Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blogging Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani

Since the AmeriKan MSM does such a terrible job, and is nothing more than a propagandistic agenda-pusher, I need to go to the weblogs to get the truth.

Take your picks, readers

Rasmussen Poll Has Ron Paul at 14% Oddsmakers Have him at 14-1 Odds of Winning New Hampshire

Ron Paul Gets Huge Boost in New Hampshire

ALL of RON PAUL’s replies @ ABC/N.H. debate on 1-05-08

Ron Paul A Man Among Boys at ABC Debate

Paul, Romney spar on terrorism @ ABC NH Debate

How Dare Charlie Gibson Allow Ron Paul To Speak

Figuring out Ron Paul

Ron Paul vs Mike Huckabee

Video has been REMOVED by user?

"Some have questioned my authenticity, but I am not a fake. I have recently returned from a 14 month deployment in Iraq and am now on reservist status. The purpose of this video is to express my frustration like many soldiers about the discrepancies between my experience in Iraq and the perception that the average citizen holds. More than ever, citizens must understand the situation in Iraq. Peace."


"At around 3:00 Susan Estrich states "...Ron Paul, on that theory, is not going to be president." to which Shepard Smith replies "How do we know he's not going to be president?" and Susan then replies "Yeah, we'll fix that one."

"You may have to listen a couple times to pick it up, because Smith keeps talking right over Susan, but she does in fact say "We'll fix that" in response to Shepherd's "How do we know he's not going to be president?" -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

No. I heard it the FIRST TIME!

The way they behave, especially McCain, Rudy and Mitt, indicate they do not have good regard for the Constitution. They are scum, representing the ruling Elite's interests and Israel.

Ron Paul looks most mature and disciplined as he explains his views while subject to the ridiculous behavior of the rivals. Dr Paul will lead America out of the dark age to the enlightening period by wiping the smirk off the face of the Establishment that believe it has the power to control the people by the media, and failing that, do everything they can to make Dr Paul look bad by maniac laughter, jeering, frequent interruption and improper camera angles.

There's nothing noteworthy about ABC News Democratic debate because Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel are absent, which I presume makes the debate so leaden it's a waste of time. So I don't bother with Democratic debate anymore unless they include these candidates."

I'm not even bothering with politics, period!

Not when it is presented by the lying MSM!

Ron, Rudolph and the Prince

"During the Republican debate on January 5th Ron Paul clearly stated his case in favor of a new foreign policy, outlining positions that are mainstream and even considered common sense in every city of the world except Washington. Predictably, he was attacked from all sides.

Rudolph Giuliani was almost giddy as he recalled his refusal of a $10 million donation from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. The money was intended to help with 911 disaster recovery but was rejected because the prince issued a press release stating, “[America] should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stand toward the Palestinian cause,” among other similarly preposterous and offensive suggestions. Rudolph criticized Dr. Paul for holding views that are, in his estimation, similar. Let’s give Rudolph the benefit of the doubt and assume the prince and Dr. Paul are in agreement.

Was Rudolph’s decision to reject the prince’s position based on his perception of Prince Talal as a terrorist sympathizer only donating money to gain a platform from which to disseminate propaganda, or does Rudolph, the guy who admits he never heard of Al-Qaeda before 911, actually think he knows more about this problem than a Saudi prince? A Saudi prince I might add who is highly westernized by Saudi standards and one of the wealthiest investors in the world – referred to by some as the Arabian Warren Buffet. He has billions of dollars invested in the United States and a considerable personal interest in maintaining stable relations and a healthy US economy.

If Rudolph actually believes that Prince Talal is a terrorist, why wasn’t he arrested? Isn’t it more likely that Prince Talal is actually a typical example of what a modern Muslim looks like? Here you have a successful and wealthy maverick (by Saudi standards) genuinely concerned about terrorism and sincerely trying to mend relations with America and contribute his ideas to further the cause of long term sustainable peace, and he is totally rejected by an admittedly ignorant Rudolph. Way to build bridges.

