"Israel Warns America Yet Again–There’s “Hell To Pay” For Not Attacking Iran
To most, the language appears all-too-familiar and not unlike the childhood story of the “boy who cried wolf”. Indeed, it has all the hallmarks of the typical fear-mongering all have come to know all-too-well in recent years featuring a paranoid Zionist military commander working for a notoriously paranoid nation and warning of the next “holocaust” if everyone does not immediately stop what they are doing, pay strict attention and follow the prescribed course of action as laid down by the Jewish state.
Speaking recently at a conference at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Minister of Defense Ehud Barak sternly warned his audience (and the world at large) that “If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it could try to attack the United States,” specifying that if the Islamic Republic built “even a primitive nuclear weapon” similar to the one used in “destroying Hiroshima” that she would “not hesitate to load it on a ship, arm it with a detonator operated by GPS and sail it into a vital port on the east coast of North America.”
The first thing in his statement sticking out like a sore thumb is his confidence, stating UNEQUIVICALLY that Iran “Would not hesitate” in detonating a nuclear weapon against the world’s most powerful nation. This is the same United States by the way that presently has enough firepower parked off Iran’s coast to destroy her 1,000 times over. This in itself begs the following question–Is this yet another case of the organically unstable Zionist mindset that has become all-too-familiar these days or is there something else? In other words–What does he know that others–including the most sophisticated intelligence agencies working for the US government–don’t know?
It is understandable that some would shrug such rhetoric off, and particularly after the billion or so instances where every man, woman and child on the planet has had to endure the “He wants to wipe Israel off the map” shtick that got real old real fast after the first 500,000 times.
In this case however it would be unwise to assume this latest development involving the defense minister is just another case of bluff and bluster and of the Jewish state “crying wolf” with regards to some new Hitler or Haman. Barak is not just ANY defense minister, but the defense minister a theocratic/fascist enclave that is just DYING to get a war started with Iran. Judging by the news headlines, this is all there is these days within the one-track Zionist mindset. IRAN/IRAN/IRAN/IRAN….No, in this instance the smart money says that these dire predictions may very well take place in what is commonly referred to as a “self-fulfilling prophesy”.
Therefore, what those familiar with Israel’s history should conclude by Barak’s statement is that this is not just another case of empty fear mongering on the part of the Jewish state, but rather a clear and present threat, namely that if America does not do the bidding of the Jewish state by attacking Iran that Israel–out of her black hat of magic tricks–will pull one of her made-to-order false flag attacks against America in order to “get the ball rolling“ in the right direction.
In other words, with the full blessings of every person, place or thing of measurable political power in the Jewish state including Israel’s intelligence service Mossad, Prime Minster Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister ‘Tzippy“ Livni, what Barak was saying in effect to all the various spies, analysts, intelligence officers and diplomats working in virtually every nation of the world was that–
“If Uncle Sam does not get busy with the business of opening up a new front in our war against the Islamic world, we, the Jewish people, will detonate one of our several hundred nuclear warheads in an east coast American city that will then be blamed on Iran…”
And just in case something might have been “lost in translation” and the thick-headed Gentiles towards whom the threat was being made did not “get it,” Barak concluded his remarks with “We are not taking any option off the table, and we recommend the world not take any option off the table, and we mean what we say.”
Obviously those “options” still “on the table” include Israel resorting to the kind of business in which she has dirtied herself in the past, which just so happens to include attacking (or allowing to be attacked) American interests in order to pin the blame on someone else.
Those who dismiss the possibility that such a threat was indeed made by Israel should understand that there is a language used in the criminal underworld–both at the street level and in the more “sophisticated” world of modern politics–that is almost imperceptible to all except the “initiated”. To the average person phrases such as “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse” sound like perfectly innocuous, simple tidbits of business parlance like “a deal too good to pass up” rather than death threats. Someone sending a personal clothing item along with two dead fishes seems more like a college fraternity prank rather than an announcement that a certain someone now rests peacefully at the bottom of a large body of water.
In truth though, the meaning they convey is one of life and death– “Give us what we want if you want to stay alive…”
And likewise with political language employed by states such as Israel, a nation founded by gangsters with gangster money and built on top of a gangster ideology that justifies any criminal behavior as long as it benefits “la famiglia”. What appear to be harmless statements made by persons of noted importance such as Barak actually have a significance far deeper than what is superficially apparent to the average Joe, and even if this significance is lost on the average person merely trying to live an honest life and pay his/her bills, it most assuredly has not been lost on the spies, analysts, diplomats and others whose job is to read between the lines when threats are being made in pursuance of certain geo-political demands.
