Countries such as Cambodia may be vulnerable to the higher food costs that a United Nations report is projecting for the next 10 years. (HENG SINITH/ASSOCIATED PRESS/file)
A SCANDAL of MONUMENTAL proportions... and yet I get a contradictory and sanitized account in my AmeriKan MSM War Daily.
"Study sees decade of high food prices; Poor countries may suffer more hunger" by John Ward Anderson and Howard Schneider, Washington Post | May 30, 2008
Almost as if it were a plan!
PARIS - Uncertain weather, rising demand in developing countries, and the increased use of grains for biofuel will probably keep food prices higher than average over the next 10 years and make it harder for the world's poorest countries to feed themselves.
I never liked that idea, burning food for fuel.
In their latest annual assessment of global agriculture, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said the current record levels for grain, milk, oils, and other staples will probably fall as drought conditions abate in major grain-producing countries and as higher food prices encourage production in others.
WTF? Are the prices going down or up?! Both?
But, for a variety of reasons, the agencies said that high food prices are probably here to stay: Between 2008 and 2017, beef and pork are likely to cost about 20 percent more than they did between 1998 and 2007; milk, wheat, and corn are expected to cost as much as 60 percent more; vegetable oils as much as 80 percent more.
Those projections do not account for inflation. When overall price increases are taken into account, the cost of some types of food may actually fall, the agencies said.
I'm confused? WTF?!
Or is this just an article to get Americans to accept rising food costs 'cause of our crap dollar?
But as the balance between the global demand and supply of food becomes tighter, the effect on prices "will differ across commodities." The higher nominal cost of staples, meanwhile, will lead to "increased vulnerability" for the world's poorest, the report concluded.
Almost as if it were a plan!
But the richers never suffer, so WTF?
"There is strong reason to believe that there are now also permanent factors underpinning prices that will work to keep them both at higher average levels than in the past and reduce the long-term decline in real terms," the 72-page report said. "For the Least Developed Countries . . . the projections thus show greatly increased vulnerability and uncertain food supplies during an era of high commodity prices and high price volatility."
Record-high food prices in recent months have touched off riots in some countries, prompted others to consider curbing exports, and led consumers in even the developed world to change how they shop and eat.
Ah, yes, the GLOBALIST PLAN -- just like with your hot fart misting carbon footprint, 'murkn!!!!
But the richers will just keep getting more.
That make you happy as you chow shit, 'murkn?
Some reasons for the recent price spikes are short-term, the report said, including adverse weather conditions that hit major grain producers. Other dynamics affecting prices are probably more permanent. The demand for alternative fuels produced by agricultural products is expected to continue rising.
Starving to DRIVE, 'eh, world?
And as incomes increase in developing nations such as China and India, people are switching from such traditional staples as rice to meat and dairy products, which require more land to produce.
Overlaying these basic issues, the report says, are other variables that could strongly affect whether and how fast food prices fall from their current levels - including the record price of oil and the possible impact climate change could have on future food production.
WTF?! Are they GOING UP or NOT?
Or do they just not know and peddling more agenda-pushing BS?
"Before recent price increases . . . hundreds of millions of people were going hungry because they could not afford food. With higher prices, the numbers of people suffering from extreme hunger has increased even further," the report said.
And the world hardly bats an eye (as my stomach growls, too! I'm down to one meal a day!)
While high prices help food producers, "the poor, and in particular the urban poor in net food importing countries, will suffer more. In many low-income countries, food expenditures average over 50 percent of income and the higher prices contained in this Outlook will push more people into undernourishment . . .
As per plan!
"Rising food prices mean an erosion of the capacity to meet basic needs, and this is likely to become a potential source of political tension and even violence."
The report outlined the effect rising food prices have had in the last year, jumping more than 20 percent in China, Kenya, and Sri Lanka; more than 18 percent in Botswana and Pakistan; and from 11 percent to 14 percent in Indonesia, South Africa, Egypt, Haiti, and Bangladesh.
The report questions the rush to divert food products to energy uses, saying biofuels are a major factor in driving up food costs, but asserting that they have little demonstrable benefit on energy production or the environment.
Pfffffffftt! Thanks, global-warming cultists, for fucking over our food supply!!
Maybe YOU ought to be the ones going HUNGRY!!!!
"Biofuel demand is the largest source of new demand in decades and a strong factor underpinning the upward shift in agricultural commodity prices," a trend that is expected to continue, the report said. It estimates that 40 percent of the US corn crop could be destined for energy production by 2017, even though the benefits of biofuels "are at best modest."
If the 80% population reduction is carried through, we will all be long gone by then.
When you consider that evil plan the ethanol makes sense for the cream elite that will be left on the planet, huh, readers?
WTF are they TALKING ABOUT? I don't know about that dollar anymore, and WHY are they saying PRICES will FALL?
What is with this article, anyway? Is this just ANOTHER AGENDA-PUSH so Americans don't get upset about the never-ending rise of food prices because their currency is collapsing?
So they don't raise a ruckus as they starve while the elite party?