Most foreign policy experts routinely characterize this ”war” as a fight entirely within Islam and define America’s role as helping to support forces of modernity, but if Rudolph rejects modern friendly Arabs because they hold different policy views even though those views are consistent with the entire Arab street, who exactly is he appealing to in the region to rise up against Al-Qaeda? If he’s is going to scorn and blacklist everyone who agrees with Prince Talal and Ron Paul, which is pretty much everyone, where are these people going to come from? How does he intend to win the war?

By aligning Dr. Paul with Prince Talal’s position, he has basically admitted that Dr. Paul holds a vision for the middle east more compatible with the modern Muslims the west is trying to court. Rudolph un-intentionally validated everything Dr. Paul said and made himself look ridiculous.

The reality is that this debate is simply another example of ignorant fools being pimped by big business against the best interests of America."

What else is new?

"Ailing 9/11 Workers Confront Giuliani In New Hampshire

Sam Stein
The Huffington Post
Sunday January 6, 2007

Finishing a disappointing sixth in the Iowa caucus and staring down a similarly poor result in New Hampshire, Rudy Giuliani has yet another problem on his hand.

Before Saturday's GOP debate, several members of the 9/11 recovery effort will be stationed outside the forum petitioning the former New York City Mayor to discuss the mishandled health safety issues following the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The protest coincides with and promotes a new short video by Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films, which uses the testimony of these 9/11 workers to detail the dangerous conditions and serious illnesses encountered at the recovery site.

Still today, many suffer from violent coughs, severe asthma, and pulmonary and mental health issues. Giuliani, the workers note, is not responsible for their sicknesses, but he did not sufficiently warn about the hazards at the site and, more importantly, has done next to nothing to help the thousands who are suffering from recovery-related ailments.

"The hypocrisy of running a campaign on a 9/11 agenda and you have these people still dying and becoming much sicker then they were a year or two years prior is really insulting," Alex Sanchex, a janitorial worker, says in the film.

Greenwald told the Huffington Post: "These first responders are not blaming Rudy for being sick, they are asking why he has done nothing to help them since they got sick. They want to meet with him and ask what he is going to do to help them. They have tried to call and meet with him. Nothing. He who is Mr. 9.11 has abandoned the real heroes of 9/11."

More than 2,000 New York City firefighters have been treated for serious respiratory problems following their work at the World Trade Center recovery site. Toxic dust from that area has been directly linked to sarcoidosis, a debilitating disease that FDNY members now develop at five times the rate they had previous to working around the toxins.

Following the Democrats takeover of Congress in 2006, hearings were held to determine what went wrong in exposing these firefighters to such porous conditions. Much blame was laid at the feat of the then-EPA chief Christie Todd Whitman. Subsequently, several investigations have called into question the extent of Giuliani's knowledge and handling of the hazardous 9/11 site.

According to the New York Times, in the aftermath of 9/11 Giuliani "seized control and largely limited the influence of experienced federal agencies" during the clean up effort, but "never meaningfully enforced federal requirements that those at the site wear respirators." Moreover, the paper added, Guiliani "warned companies working on the pile that they would face penalties or be fired if work slowed."

But what has drawn the ire of the recovery workers is not what Giuliani did in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11, but rather how he has seemingly forsaken their plight in favor of focusing on his business and political careers. Giuliani, Greenwald notes, has offered no assistance to other New York elected officials in efforts to lobby the federal government for funds for victim treatment. He won't even meet with the victims themselves.

"The fact of ignoring those who sacrificed the most while he profits and profiteers from 9/11 is a scandal and is disgusting," the filmmaker said.

The remarks echoed those made in the film by Mike McCormack, a USAF Auxiliary Civil Air Patrolman: "After he left office, you may have to turn in your key to the city. But I don't believe turning in your moral compass and responsibility to people who trust you. That shouldn't fall at the wayside."

This is the third Giuliani movie made by Greenwald and Brave New Films. The first looked at Giuliani's decision to put New York's terrorist response center in the World Trace Center complex - a known and obvious terrorist target. The second focused on Giulaini's failures to upgrade the faulty radios used by FDNY members on 9/11.

Copyright © Infowars.net All rights reserved.

Printed from: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2008/060108Workers.htm"

01-06-08 Ron Paul Post Debate With Blitzer

Ron Paul on CNN Jan.07, 2008

NBC Evening News Ron Paul Blackout - Claims Huckab...

