Saturday, May 3, 2008

Occupation Iraq: Hospital Air Strike

Update: U.S. Media LIES!

"there did not appear to be any damage to the hospital itself."

Yup, right at the top of Google!

Keep reading, folks, for the proof.

"US airstrike damages hospital, Iraqi official says"

"U.S. attack damages hospital, Iraqi official says
  • Story Highlights
  • NEW: Guided rockets hit target of "known criminal elements," U.S. says
  • NEW: Roadside bomb kills Iraqi traffic officer, wounds eight people
  • At least 28 people wounded in U.S. attack near hospital, Iraqi says
  • Roadside bomb kills American soldier on patrol

BAGHDAD (CNN) -- At least 28 people were wounded Saturday morning in a U.S. attack on a building near a hospital in Baghdad's sprawling Sadr City slum, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.

Employees of al-Sadr Hospital were among the wounded and the facility's property sustained damage in the strike, including some ambulances, the official said.

In a statement, the U.S. military said the strike targeted "known criminal elements."

"We did hit the target, which was a criminal command and control center, which was near a hospital," the military said, adding that it was assessing damages.

The Interior Ministry official called the attack an airstrike, but the U.S. military said it was a guided multiple-launch rocket system strike. These guided rockets are launched from armored vehicles.

Al-Sadr Hospital is one of the two main medical facilities in the district, where Iraqi and U.S. troops have been battling Shiite militias loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

The strike apparently left a large hole in the ground near the hospital, video footage showed. Chunks of concrete and other rubble covered the ground, and car windows were shattered.

The southern portion of Sadr City has been walled off so that U.S. military and Iraqi security forces can control movements there.

Elsewhere in Baghdad, a roadside bomb exploded Saturday at a traffic patrol in the western part of the city, killing an Iraqi traffic policeman and wounding eight others, including six traffic police officers, a ministry official said.

Overnight, six people were killed and 25 were wounded in Sadr City, the Interior Ministry said. The U.S. military said it killed six "criminals."

On Friday, U.S. forces killed eight suspected militants during 10 hours of fighting in the Shiite neighborhood, a military statement said.

Also Friday, a U.S. soldier on combat patrol in eastern Baghdad was killed when a roadside bomb struck the soldier's vehicle, the military said.

The number of U.S. military deaths in the Iraq War stands at 4,066, including eight Defense Department contractors."

How many Iraqis have been killed, pricks?


"US rocket attack damages Baghdad hospital"

"A US rocket damaged a hospital in the Iraqi capital's violent Shiite stronghold of Sadr City on Saturday, wounding 28 people as American forces claimed to have killed 14 militants in the district.

The US military said it used a rocket system in an attack on militants in Sadr City that witnesses earlier reported was an air strike.

An AFP reporter at the scene said the district's main Al-Sadr hospital was badly damaged and a fleet of ambulances was destroyed.

Just outside the hospital, a shack which appeared to have been the target was reduced to a pile of rubble.

The military said it destroyed a "criminal element command and control centre" by munitions from a "rocket system" at approximately 10 am (0700 GMT).

"Intelligence reports indicate the command and control centre was used by criminal elements to plan and coordinate attacks against Iraqi security and coalition forces and innocent Iraqi citizens," it said.

Hospital staff said at least 28 people wounded in the strike were brought inside for treatment at the complex which had its windows shattered and medical and electrical equipment damaged.

Medical staff and other hospital workers were livid.

"They (the Americans) will say it was a weapons cache" that was hit, said the head of the Baghdad health department, Dr Ali Bistan, who arrived to assess the damage.

"But in fact they want to destroy the infrastructure of the country."

He charged that the attack was aimed at preventing doctors and medicines from reaching the hospital which is in an area that has seen increased clashes between American troops and militiamen loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

The hospital corridors were littered with glass shards, twisted metal and hanging electrical wiring. Partitions in wards had collapsed.

How come CNN didn't report this?!?!

It is reported as "the facility's property sustained damage."

Case CLOSED on AmeriKa's SHIT MEDIA, readers!!!!

Huge concrete blocks placed to form a blast wall against explosions had toppled onto parked vehicles including up to 17 ambulances, disabling emergency response teams.

Maybe that was the POINT!! Pffffttt!

