Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Coming War With Iran

"All Indicators Are That War With Iran Is Still in the Offing"

"Foolishly, when the National Intelligence Estimate was released late last year many spectators in the bleachers watching (what appeared would be) an imminent war with Iran breathed a sigh of relief, and thinking the game was over began packing their things to go home.

In truth though they should have hung around a few minutes more and paid some mind to that old saying ‘It ain’t over till it’s over’. What they failed to consider is the fanaticism driving certain players in this game, not the least of whom are the Zionists controlling George Bush and George Bush himself. Bush and his handlers (both in the US and Israel and being the genuine Armageddonites they are) see themselves as the guys in the white hats fighting an epic battle against the forces of evil. This being the case, rational persons should understand that the release of the NIE would and will have little effect on them when it comes to doing the Lord’s work of wiping out Judea’s ancient enemies in Persia. And while some–viewing all this with a sense of unrealistic optimism–may still think Bush’s continuing rhetoric against Iran is all just an act, wiser heads should assume it is the real deal and come to grips with the likelihood that he indeed plans to make good on all the promises he made to his Zionist overlords prior to his election in 2000.

In the first case, people should consider that Bush has been a cauldron of sorts since the release of the NIE and seething with embarrassment and humiliation. His recalcitrance in this matter is easily proven by the fact he has not relented one iota in his previous position that Iran ‘was, is and will be’ a danger to the world. Rather than trusting the intelligence services whose multi-billion dollar budgets he himself approves he has cast aside the opinions of experts and professionals who are as wedded to their work as Mozart was to his music. In effect, it is similar to an obstinate man being told by a team of doctors that the patient in question does not have a deadly case of appendicitis but rather a simple case of indigestion and the man, listening to the mad voices in his head and the mad voices of his handlers, grabs the scalpel and begins slashing away in an effort to ‘cure’ the situation as he sees fit.

As for Bush’s handlers–both in Israel and the US–before the ink had even dried on the NIE they were shrieking and howling like spoiled children, just standard operating procedure whenever the Jewish state does not get the lollipop or new toy it demands, in this case an atomic war against Iran resulting in the deaths of millions. Politicians and military people alike in Israel have since scoffed at the NIE with a mixture of rage and ridicule, have characterized the NIE as either rubbish or else a deliberate maneuver to endanger Israel and have made it clear that if the US does not go forward with the annihilation of Iran that Israel will do it herself. Within what seemed like minutes of the NIE’s release it was announced that Bush was headed to Israel for his first presidential visit, and even though the stated reason for his visit was making peace between the thug Jewish state and the Palestinian Christians and Muslims (victims to the longest military occupation in modern history) it is more likely that the real reason is to get his marching orders from his bosses in Tel Aviv regarding war with Iran and to coordinate how it will be brought about.

And then, almost as if by magic before he had even landed, several incidents had taken place, the first being the launching of 2 Katyusha rockets–said to have come from Hezbollah-controlled southern Lebanon into northern Israel. The rockets are of course ‘Iranian’ in origin, just like all the supposed IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) killing American troops in Iraq. Following close on the heals of this was the ‘clash’ between elements of the Iranian navy and 3 US warships passing through the straits of Hormuz. The manner in which the event was splashed across American news channels depicted 5 Iranian fast boats–not much larger than an ordinary fishing boat and incapable of carrying anything more than a few personnel–charging the American ships (that could have cut them to shreds literally within seconds) in a ‘threatening and provocative’ manner. A video tape released by the Navy figured an Iranian radio transmission to the US ships saying ‘We are coming to you, and within a few minutes you will explode.’

Predictably, the 2-headed government/media hydra–infested to the gills with Zionist operatives made the most of it in again striking up the cacophony of the war symphony. Bush, like an attack dog on a short leash snarled and growled on command and used the event to reiterate his position that Iran was a threat to world peace and threatened retaliation if it were repeated.