It is no secret Israel wants (demands) Iran’s destruction and wants it done by non-Jews. Israel is a nation founded on 21st century BC ideas while at the same time trying to make these ideas work in a 21st century AD world. All the war, invasion, rape, conquest, plagues, smiting and bloodshed that are the meat and potatoes of the Old Testament are as much the principles upon which the Jewish state was founded as “We hold these truths to be self evident” are the bedrock of the American nation. The hysteria characterizing Israel’s reaction to the National Intelligence Estimate released in December 2007 by the 16 most powerful intelligence agencies working for the US government that stated categorically and unequivocally that Iran had no nuclear weapons program since 2003 betrayed the irrational, bloodlust mindset driving Israel and her desire to see her ancient Persian enemies destroyed as recounted in the Old Testament story found in the Book of Esther.
Therefore, Iran MUST be attacked, no ifs, ands or buts about it. In a day and age when the Jewish state needs these periodic clashes in order to achieve an otherwise-impossible sense of cohesiveness within an organically fractured, irrational and self-devouring political creature such as Israel, a re-enactment of Persia’s (Iran’s) defeat by God’s chosen people as occurred in the book of Esther does wonders in putting to rest any discussion concerning the “propriety” of the Jewish state’s existence.
As far as a nuclear attack on an east coast American city itself, the results of such an attack–apart from the human cost–would be incalculable in terms of economics and political instability. At a time when–not just America, but indeed the entire world–is so precariously perched at the edge of an abyss that threatens economic, political and social chaos, an American city going up in a mushroom cloud would set in motion a chain reaction the results of which are not difficult to imagine. The resulting meltdown would take–not just years, but more than likely generations to recover.
And once again, just as in 9/11, Israel–through one or many of her carefully ‘chosen’ spokespersons–would then go before world media with barely contained smirks and giggles and say “Well, don’t blame us, we warned you something like this was going to happen” . In the same flavor as the 5 dancing Israeli’s seen filming the destruction of the Twin Towers or Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks following 9/11 that the attacks on America resulting in the deaths of over 3,000 were “good” in that they would generate “immediate sympathy” for Israel, so too would the Jewish state capitalize on the event and shake her finger in the world’s face and say “tsk, tsk, tsk…should have paid better attention to the warnings we gave…” In the meantime, American leaders would be scrambling to deal with–not only the apocalyptic situation at hand, but as well the loss of public confidence in their ability to lead.
What is noteworthy about this latest threat is the fact that it is a follow-up to threats made directly to George Bush back in May when he visited the Jewish state to help celebrate Israel’s 60-year orgy of uninterrupted violence and bloodshed against the Gentiles who have suffered the unfortunate “honor” of living in such close proximity to God’s chosen people. Before the soles of his shoes had even gotten dirty after stepping on the hallowed ground of Israel he was met at the Ben Gurion airport by the “Men in Black”–meaning the Orthodox Rabbis–who then accosted him with a list of commandments and threats, all cryptic and apocalyptic in their nature, about what the leader of the free world would be facing if he was found slacking off with regards to his “duties” to the Jewish state. A partial list of their demands and threats included reminding him that “God ordained the nations of the world to strengthen the nation of Israel” while telling him to forget the idea of running away from his duty of making war against Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, specifying that American troops be used to protect the “Divine rights of the nation of Israel, and remove from her any threat.” The consequences of not doing these things were clear–“destruction” and ”Certain doom” that would “endanger all life on earth” and capping off their threats with “Your fate and that of all those with you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our land…”
..and about 5 months later–BATTA-BOOM!!!-out of seemingly nowhere, the economy of the United States enters a storm not seen since 1929. Indeed, it seemed as if the rabbis had friends in “high places”–protégé’s of Moses no doubt–who had the power to make such plagues happen. As a result of the economic turmoil that resulted in loss of jobs and a housing crisis without precedent since the great depression, George Bush, his party and his legacy found themselves swirling down the political sewer like a piece of used toilet paper.
Those who doubt Israel is capable (or willing) to go to such lengths need to better acquaint themselves with the USS Liberty, a US spy ship that–with complete foreknowledge of malice–was attacked by the air and naval forces of the Jewish state for 2 hours during the latter end of the 6 Day War. Israel’s obvious intention was that the ship be sunk, Egypt be blamed (in the same way as planned with the previously-unsuccessful “Lavon Affair”) resulting in a United States of America out for Arab blood, just as occurred following 9/11. As it was, F-4 Phantom jets–loaded for bear (meaning armed with nuclear weapons) were on their way to Cairo with orders to annihilate the capitol of Soviet-allied Egypt. It was only the miracle of Liberty’s refusal to sink–despite thousands of armor-piercing rounds, a thousand rockets, hundreds of gallons of napalm and 5 torpedoes–that prevented what would most likely have been a nuclear war between the United States and (what was at that time) the Soviet Union.