"NBC Evening News Blackout

Posted January 6th, 2008 by fonta

....really upset me. Absolutely no mention of Ron Paul. Said Huck was in third with 9%. They showed some clips from yesterday's debate and it was obvious that they had RP positioned in such a way that they could cut him out of all camera shots. No mention...no camera shot....it was as though he was not there.

Add that to the excitement we all felt waiting for the RP event today and , then, nothing. Google RP news and very little comes up. Nothing about the Liberty Forum in old media. Nothing anywhere.

Despite the risk of sounding paranoid, while I was trying to get on the stream and coming back to the DP, this site seemed to be overrun with misinformation. Leave it at that. Nobody else is saying anything about *that* so I guess you didn't experience it.

What I felt today with the blackout is a real wake-up call to me as to what we are up against. It apparently goes way beyond being excluded from a round table debate. It is almost a foreshadowing of what it would be like with state sponsored news and no internet. We have to fight. Personally, I can't live in that kind of a world. We have to fight for a voice....we have to fight the media. Is there no legal recourse?"

I'm getting pretty angry, too, blogger!

And we already have state-sponsored new, too!

Fox News' Snub of Paul Could Trigger New Hampshire...

"Huffington Post

Matt Simon

Posted January 6, 2008 | 11:43 PM (EST)

Ron Paul is sort of like a porcupine; a porcupine looks cuddly and cute, but if you try to step on one you're liable to wind up with a few holes in your foot.

Rudy Giuliani was the first to step. It happened in the May 15 Fox debate, when Giuliani attempted to bully Paul into retracting his assertion that interventionist foreign policy causes terrorism. Paul responded by introducing a new, desperately needed term into the presidential primary marketplace of ideas: "Blowback."

Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire is the title of a 2000 book by Chalmers Johnson. In a chapter called "Stealth Imperialism," Johnson begins by asserting that "present American policy is seeding resentments that are bound to breed attempts at revenge." By now, most Americans have heard this argument many times and in many different forms, and it appears to be sinking in. But apparently nobody had ever had the guts to say anything like that with Giuliani in earshot.

"I don't think I've ever heard that before, and I've heard some pretty absurd explanations for Sept. 11," he fumed at Paul. Maybe he didn't know it at the time, but there were a few little holes in his foot. And six months after stepping on a porcupine, Giuliani netted a whopping 4% in Iowa.

The former mayor's apologists point out that Giuliani didn't visit Iowa very often, but Paul visited Iowa fewer times than Giuliani and broke into double digits with 10%.

So maybe it took six months for Paul's appeal to the national conscience to sink in. Maybe some voters did a little research and a little fresh thinking about foreign policy. Or maybe they watched something instructive, like this clip from a PBS documentary showing how our CIA deposed the legitimate political leader of Iran in 1953 and replaced him with the Shah, a religious autocrat who owed his power to D.C. and paid his debts with cheap oil.

But the Ron Paul lessons are all over for viewers of Fox News. Sunday's Fox candidate forum only featured five Republican candidates, all more or less neoconservatives, stylistically diverse but ideologically reducible into a single, imperialistic Rudy McHuckabombneyson. Fox News partisans were treated to the pleasure of watching Giuliani chat with a candidate (McCain) who says he'd be fine with keeping American troops in Iraq for another 100 years, a candidate (Huckabee) who thinks Pakistanis are pouring across our southern border, a candidate (Romney) who insists that the murder of Benazir Bhutto had nothing to do with the United States, and an actor (Thompson) who somehow keeps forgetting to act like he's running for president.

The decision to exclude Paul was so indefensible, following his record-breaking fundraising efforts and a double-digit result in Iowa, that the New Hampshire GOP withdrew as a partner in the forum.

Which brings us back to "Blowback."

It is a concept many Republicans refuse to understand, a concept many Democrats begin to understand, yet underestimate. But it's a message a growing number of American voters are ready for. Paul summed it up in the ABC debate Saturday: "We ought to treat others as we would want others to treat us, and we don't treat others so fairly... If they don't listen to us, we bomb them; if they listen to us, we give them money, and it's bankrupting this country because we don't live up to our principles."