What is particularly interesting about this latest ‘incident’ is how it resembles an event that took place during the Reagan era. In his 2nd book ‘The Other Side Of Deception’ ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky detailed how Israel–desperately wanting US military action initiated against Libya–employed what was called ‘Operation Trojan Horse’. At the time, Libya’s Muhammar Kaddafi was ‘the new Hitler’ (just as Iran’s Ahmadinejhad is today) and in the interests of showing who’s boss in the big bad Middle East, Israel’s intelligence service tricked the Americans into thinking that not only was Libya responsible for past acts of terror but planning new ones as well. Like all Mossad ‘By way of deception, thou shalt do war’ operations, an Israeli team was sent into Libya with a radio transmitter where fake messages in Arabic containing the aforementioned incriminating material were broadcast to an eavesdropping United States. The gullible Americans, monitoring the chatter and prodded by Mossad, fell for the ploy, resulting in a US strike being launched against Libya with 160 aircraft.

Surprisingly (or perhaps not) within a day of the Iranian ‘incident’ and following Iran’s denial of the course of events (along with video and audio of its own contradicting the American claims) the US navy was backtracking and was forced to admit that it did not know who really broadcast the messages. The frequency used to make the threats was an international frequency, easily accessible by literally anyone and thus could have originated from any boat in the area, or even from some ‘unknown location’ on shore.

Before leaving the Jewish state to visit with the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait (seeking support for military action against Iran) America’s fearless leader visited Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, Israel’s ‘holy of holies’ and a ‘must-see’ for all visiting dignitaries. Donning his mandated Jewish skull cap and ignoring the holocaust of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims taking place a mere few yards away, he wept for Hitler‘s Jewish past victims and said that ‘When evil exists we must resist it’ and then later when talking about the death camps said clearly ‘We should have bombed Auschwitz’.

It should be remembered that since Israel set Iran in her sights, it has been a daily, if not hourly mantra–‘It is 1938…Iran is the new Germany and Ahmadinejhad is the new Hitler…’

Of course, many would say that Bush’s remarks were merely him adhering to that old dictum ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’, since Israel’s existence is as intrinsically tied to the constant, somber remembrance of Jewish persecution as beer-drinking and festivities are at Oktoberfest…

However, a few things–as troubling as they are–need to be kept in mind as well before closing the book a few pages short of the end. There are still US two carrier groups sitting not far from where the recent ‘incident’ with Iran took place. A few months before the release of the NIE, news stories began circulating of Iran having developed a ‘deadly’ new submarine capable of evading US sonar. Shortly thereafter, well-known journalist Seymour Hersh wrote of inside information he received detailing how a bull’s-eye had been spray-painted on a US ship stationed in Qatar immediately across from the Iranian coast and how ‘the Iranians’ had done it. There is at least one Israeli submarine in the Persian Gulf, and given the treasonous theft and transfer to Israel of high-tech information by one Jonathon Pollard, who can say what kind of advantages Israel has gained in terms of sonar and stealth capabilities over US surface ships? America has fought many wars as a direct or indirect result of ‘naval incidents’, including the Civil War, the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to Johnson’s ‘troop surge’ in Vietnam.

And last but not least, there is Israel’s murderous attack on the USS Liberty, meant to be the catalyst in bringing about Armageddon for the sake of the poor, beleaguered Jewish state to consider, as well as that other old dictum concerning ‘a leopard changing its spots’.

And when all this is taken together, it is only those in the bleachers who do not truly understand the nature of the game being played who heave a sigh of relief before the final buzzer rings and start heading home, along with their false sense of security.

2007 Mark Glenn, Correspondent for American Free Press Newspaper"

"Ron Paul, 911 And Israel"

"I thought I'd take some time to write down my thoughts with regards to how Ron Paul's campaign is going and the related topics of 9-11 and Israel.

First of all, many of us predicted a smear campaign would be forthcoming from Paul's most virulent detractors- the Zionist Jewish Israel-firsters and their propaganda tool, which is the MSM (mainstream media).