Yup, we put up the concrete walls only to blast them down, destroying ambulances in the process!

Aaah! The sweet shit stink of "liberation!"

Nurse Zahra described her shock at the attack.

"I was very afraid. I thought I would die. Everyone was scared. They ran in all directions," she told AFP. "Now I'm more sad than frightened because hospital facilities have been destroyed."

Yeah, but we are rebuilding the Iraqis country for them! Sigh!

Oh, sorry, all that money was looted by War Contractors!

Hospital guard Alaa Mohammed, 26, was at a side entrance when the attack came. "There were five missiles that exploded outside the parking lot," he said.

An AFP reporter saw three huge craters, each about six metres (yards) across, created by the impact of the projectiles. Youths scrambled over the rubble to search for anyone trapped underneath.

Residents said that the shack that appeared to have been the main target of the strike was a transit point for Muslim pilgrims.

The AFP reporter witnessed several US helicopters sweeping above Sadr City amid a steady barrage of gunfire.

The strike came as the US military said it had killed at least 14 Shiite fighters since Friday in a series of clashes around Sadr City.

The firefights, which began at 7:20 am (0420 GMT) on Friday and have continued sporadically, saw US forces use air support and tanks as they clashed with militants in the impoverished district of some two million people.

We are literally taking it to them, readers!! Smashing the hell out of them!!


To weaken Sadr before October's elections!

On Friday, an M1A1 Abrams tank engaged "criminals" with one round from its main gun after Iraqi soldiers said they were shot at from a house, the military said.

"Three criminals were killed in the engagements," the military said.

So what did the tank do? Fire some shells into the house?

Oh MY GOD!!!!!

Later on Friday, an American warplane dropped a bomb and killed two others.

Dropped a bomb ON WHAT?

Nine other militants were killed in other exchanges, some of them early on Saturday.

US forces have been clashing with Shiite militiamen since March 25 in Sadr City. Hundreds of people have been killed, with followers of Sadr accusing the military of killing civilians.

But US military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Steven Stover said the militants were using "innocent civilians as shields for their activity."


So where the 3,000 victims of 9/11 human shields because CIA offices were in WTC 7?!

Here's the way the New York Times is reporting it:

"Missiles Strike Sadr City, Damaging Hospital"

"The ugly daily fight for ground in the poor Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City unfolded Saturday at a small mosque next door to a hospital, damaging the hospital and many of its ambulances, and near a group of children who were injured by the violence as they gathered tin cans to sell for salvage.

The first hit, close to the Sadr General Hospital, was American. After a night of clashes in the neighborhood, the Americans fired at least three “precision-guided munitions” at a small building next door to the hospital that neighbors said was used as a place of prayer for hospital employees, pilgrims and neighborhood residents.

Yeah, but there were "criminal elements" there!

You know, Reverend Wright was right:

GOD DAMN AmeriKa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twenty-eight people were wounded in the attack near the hospital, said Abdul Hussain Qassim, a hospital official.

The circumstances of the other strike are in dispute. The Americans said claims that they had attacked the children were “preposterous.”

Oh, really?!

Did you SEE the PICTURE at the top of this post, mass-murdering liar?

And the area where the hit occurred is near heavily contested ground. Shiite militias trying to hit nearby Iraqi Army and American forces have sometimes misfired, hitting areas near there in recent fighting.

But both instances underline sad truths about urban warfare. The daily horror for families and children living near the front line area of Sadr City is that who is a friend and who a foe is no longer a meaningful question. The militias use rocket propelled grenades, sniper rifles and mounted machine guns as well as AK-47 rifles while the Americans are shooting Hellfire missiles, tank rounds, and satellite-guided missiles as well as rounds from machine guns. Iraqi Army soldiers are also on the scene.

Yeah, but we aren't killing anyone!!

Notice also how the Times doesn't really tell you the level of destruction at the hospital like the non-AmeriKan MSM stories do!

Iraqi ambulances have been used to ferry weapons, and homes are used as safe houses for militia fighters.

Oh, so hitting the concrete barriers and smashing all the ambulances WAS PART of the PLAN then, huh?

Men in the vests of municipal road workers sometimes toil at burying improvised explosive devices while Iraqi and American forces have holed up in schools and Education Ministry buildings. Sometimes it feels as if nothing is what it seems.

