Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ralph Nader: Gate-Keeping Globalist

I voted for him twice, so now I am really saddened and embarrassed.

Click on to the link and read some of the comments, too, readers.

See where Ralph got his seed money.

"Nader Shills for One-Worlder Edwards

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 1, 2007

I can’t believe I actually made the mistake of voting for this guy. But then, all of us are entitled to a mistake or two.

From Politico: “Ralph Nader unleashed on Hillary Rodham Clinton Monday — criticizing her for being soft on defense spending and a chum of big business — and expressed his strong support for John Edwards.”

That is, for the CFR’s candidate, as Edwards is their darling. I don’t know if Nader is unaware of this. No, he is really too smart to be that brain dead. Obviously, Ralph Nader is a shill for the New World Order. It figures.

In an 11th hour effort to encourage liberal Iowans to “recognize” Edwards by “giving him a victory,” the activist and former presidential contender said in an interview that Clinton will “pander to corporate interest groups” if elected.

Nader specifically accused Clinton of failing to challenge military spending because “she is a woman who doesn’t want to be labeled as soft on defense and she doesn’t want to be shown as taking on big business.”

Sure, Ralph. And Edwards will dismantle the military-intelligence network and send the corporate death merchants a-running for shelter.

And there is a bridge in Brooklyn and it is for sale, too.

Nader, a four-time presidential candidate, called Edwards a Democratic “glimmer of hope.” He has long criticized Democrats as indistinguishable from Republicans, chiding both parties as slaves to corporate financing and interests.

It was Nader who famously — or infamously to many Democrats — siphoned off enough liberal votes from Al Gore in 2000 to hand New Hampshire and Florida, and as a result, the presidency, to George W. Bush. Since 2004, however, Nader has been increasingly controversial within the political left. He was booed at a national conference of progressives earlier this year.

Is the CFR a “glimmer of hope”?

It is if you are a fan of one-world government, as Nader apparently is. Does Ralph believe the machinations of the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Foundation are in the best interest of the American people?

“The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established,” explained the late CFR historian Carroll Quigley, who served as Bill Clinton’s mentor. “The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common — they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government,” declared Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR.

But let’s be fair — John Edwards is not a member of the CFR. He only hangs out with them. Earlier this year he delivered a speech to the CFR faithful and warmed the cockles of their hearts. He co-chaired a CFR task force with Jack Kemp. John Edwards is a consummate insider and he will deliver our sovereignty to the globalists on a silver platter.

So will Ralph Nader."

One wonders why Ralph is not for Kucinich.

Because "he doesn't have a chance?"