Here are some of them:

Demonstrators shouted slogans in Baghdad's Sadr City district as they held placards of cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Baghdad and other cities. (Karim Kadim/Associated Press)
"US-Iraq security proposal meets mounting opposition; Americans insist they're not seeking permanent bases" by Robert H. Reid, Associated Press | May 31, 2008
BAGHDAD - Tens of thousands rallied in several cities yesterday against a proposed US-Iraqi security agreement, raising doubts that negotiators can meet a July target to complete a pact to keep US troops in Iraq after the current UN mandate expires.
Gotta cover those protests, huh, MSM-- as long as they are on foreign shores?
Covered because they threaten AmeriKa's imperial plan -- as long as they are not here!!!
Although US officials insist they are not seeking permanent bases, suspicion runs deep among many Iraqis that the Americans want to keep at least some troops in the country for many years....
The U.S. doesn't admit it, but that's what it is!!
C'mon, AmeriKan MSM!! The Iraqis ain't stoo-pid like Amurkns!!!!
Rallies in Baghdad and several other Iraqi cities followed prayer services yesterday.... opposition to the agreement appears to be growing beyond the Sadrist movement.
Yeah, sure. It was ALREADY THERE, pukes!!!
NO ONE likes to be under an OCCUPATION, especially one as bloody and deadly as this one!!!
A militant Sunni clerical group, the Association of Muslim Scholars, denounced the "ring of secrecy" surrounding the talks and said the proposed deal would pave the way for "military, economic, and cultural domination" by the Americans.
That's the PLAN!!!
Oh, and that kinda puts a big, gaping hole in the "sectarianism" issue, huh?
Also see: Memory Hole: The Dream Vacation
Memory Hole: Sistani's Reach
Memory Hole: The Uniters of Islam
On Thursday, the head of the country's biggest mainstream Shi'ite party, Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, said some unspecified points under negotiation "violate Iraq's national sovereignty," adding that a "national consensus" was emerging against the proposed agreement.
Hakim is Sadr's main rival in the majority Shi'ite community, and he maintains close ties to the country's main Shi'ite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. Aides to the powerful ayatollah say he also has reservations about the deal.
Nothing like an AmeriKan occupation to unite people!!!
Before the protests yesterday, Sadr's office in Baghdad issued a statement branding the negotiations "a project of humiliation" aimed at turning Iraq "into a small stooge of the United States."
Stooge, puppet, same thing.
.... Rallies against the security deal occurred as the US military was seeking to contain the public relations damage caused by reports that an American Marine handed out coins promoting Christianity to Sunni Muslims in the former insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.
Sunni officials and residents said a Marine distributed about 10 coins at a checkpoint controlling access to the city, the scene of one of the fiercest battles of the war.
One side asked: "Where will you spend eternity?" The other contained a verse from the New Testament: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16."
The US military responded quickly to the incident, first reported by McClatchy Newspapers, removing a Marine from duty pending an investigation. Military regulations forbid proselytizing any religion.
"Indications are this was an isolated incident, an individual Marine acting on his own accord passing out coins," Lieutenant Colonel Chris Hughes, a spokesman for US forces in western Iraq, said in an e-mailed statement.
Distribution of the coins was the second perceived insult to Islam by American service members this month. A US Army sniper was sent out of the country after using a Koran, Islam's holy book, for target practice in a predominantly Sunni area west of Baghdad."(Blog author just shaking his head)
By the way, how many bases is the U.S. thinking of setting up?