Dozens of other such examples of Israeli treachery against America abound, the most recent and notorious being her foreknowledge and direct involvement with the events on 9/11. Those who would scoff at the notion that the Jewish state is capable of doing such things–including detonating a nuclear weapon within an American city–should keep in mind that (just as she has said on more occasions than can be counted) she is not like other nations. In the words of her former Defense Minister Moshe Dayan she is ”a dangerous mad dog” on one hand and yet on the other she is the “embodiment of God,” a “light among nations” and “joy of the entire earth” as her political/religious caretakers describe her. While the other nations of the earth operate under for-the-most-part rational plans for their existence, Israel does not. She is like any cult community like Jim Jones’ Guyana or David Koresh’s Waco, and in the event her little experiment begins to show signs of failure, her solution is simple–scrap the whole thing, meaning 6 billion souls on earth–so that Israel’s God “Yahweh” can start over again with a clean slate and, hopefully, “do it right” the next time and make good on His promise to make “His” chosen people rulers of the earth.
And lest some think all of this is pure speculation on the part of anti-Semites with over-active imaginations and who read more into the language of gangsters than what is actually there, let Martin Van Creveld, one of Israel’s most respected military historians speak on the matter at hand–
“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under.”
--MORE--"Of course, they are likely IN IT TOGETHER, just like the CIA-Mossad job on 9/11!
"USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship

USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship
Is the United States going to put dictatorship into effect under the guise of the anti-terrorist struggle? What may trigger another major transformation in 2009? The answer is obvious: another 9/11 in the USA.
Terrible and bloody events are in store for the world in the beginning of 2009. Most likely, the world will witness a reality show with a nuclear blast, which will be used as a reason for the US administration to change the world order again and leave the new Great Depression behind. There is every reason to believe that the Russian Federation may suffer as a result of this possible initiative too.
Joe Biden made a sensational statement on October 19, 2008. He said that Barack Obama would have to undergo an ordeal during the first six months of his stay in the White House. It will be the time of a very serious international crisis, when Obama would have to make tough and possibly unpopular decisions both in home and foreign politics.
Biden said that there were four or five scenarios for the development of the international crisis. Afghanistan, North Korea or the Russian Federation may become the source of one of them.
When Obama learned of Biden’s speech, he tried to explain everything with rhetorical exaggerations. However, Biden’s remarks gave food for thought, taking into consideration the fact that former secretary of state Madeleine Albright described his remarks as statement of fact.
Apparently, the political elite in the United States is certain that their nation would soon suffer another mammoth terrorist act. This assumption became the subject of Michel Chossudovsky’s article “A Second 9/11„: An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine.”
The independent analysts presented a selection of statements, which US top officials released during the recent several years. For example, Michael Chertoff, the Homeland Security Secretary, said at Yale April 7, 2008 that modern technologies let even a small terrorist group kill hundreds of thousands of people. Dick Cheney stated May 26, 2008: “Nobody can guarantee that we won’t be hit again.”
The general public has been prepared for a possible mega terrorist act with hundreds of thousands of victims. The expectation of another major terrorist attack, Chossudovsky wrote, became a part of the US military doctrine to justify possible preemptive strikes, i.e. aggression. The analyst also wrote that the US administration was aiming the efforts of the national security services at the liquidation of the consequences of the Massive Casualty Producing Event. Moreover, the US establishment believes that such an event may unite the Americans. Tommy Franks, the then CENTCOM commander voiced this idea in 2003. He particularly said that another event with many casualties in the USA would revive the support of wartime laws. Franks also said that such an event would mark the end of democracy in America. To put it in a nutshell, it would mark the beginning of the era of dictatorship.The US administration planned Operation Northwoods in 1962, in which the US incursion into Cuba was supposed to be justified with a massive massacre of the Miami-based Cubans, as well as the explosion of a US warship in Guantanamo Bay. President Kennedy did not let the operation become a reality. The logic of Northwoods does not differ much from that of General Franks - a new mega terrorist act will justify the beginning of USA’s new aggression in the Middle East.
The Pentagon started to develop the plan of the new war in April 2006 – the third war after the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. Stew Bykovsky, a well-known columnist, said in his interview in August 2007 that America needed another 9/11 because the country had forgotten who its enemy was.
Which weapon would make it possible to conduct a major terrorist attack with countless casualties and produce the effect of universal panic? A nuclear weapon would suit this goal best. It would not be a hardship to say that a nuclear explosion was conducted by Islamic terrorists who stole nukes from Russia in the beginning of the 1990s. A nuclear mushroom grows somewhere in the USA and the country launches another war and introduces dictatorship.
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
Well, at least the LIE will NOT WORK THIS TIME because I -- and MILLIONS MORE like me -- are now WISE to FALSE-FLAGS and PATSIES!!!! You here me, globalist pukes?
WE KNOW NOW, and you will NEVER FOOL US again so DON'T BOTHER!!!!!!