Not enough to counteract the daily barrage of propaganda and lies.
"Let the truth lie: Re: Too much time on our hands"
"This is an unusual post in that it is an open response to a comment to the previous post, “Bushwacked: Bushisms [with some added Insight]”. Thanks to What Really Happened there have been literally thousands of visitors to the post, something that is not only very encouraging, it is quite humbling to know that so many people have taken the time to read what I have written. Having said that it would seem that at least one reader has taken umbrage at the idea that there are some individuals who seem unable to swallow the “official” story that the government has tried (on a number of occasions) to shove down our throats regarding the series of events leading up to and following the 9/11 events.
An anonymous poster left the following comment: “I think we all have too much time on our hands - 911 has been proven in many scientific studies to be as it was first reported e.g. Seffen at
To dismiss the idea of those who do not accept the 9/11 storyline as the Gospel as sharing some sort of collective delusion or mass hysteria is quite convenient, but, alas, rather unsatisfactory … sort of like the explanations for the collapse of WTC 7 (and the subsequent explanations for the molten pools of metal in the basements of each building several DAYS after the fires were extinguished … molten pools that were hotter than burning jet fuel … but I digress). Collective delusions are easily dismissed for simple reasons, not the least of which being that many people who doubt the “story” of 9/11 are not hard-core conspiracy theorists, they are from all walks of life and share a curiosity for the truth and a disdain for the obfuscations that are spouted by the government and their talking heads.
I have only one more thing to say: let the evidence speak for itself; honour the dead with the truth and honour the soldiers by bringing them home from an unjust war.