Thursday, May 22, 2008

Obama v. McCain

Obama winning on EVERY FRONT, readers!


"McCain slowly gaining on Obama in funds"

"John McCain is reducing the campaign cash gap with Barack Obama, his likely opponent in November's presidential election. But the presumptive Republican nominee is still well behind Obama, who has been smashing every fund-raising record as he reaches the verge of the Democratic nomination.

Eat your heart out, Hitlery!

In April, the campaigns reported, McCain brought in nearly $18 million to Obama's $31 million. That's a smaller gap than the $15 million to $40 million disparity in March, and the $8 million to $39 million difference in February.

For the entire campaign, McCain has raised $93 million to Obama's $266 million. Obama's performance suggests he might be the first presidential candidate since the post-Watergate reforms to opt out of public financing for the general election.

That can't be right! If I remember correctly, Bush didn't take public money.

Maybe I am wrong, but that doesn't seem right. Obama would be the first?

The Obama and McCain campaigns have been jockeying on the issue, with McCain accusing Obama of going back on his word to take part in the public system, financed by income tax checkoffs (Boston Globe May 22, 2008)."

What, after McCain has gone back on so many things?


"Obama pulling ahead of McCain in recent voter poll"

EAT THAT, Hitlery!!!!!!!!

"As Barack Obama closes in on the Democratic nomination, his prospects for November are looking up, a new poll suggests.

Obama, who was tied with John McCain last month in the survey, now leads 48 percent to 40 percent, according to the Reuters/Zogby poll released yesterday.

Obama builds his lead among independents - 47 percent to 35 percent - and also has an edge in who voters say would be better for the economy.

Despite losing four of the last six primaries to Hillary Clinton, Obama leads McCain among some groups he has been losing to Clinton: Catholics, Jews, union households, and voters making less than $35,000 a year.

Translation: The AmeriKan MSM and their Clinton-pimping garbage is ALL BULLSHIT!!!!!

The whole "RACE" and "ELECTABLITY" issues are is BULLSHIT!!!!

"Every problem Obama has had in consolidating his base and reaching to the center, John McCain has the same sort of problem," pollster John Zogby told Reuters.

The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points (Boston Globe May 22, 2008)."

Also see:

"Among all voters polled, Clinton led McCain 46 percent to 41 percent, with strong support from women and blacks. Obama led 48 percent to 37 percent with strong backing from independents and blacks."


"Obama, McCain camp trade barbs over issue of lobbyists"

"As John McCain hammers Barack Obama daily on his willingness to talk to leaders of objectionable regimes, Obama is hitting back on McCain and lobbyists in the upper reaches of his campaign.

"We need a president who sees the government not as a tool to enrich friends and high-priced lobbyists, but as the defender of fairness and opportunity for every American," Obama said at a rally yesterday in Tampa....

USA Today reported yesterday that as recently as last November, McCain's top foreign policy advisor, Randy Scheunemann, was lobbying McCain's Senate office on behalf of the republic of Georgia at the same time he was working for the campaign (Boston Globe May 22, 2008)."

Oh, yeah, and here is something the AmeriKan MSM has left alone:

"Pastor Hagee believes Hitler was sent to drive the Jews out from under the rocks they were living in and drive them to Israel through mass extermination. Furthermore, God gave the Jews a chance to go to Israel on their own and when they didn't, he sent Hitler to hunt them down.

You don't believe it? Listen for yourself:

John McCain's Pastor Says Hitler Was Sent by God to Kill the Jews"



I'll bet if Rev. Wright had said that it would still be "news."

Case closed on AmeriKa's MSM, readers!