Sunday, May 25, 2008

CrazyComposer Quotes

"Bushwacked: Bushisms [with some added Insight]"

"I don't usually post things like this, but it is too precious too pass up ... and besides, I decided to have some more fun with it and add my own comments to the wise sayings that the president has tried to pass off onto his adoring public. My comments come after the initial quote and take either take the form of an actual comment on the quotation or, in several cases, take the form of an extension of the original [sic] idea as presented by the president. Regardless of which form the comment takes, they are always contained within square brackets and are located after the name of the president ... though it shouldn't be that difficult to follow [Just to prevent confusion].

The original source for these wonderful quotations is here, or from the DesertPeace site, where I initially found it ... I hope you enjoy the extras that only a CrazyComposer can provide....

Quotes and commentary

.... Only a year ago I had the following as my e-mail signature ... it seemed especially appropriate at the time, and even more so now given the fact that the president had the audacity to claim that the potential election of a president from the Democratic Party, as opposed to a democratically elected president, would lead to the deaths of more Americans. Go George ... really ... go. Please ... quickly.

“With George W. Bush as the President the definition of paranoia must be completely redefined; no longer is it irrational for someone to live in the fear that agents of their own government will be ordered to deprive them of their civil liberties, or that the government itself may have been ushered into power by an overt manipulation of the "democratic" process. Paranoia has become the watchword of civil responsibility as anyone with a semblance of consciousness and conscience questions the state of affairs in which the United States is embroiled.” Amsel, 28/05/07"