As far as some decades-old letters or e-mails which Paul may have or may not have written which have included some "racist", "bigoted" remarks, I believe it is a hypocritical smear without merit. The Zionist Jews however are adamant that the US government and American public give their unconditional support to the racist, apartheid, Jewish -supremacist state of Israel where there are politicians who publicly call out for "transfer" of non-Jewish Arab Israelis which are publicly and in print often referred to as "cancer" and "lice"! How's THAT for racist remarks!? On top of that, Israel was founded on campaigns of ethnic-cleansing and slow genocide and wiping Palestine off the map since 1948 and it's still happening today! How about the FACT that the war on Iraq is a racist war based on a pack of lies which is mass murder, REAL HATE CRIMES, which has been going on for SEVEN YEARS now?

So I think we can call a spade a spade and point at the MOST racist of us all- the Israel-firsters amongst us, and they are getting away with it!

I believe that since Ron Paul would end the war on Iraq and cut off aid to apartheid Israel, which is THE most important step in the right direction that this country the United States of America could take, then we should all vote for Ron Paul.

Even IF he is not publicly showing support for 9-11 Truthers at this time. I believe he will in time.

As you all may know by now, I firmly believe that US support for the racist, apartheid, Jewish supremacist state of Israel is the number one reason why 9-11 happened.

Even if you don't believe, like I do, that with the knowledge of Cheney and others, the Mossad planted the bombs in Larry Silverstein's WTC (remember Larry Silverstein is best friends with Zionist extremist former prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the author's of PNAC, the BLUEPRINT for MURDER to roll out 9-11 and the subsequent "war on terror" beginning with Afghanistan and Iraq, to be continued to Iran, etc.), then surely you must at least believe that unconditional US support for racist, apartheid, war-mongering, land-stealing, genocidal, terrorist Israel has made many enemies for America in the Arab and Muslim populations around the world.

The first step in stopping the "terror" is for the US to stop support for the terrorist state of Israel, which was founded on terrorism, and for the US to stop committing acts state-sponsored terror on behalf of the terrorist state of Israel. War is a Hate Crime. War is Terror.

So the best way to prevent another 9-11 from happening, whether you believe it was an inside job with the help of the Mossad or that our US foreign policy in the Middle East (unconditional support for the racist, apartheid Jewish supremacist state of Israel) created some Arab "terrorists", is to address the root of the problem: US support for racist, apartheid Israel- we must cut off apartheid Israel. Plain and simple.

Although Ron Paul is a little milk toast with regards to Israel's apartheid, ethnic-cleansing policies, at least we know he will stop sending our US tax dollars to Israel, stop the war in Iraq and will NOT support an attack on Iran.

By the way, have you noticed that the MSM is publishing even more Holocaust-related stories these days? As if it just happened yesterday or is even still happening or about to happen today somehow? As if the US hasn't quite done enough to make it up to the Jews for their losses in WWII?

Wonder why the increase in these Holocaust "stories" (as if we didn't hear enough about it already)?

It's probably because the Zionist Jews who dominate the MSM are prepping the American public for an all out war on Iran in the near future- either an attack first by Israel, which will then drag in the US, or just getting the US to attack. As you know there are US warships off the coast of Iran trying to provoke or invent a reason to attack at this very moment. Just aggravating Iran and hoping to provoke an all-out war.

All along these Holocaust stories are meant to drown out the holocaust that's been happening to the Palestinians and the Iraqis up to this very moment! As if the suffering of Jews during the few years in Europe during WWII can justify the decades of suffering at the hands of Jewish supremacists in Palestine, and now at the hands of the Zionist-dominated US in Iraq!

At any rate, I hope you will agree with me, that of all the candidates available to vote for now, Ron Paul is the ONLY one who is an American first, second and last! He puts AMERICA's interests FIRST and FOREMOST. All the others are really Israel-firsters who will continue to do the bidding of Israel which is a FOREIGN and hostile, anti-democratic, racist, Jewish supremacist country which is NOT WORTHY of our country's support nor our tax dollars.


Wendy Campbell

P.S. See how it's all a very tangled web: 9-11, Israel, Zionism and "The Holocaust"???"

I'll vote for him -- unenthusiastically -- and then wait for the rig job.

I'm DONE with "politics," readers!

Bring forth the REAL REVOLUTION!!!!!!

Bucket of tar, bag of feathers....