That's the feeling I get reading the New York Times' "news" reports!!!!

Yeah, the mass-murdering slaughter is ALL THE IRAQIS FAULT -- according to the RACIST, ZIONIST Jew York Times here!

And I'm not posting all my links refuting such crap.

Type in FRU under my blog search and begin there, readers!

In the strike near the hospital, the sign at the iron gate at the entrance to the building demolished by the American strike reads “Imam Hussein’s Resthouse.”

The Americans described the building in a statement as “a “criminal element command and control center.”

“Intelligence reports indicate the command and control center was used by criminal elements to plan and coordinate attacks against Iraqi security and coalition forces and innocent Iraqi citizens,” the statement said.

Col. Gerald O’Hara, a spokesman for the multinational forces, underscored that the Americans “take great care to prevent any collateral damage and will continue to do so.”

“We don’t target civilians and regret any casualties,” he added.

I'm REALLY TIRED of AmeriKa's military and its LIES, readers!

They are about as credible as Bush!

But in an urban war — especially in an overcrowded area like Sadr City where at least two million people live — it is all but impossible to safeguard civilians and every strike runs the risk of alienating some people in the community whom the Americans insist they are trying to help in the long term.

Next door, in an area used as a parking lot for the hospital’s ambulances, a second missile hit, damaging a water line and creating a small pond, destroying three ambulances and shattering the windows in others. A third missile hit a generator nearby that supplied the neighborhood. The hospital’s generator was not damaged.

You know, if they just wanted to get that small shack where the "criminal elements" were hanging out, why did they have to keep peppering the hospital?!?!

So now the U.S. military has KNOCKED OUT POWER to Sadr City (might as well be Gaza fer chrissakes!!), and destroyed a water line to the neighborhood (after the Iraqis are already living in filth)!!!!

Nice going, asshole Americans!!!

I'll say it again then: GOD DAMN AmeriKa!!!!!

Doctors and nurses ran screaming as the blasts blew out hospital windows and shook the building, said one doctor, who asked that his name not be used.

About an hour later, at the front line between the southern part of the neighborhood that is held by the American and Iraqi military and the northern section that is held by Shiite militias, the group of children was hit, according to a child and one adult who was injured there and brought to the Sadr hospital.

Haider Abbas, 10, was brought to the hospital with what appeared to be a hole in his chest and shrapnel injuries across his stomach. The boy alternately screamed and whimpered in pain, barely able to answer a doctor’s questions.

A 10-year-old with a HOLE in his CHEST?!?

Like this:

“My friend brought me to the hospital, but we had to leave the other wounded kids behind,” he said. “The Iraqi Army refused to allow them to be evacuated but my friend took me anyway.”

Therefore, Maliki IS a WAR CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doctor, Abdul Rahman Hadi, said the boy was bleeding internally. “He needs surgery quickly,” Dr. Hadi said. “The irony is that not one of his relatives has come because he is an orphan.”

Another victim of that attack, Ahmmad Yahya, 31, whose leg was broken, said the Iraqi Army obstructed evacuation from the damaged area. “I was with a group of about 15 children who were collecting the empty cans or the trash in Jamila,” he said. “I don’t know why this happened.”

One of the leaders of the Sadr bloc in Parliament, Nassar al-Rubaie, condemned the attacks, which are mainly focused the Mahdi Army and other militias associated with Moktada al-Sadr, a cleric. “We blame the government as it stands watching quiet and does not lift a hand. The airstrikes are targeting civilians.”

“Today was a serious case because it included the hospitals and the ambulances,” he said. “This is aggression in the full sense of the word.”

Also on Saturday, the Turkish military announced that it had killed 150 fighters in Kurdistan where fighters for the rebel Kurdish group, the PKK, and allied groups have remote redoubts.

Oh, yeah, ALMOST FORGOT about THAT FRONT in the occupation -- no thanks to the Zionist-controlled, agenda-pushing, obfuscating AmeriKan MSM!!!!!

But Bryar Gabary, a spokesman for one of the allied groups, said, “The Turkish incursions on Friday killed six of our fighters.”

The military announced Saturday that an American soldier was killed Friday when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device in eastern Baghdad."

An American died? Who cares?

Americans don't seem to, otherwise they'd be storming Washington, so why should I?