows it to get the people whipped up, terrified, and hateful enough to give all their precious money to “the war effort.” Sound familiar? You’ve had nearly 8 years of it yourself.
Now, as 1984 progresses, what you discover is that this boogey-man the govt. created in Orwell’s nightmarish “1984,” . . . the evil Goldstein . . . NEVER EXISTED. Oh he may have at one point, but the man was never what his media image has made him, and if he did exist has been long dead.
Just before her death, Benazir Bhutto said something that very likely shocked the neo-cons’ created reality of our time. She said she believed that Osama Bin Laden has been dead for a long time. And that he’d been murdered by Omar Sheikh, whom the Sunday Times once described as "no ordinary terrorist but a man who has connections that reach high into Pakistan's military and intelligence elite and into the innermost circles" of bin Laden and al-Qaeda.
You see, the neo-cons depend on the image of Osama Bin Laden because he is the modern “Goldstein” who they use to keep us terrified enough to give away our rights, and give most of our federal spending for militarism.
Pakistan’s intelligence service is very tight with the CIA. If they had killed Bin Laden, we’d know about it. So, what is the story with Bin Laden?
Immediately after the attacks of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden actually denied any connection with the 9/11 attacks, and denounced them as a tactic:
Source: Khilafah.com, 10 Oct 2001
The Al-Qaidah group had nothing to do with the 11 September attacks on the USA, according to Usama bin Ladin in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat. Usama bin Ladin went on to suggest that Jews or US secret services were behind the attacks, and to express gratitude and support for Pakistan, urging Pakistan’s people to jihad against the West. The following is the text of an interview conducted by a "special correspondent", published in the Pakistani newspaper Ummat on 28 September, place and date of interview not given.
THEN, two months later the infamous “Fat Bin Laden” video tape is supposedly found by the CIA in some house the Taliban forces had held in Afghanistan, and conveniently left behind for the CIA to find. This video has been analyzed by experts who say, exactly what your eyes tell you when you look at it, it is NOT Bin Laden. BUT, this fake Bin Laden DOES take responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. View the FAT Bin Laden at:
The Bush Admin, CIA’s Goldstein is born. The similarity between this manufactured Bin Laden and Goldstein in 1984, has not gone unnoticed. Steve Watson in an insightful article for Prisonplanet.com wrote,
“Spying? Torture? Illegal airstrikes? SHUT UP and hate Bin Laden.
The NeoCon use of Osama Bin Laden as a tool of fear and control is a tried and tested method whenever the going gets tough. It's predictable and it's tiresome, but the masses buy it every time and that's why he has reappeared once again.
Just as the NSA spying tidal wave gathers increasing momentum, as the media demand more answers on rendition and torture and days after the bizarre airstrike on innocent women and children in Pakistan, we all magically get a timely reminder of just why the government is spying on its own citizens and torturing and killing anyone it likes anywhere in the world.
Just like Orwell's ubiquitous Emmanuel Goldstein, Bin Laden always seems to pop up right on cue so we can disengage our minds from reality and join in the two minutes hate.
We are reliably informed by the mainstream media that this is because he is a very clever man and has an impeccable sense of timing. Yet if this is the case, why can he not work out that EVERYTIME he has released a video or a tape it has HELPED Bush and the NeoCon agenda tenfold?
Even the BBC lays this out in the open with the headline “Bin Laden threats may boost Bush””
Benazir Bhutto’s statement of Bin Laden’s death threatened to shatter the neo-con Goldstein like illusion of the boogey man they need to keep us poor, terrified, and sucking at the govt.s military breast for safety.
We saw what happened to her very soon afterward.
Beyond Pakistan, which is tied up in the intrigue of Al Qaeda/Bin Laden, ISI/CIA, the equivalent of Bhutto’s heretical insight of truth, is found in the burgeoning 9/11 truth movement.
Throughout the world, masses of people are waking up from the spell the neo-cons false flag attacks of 9/11 cast over humanity that would allow illegal wars, that conquered strategic energy areas.
In the last month or so, a former Italian Prime Minister wrote in Italy's largest newspaper, about his being convinced that 9/11 was an inside job.
Denmark's most popular television talk show had on a Danish 9/11 truth organizer to talk about the 9/11 attacks, and the fact that evidence points strongly to an inside job, by elements within the US government.
Danish 9/11 truth activists are now talking about "The Shell Game"s impending release: http://agenda911.dk/
Weeks ago a former Italian Prime Minister wrote in Italy's largest newspaper, about his being convinced that 9/11 was an inside job.
This week, Alan Miller of Patriots Question 911 (patriotsquestion911.org) released an oped announcing twenty five military experts had challenged the official 9/11 story. Read it at:
AND NOW even Canada’s MTV has a 9/11 truth commentary and promo for “Loose Change Final Cut.” CANADA IS NOW GETTING HIP TO 9/11 TRUTH !!
. . . However, the US media plays the role of the silly monkeys “see no evil” “hear no evil” and “speak no evil.”
How long can the US media keep up this charade? A TSUNAMI WAVE MAY BE BUILDING RIGHT NOW . . . THAT YOU CAN HELP BUILD . . .
On January 22nd, 2008 . . . what may be the equivelant of Orwell’s 1984 . . . will appear in the front, prime space, of bookstores and airports across America . . .
THE SHELL GAME, by New York Times best selling novelist, Steve Alten, will explode across the landscape of popular culture in America.
This edu-tainment novel takes the action fiction fan on a journey into the dark heart of what has happened to America in the last 7 years. False flag terror, stolen elections, wars for oil . . . and interspersed throughout the fictional narrative, placed as chapter lead ins are REAL 9/11 TRUTH RESEARCH QUOTES.
The millions of action fans who pick up “The Shell Game” at the book store or airport . . . will walk away from that book knowing they’ve been lied to BIG TIME.
Check out www.TheShellGame.net to see perhaps one of the best 9/11 truth websites.
So, for those of us who know we’ve been lied to about 9/11, and want the rest of America to learn what we know . . . we must be asking ourselves . . . HOW CAN WE HELP?
Get “The Shell Game,” urge everyone you know to get “The Shell Game,” post info and urging for everyone to get everyone to get “The Shell Game.”
The independent publisher who had the courage to publish this explosive novel, has purchased 90 days of prime real estate in bookstores, airports, etc.
By doing what we can to help it break all known sales records, we will keep “The Shell Game” in the public eye.
In these first 90 days, this book thrives or dies, as far as its chances to explode into the public’s mind real 9/11 truth issues.
We can help . . . We must help!! We’ve seen that US corporate media will NOT help a book like this get the attention it deserves. IT IS UP TO US TO BECOME THE MEDIA !!! THESE ARE REVOLUTIONARY TIMES !!
Copy the URL for the 9/11 book trailer at the above site and email and post it EVERYWHERE!!
Authors Bio: By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent – A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. His past essays include, "Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts," "The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- US Media's Dirty Little Secret," "Good Night, and Good Luck - WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 9/11 and Media Crimes" and also "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth.""