Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Waste of a Two-Fitty

Which is what it costs to purchase the Sunday Boston Globe today. As I reflect upon the three post below, readers, I am just outraged at what is presented as "news" here upon a Sunday morning.

I'm going to link the stories so you can see for your self, but I'm not posting any of their material today. I want the three posts below to speak for themselves for a while (especially those

So let me take you through my painful and hurtful journey through the AmeriKan War Daily.

The first thing I noticed on the front page is the
airlines want to charge you for farting (well, not really, but they might as well. They hear a little "poot" from your seat, and well, you know, $10). The airlines screwing us isn't exactly news (where that $15 billion bailout after 9/11 went I'll never know), and my advice now is DON'T FLY! Make the airlines scream ruin so the police state and bogeyman of 'terrorism" is exposed for the FRAUD it is!!!!!

Next article is the tax dodge of war-looting contractors. So as the
American taxpayer takes a fleece-fucking and the war-looting contractors electrocute the troops (seriously, readers, where has all this $$$ gone and how come we never hear about the contractors in the MSM anymore and how come this stuff is trotted out every now and then, but nothing changes. Money still goes to 'em no matter what?), I'm to be criticized for expressing my rage at this occupation and the lies for 5 fucking years now when I never wanted them there from the start?

You know, I
hammered the good old U.S. and its puppet over the hospital attack in Iraq yesterday, and I'm not retracting it. Not when the (I hate to keep saying it, but it's totally true) Zionist-controlled media flat-out lie about it:

"there did not appear to be any damage to the hospital itself."

Of course, know one dies in Iraq and
everyone comes home safely -- at least, according to the government-scripted, agenda-promoted shit screed in front of me here. They never told the truth on Iraq, and I'm a fool for thinking they may someday.

Continuing on, as I flip open the stink sheet, it's the daily dose of China-bashing. The first item is the
mysterious outbreak of disease after all the attention being focused lately on China, and it is awfully suspicious what with their Tibet and Torch troubles.

Makes me think of the EndGam3 release of plagues to thin the population of the world (and there are a lot of those Chinese folk). I've stopped believing in "coincidence," readers, especially after observing the (sorry to say it again, but) agenda-pushing AmeriKan MSM.

After that is a little
ho-hum tucked away (some holocaust(s)™ are more important than other holocaust(s)™, you see. Like the ones going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, too. Nothing on Afghanistan today, either, readers. What is going on there?).

The final straw was the
pompous, lying butt-cheek coming forth with the idea of the day: Did the basketball player give a gang-banger sign to the opponent? Maybe that's why pro-basketball is fading in popularity (not that there is anything more important to discuss, like wars, the economy, our health care) -- never mind that the skill-level and quality of play stinks.

Closing the case file on the AmeriKan MSM press, readers.

(P.S. I haven't even looked at the New York Times website today (yes!), and I'll be taking time off to get some housework done around here, so this may be it for today. I'll check the blogs tonight).