Thursday, May 22, 2008

McCain's VeeP

"McCain could be actually considering someone he knows well, such as Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, a Connecticut independent and the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee."

Why am I
NOT surprised, readers?

"As host, McCain invites speculation; Guest list includes Romney, 2 others who may fill ticket"

WASHINGTON - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain plans to host three potential running mates this weekend at his ranch in Sedona, Ariz. - including former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, one of his chief rivals for the GOP nomination....

Despite their bruising primary fight, Romney has become an active surrogate for McCain in attacking Democratic front-runner Barack Obama....

Oh, so that was all a bunch of POLITICAL FOOLEYS, huh?

Political analyst Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political science professor, said....

McCain could be actually considering someone he knows well, such as Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, a Connecticut independent and the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee....

Sabato said a McCain-Romney ticket would also have liabilities.

Romney "brings nothing" to the table politically, because he'd be unlikely to help McCain carry any major states, and his presence on the ticket would raise more questions about his Mormon religion, Sabato said....

Well, Mitt is OUT after what happened to the Mormons in Texas!!!!

And is it not ODD that Joe's Zionist Jewishness isn't considered a handicap or issue? Readers, case closed!!!

And the nasty fight between the two Republicans during the primary might have left some hard feelings, Sabato said.

What the fuck? Playing POLITICAL FOOLEYS again?

"Probably, they don't have chemistry," Sabato said. "They don't get along terribly well."

WTF? Mitt seems to be fine with him now.

Could that all have been an ACT, readers?

McCain and Romney traded increasingly nasty attacks verging on name-calling. McCain compared Romney to a pig and called him a flip-flopper, while Romney branded the Arizona senator a dishonest liberal just 10 days before offering him his endorsement in February. The two insisted at a press conference that they had set aside their differences for the common goal of keeping the White House in Republican hands."


Which is why I get tired of posting them.