Despite being snubbed, Paul was all smiles Sunday when he appeared at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, an event sponsored by the Free State Project. Why?

If the rumors are true, there are an awful lot of porcupines floating around New Hampshire, and their momentum suggests that Tuesday might be a pretty tough day for the hawks."

Not when elections are rigged!

And believe me, readers, I would LUV to be PROVEN WRONG and RON PAUL WIN in New Hampshire -- as it would be in a free and fair election.

However, given the way the MSM has reported the campaign, I just can't see it tonight!

Ron Paul Being Censored In Telephone Polls

And if rigging the vote won't work

"Paul In Crosshairs Of Elite

Pat Shannan
American Free Press
Monday January 7, 2007

Bilderberg tracker Daniel Estulin says he has received information from sources inside the U.S. intelligence community suggesting that people from the highest levels of government are discussing “eliminating” Rep. Ron Paul because its controlled political system is threatened by Paul’s exploding popularity.

Estulin, whose information has proven accurate in the past, went public with the bombshell story Dec. 14 on Alex Jones’s national radio show.

“I am getting information from my sources that there are people involved from a higher level of the American establishment who are seriously considering assassination,”Estulin said.

Estulin’s past predictions about global events were accurate because of the solid information provided to him from within the Bilderberg organization. Over 18 months ago Estulin correctly made the call that the Iran invasion had been delayed and was probably off the table, which appears now to be the case following the release of the National Intelligence Estimate showing that Iran had terminated its nuclear research in 2003.

Estulin, an award-winning investigative journalist, said that he was given the information from a source that has been reliable for over a decade in providing accurate projections of future events based on what the elite were discussing in their own circles and that assassination was a serious option should the Ron Paul Revolution continue to grow.

Retired FBI Special-Agent-in-Charge Ted Gunderson, 78, has been a whistleblower since his retirement nearly 30 years ago. He said “Yes, absolutely, they won’t hesitate to do it.”

Rather than shooting Paul, a more sophisticated silent attack such as poisoning or the provocation of a heart attack via exotic electronic technology would be more likely, he said.

“That way the real killers are not required to put a ‘patsy’ in place, such as in the Kennedy assassination,” he continued. “And don’t count out a plane crash or a car wreck, which has been another method of choice in recent years.”

Paul himself has stated on previous occasions that he is aware of the dangers of being such a bold spokesman for freedom and understands what threat he represents to those who would stoop to anything to preserve their grip on America.

Paul acknowledged months before the Estulin report that such a threat is “real,” agreeing with a number of historical examples where leaders were killed or attacked for successfully standing up to the system.

“That’s right. They’ll do it,” Paul said, making reference to previous men of history such as Andrew Jackson, Huey Long, Bobby Kennedy and GeorgeWallace. The attack on Jackson, on the Capitol steps in 1835, was the only one of the four not to be a successful “removal” because his attacker’s weapon misfired. Both Long and Kennedy died and Wallace spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Estulin, author of the global bestseller Club Bilderberg: The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, described the concept as a “trial balloon from the inner core within the inner core—it hasn’t gone beyond that but it is obviously on the table because I think that they are very much concerned.”

Estulin said his sources were from within the intelligence community and they were telling him that “the people of the highest levels of government—not related in any way, at least visibly, to George W. Bush—the first initial conversation of what might happen if we were to do this, has taken place.”

“The Ron Paul phenomenon has galvanized an entire nation,” said Estulin, adding that both the people who discovered the plot and its potential protagonists are terrified at the consequences of what such an action might be because of the difficulty in judging just how severely the general public will react.

Estulin said that the conspirators, which he described as a “small circle of intimates,” were discussing what the effect would be if Paul was “removed” —they are being very careful to use the word “remove” rather than more volatile terms. But Estulin was told directly that “remove” was a euphemism for assassinate.

James P. Tucker Jr., who has covered Bilderberg for more than 30 years for AFP, said he has been collaborating with Estulin for years. “We always pool the information we get out of Bilderberg, and Danny’s never been wrong,” he said.

Meanwhile Paul’s campaign raised more than $6 million on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

See more from reporter Pat Shannan at www.patshannan.com.

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Printed from: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2008/070108Crosshairs.htm"