Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Catching Up on the Democratic Nomination

Because I no longer read the politics off the AmeriKan MSM newspaper web sites, I have to pick up the blogs:

"Does Hillary Deserve the Nomination? It's Not the Math, Stupid"

"SCREW what the voters want, we KNOW our gal is the best!!!!"


Setting aside the fact that much of Hillary's "math" seems more attributable to vote fraud than to real support, the hard fact is that Hillary won in West Virginia not because they are white and working class but because they are white, and to be blunt, still carrying a grudge form the civil war! Nobody ever expected Obama to do well in West Virginia and they are not expecting him to do well in Kentucky either.

But the bottom line, this IS about the math, because this nation is supposed to be a Democracy with free and fair elections, where the PEOPLE decide who the leaders will be, not vote-riggers, not ballot box stuffers, not "Superdelegates" and certainly not back room deals.

If the Democrats were worried about winning in November they should have put forward candidates that do not carry the taint of Iran-Contra, Whitewater, the S&L debacle, the travel-office firings, the death of Vincent Foster, Marc Rich, the Rose Law Firm Billing Records, the Cattle Futures Trades, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If the Democrats were worried about winning in November they should have obeyed the popular mandate with which they were sent to Congress in 2006, ended the war, jailed everyone who lied us into it, and impeached Bush and Cheney. But starting with Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have proven that they cannot be trusted to keep their promises once elected (not that the GOP are any better) and if the Democrats go down to defeat in November it will be the fault of the Democrats in Congress who rolled over again and again and again before "The Decider." -- Mike Rivero of

And get a load of what a fraudulent liar Ms. Clinton is (thanks, blogger):

"Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now"

Customer: "Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now."

Pet-shop owner: "No, no he's not dead, he's -- he's resting! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian blue, isn't it, aye? Beautiful plumage!"

-- From "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

Hillary Clinton, pining for the Rose Garden.

Hillary Clinton, pining for the Rose Garden. (By Ricky Carioti -- The Washington Post)

The Ex-candidate: She steps from the plane and pretends to wave to a crowd of supporters; in fact, she is waving to 10 photographers underneath the airplane's wing'


My addition
from link:

"She pretends to spot an old friend in the crowd, points and gives another wave; in fact, she is waving at an aide she had been talking with on the plane minutes earlier."


TERRORIST she is!!!!!

Oh, by the way, West Virginia was