Monday, January 28, 2008

Bush's State-of-the-Union Speech

This blogger captured my sentiments exactly.

"I won't be watching President Bush's "State of the Union" speech tonight. And I'll studiously avoid reading about it tomorrow. Not because Bush is a lame duck - thank God for that. But, because he a megalomaniac and a pathological lair.

You know how it works. Whether it's your friend, relative or acquaintance; whenever you've reached the conclusion that he/she is an inveterate liar, you simply stop listening to him/her, because he/she has lost all credibility and respect...."


What did make me sick, readers, was the clip I saw where Bush said we will defeat "Al-CAI-Duh" and the whole place roared to its feet -- including the stink DemocraPs!

This country is done, readers.

They received the guy like he was a king tonight.

If I had
done this maybe I could have watched it.

Here is some even better advice:

"Here is an experiment. After you get tired if listening to Bush, turn off the sound and just watch his face. That will tell you more about the real state of the union than his speechification ever will." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened