Monday, May 12, 2008

The Clinton-Lieberman Final Solution

Yeah, it is amazing how the TERRORIST Hitlery Clinton isn't called to account for her remarks (among so many, this the most egregious).

Oh, that's right. Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM takes care of that.

Can you tell I have had it with them and the "AmeriKan politics," readers?

"Hillary Clinton’s “Final Solution” to the Persian Problem"

"by Robert Weitzel
Sunday May 11, 2008

To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it . . . An evil unchecked is the prelude to genocide.” -- Dr. Mordechai: The Ezekiel Option -

There are over 70 million human beings living in Iran, 17.5 million of whom are under the age of fifteen. Hillary Clinton vowed to attack Iran and “totally obliterate” the majority of the Persian race in a furnace of primordial fire should the Iranian government attack Israel with nuclear weapons, which they do not now possess or are likely to for some time—if ever.

Hillary’s “final solution” to the Persian problem bests Adolf Hitler by a magnitude of ten.

Missing in Clinton’s campaign trail pandering to America’s pro-Israel lobbies and the mushrooming evangelical Christian Zionist movement is the “inconvenient truth” that Israel has the most modern and most deadly army in the Middle East thanks to an annual $3.5 billion in American aid—one third of the U.S. aid budget.

Israel is also a major nuclear power in the region—though it refuses to admit it—with up to 200 nuclear warheads and the inter-continental-range ballistic missiles to deliver them and, according to the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment, also has an undeclared offensive chemical and biological warfare program.


And the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM is WHERE on ISRAEL'S WMD?!?!

Case closed on those propaganda pushers, readers.

Israel, along with India and Pakistan are the only three nations not to have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is a signatory of the NNPT, by the way.

The most inconvenient truth, however, is that Israel has a 60-year history of attacking— with American-supplied armaments—any Arab country it perceives as a threat, nuclear-armed or slingshot-armed alike. Israel’s bombing of Iraq’s Osirak nuclear facility in 1981 comes to mind as an example of the former, its shelling of Gaza the latter.

Israel can and will “ preemptively defend” itself against Iran
, the country that a February 2008 International Atomic Energy Agency report concluded has not diverted nuclear material to non-peaceful purposes. Unfortunately for the 70 million Persians in Hillary’s bombsight, Iran’s biggest liability is its president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—but then the U.S. is equally burdened.

So the real truth behind Clinton’s “final solution” to the Persian problem or John McCain’s “bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran” off-key hyperbole is not simply a “David and Goliath” struggle for survival, but is instead a cynical exploitation of the unholy marriage of convenience between fanatical Jewish Zionists who want a Muslim-free Eretz Israel in order to fulfill Old Testament prophecy and bring about the first coming of their Messiah and fanatical Christian Zionists who want the entire Middle East in flames to fulfill New Testament prophecy and bring about the Second Coming of their Messiah.

Jewish Zionists need the money and the political clout of the Christian Zionists. Christian Zionists need the Semitism and the chutzpah of the Jewish Zionists. Politicians need the votes that both groups can deliver, which in religion-drenched America is a hefty consignment.

According to a 2006 Pew Research Center poll, fully 44 percent of Americans believe that “God gave the land that is now Israel to the Jewish people” and 36 percent believe the “creation of the state of Israel is a step toward the Second Coming of Jesus.”

That's what Zionist brainwashing and control of AmeriKan culture has done.

Depending on which poll is the most accurate, there are between 105-135 million evangelical and born-again Christians in the United States. Of these Christians, a 2004 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews poll found that 31 percent identified U.S. support for Israel as their “primary consideration” in selecting a presidential candidate, while 64 percent cited it as an “important factor.”

Predictably then, when Hillary Clinton or John McCain threaten to obliterate Iran, or any predominately Muslim country in the Middle East, with nuclear weapons, the primary audience for their saber rattling is not the Muslim “evildoers” but is, instead, the pro-Israel lobby and the Christian Zionist muscle in America who are willing to see the “ultimate evil” committed to further their ideological and eschatological agenda.

Nowhere does “ultimate evil” play a more prominent role than in the End Time machinations of two well-connected Christian Zionists, Tim LaHaye and John Hagee.

Tim LaHaye is best known as the coauthor of the blockbuster Left Behind series, which has sold over 60 million copies worldwide. The pulp fiction series takes the Book of Revelation as its inspiration and chronicles the tribulations that will occur between the Rapture of born-again Christians and the Second Coming of Jesus. The blood and viscera of millions of infidels and heretics—unrepentant Atheists, Jews, Muslims, and Catholics—are spattered on every page.

Mine must be there somewhere, huh?

That's another reason for this blog -- to prevent these insane assholes from fulfilling this sick "dream!!!!"

Tim LaHaye is least known as the founder and first president of the secretive Council for National Policy. The CNP was formed in 1981 as an umbrella organization to advance an ultra-conservative, right wing Christian agenda. LaHaye’s particular agenda items include replacing U.S. secular law with Old Testament biblical law and a Middle East foreign policy that expedites the Second Coming.

According to the New York Times, the CNP consists of “a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country” who meet “behind closed doors at undisclosed locations…to strategize about how to turn the country to the right.” Though the membership of the CNP is a guarded secret, a list of those known to have been associated with it reads like a who’s who of Christian Zionists and neocon ideologues whose passion is to see the Middle East in flames and in chains.

A short list includes: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, former Attorney Generals John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales, former U.N. ambassador John Bolton, the late Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Phyllis Schlafly, and Oliver North—the guy who sold weapons to Iran using Israel as the middleman.

Why am I not surprised, readers. It's always the same cast of criminals, isn't it?

Do not be blindsided. The CNP is a major player in domestic and foreign policy decisions and the “evil” that results.

John Hagee, televangelist and pastor of the 19,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, is the founder of Christian United for Israel. Hagee formed CUFI in 2005 following the publication of his book, The Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World, which sports a mushroom cloud on its cover and argues for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West.

Hagee’s theology—and vision of the future—focuses on selected apocalyptic passages from the Old Testament. He believes that a nuclear strike against Iran will cause Arab nations to unite under Russian leadership, as outlined in the Book of Ezekiel, leading to an “inferno [that] will explode across the Middle East, plunging the world toward Armageddon.” Consequently, CUFI exists to set the fires of the Apocalypse and bring about the Rapture and the Second Coming, but it needs Jewish Zionists to strike the match.

You know, given the situation over there right now, that is not an inconceivable scenario -- in fact, it is likely if Israel nukes Iran.


The end of the world may come someday, but NOT ON MY WATCH!!!!!!

May these damn nutcases burn in hell forever!!!!!

Christians United for Israel is the evangelical equivalent of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the powerful pro-Israel lobby courted and placated by every American politician who has national aspirations. John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama have each pledged their fealty to AIPAC.

See you, AmeriKa!!!

How about having a president whose "fealty" is towards AMERICA?!

John Hagee is not without his own short list of beltway benefactors. The list includes, but is not limited to: George W. Bush, House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, Senator Joe Lieberman—who called Hagee an "Ish Elokim," a man of God—and John McCain who was “very honored by Pastor John Hagee's endorsement [for president].”

So McCain and Lieberman are big supporters of the crazy pastor Hagee, huh?

When Christian Zionists with the stature of LaHaye and Hagee shill for fanatical Jewish Zionists who are promoting the ethic cleansing of Eretz Israel for biblical or nationalistic reasons or the pre-emptive “defensive” nuking of Iran, politicians with the stature of Hillary Clinton and John McCain, along with a hefty consignment of the electorate, are their willing dupes. It’s just the politics of religion as usual in America.

But Jewish Zionists need to understand that the difference between Christian Zionists and Muslim suicide bombers is scale, a nuclear warhead versus a backpack bomb, and a willingness to let others do the killing—and the dying—for them.

Jewish Zionists should also keep in mind that Christian Zionists have no intention of being around when the sands of the Middle East are turned to glass in a furnace of primordial fire. They will have been Raptured and out of harm’s way in Paradise. Their Bible tells them so."

They don't care; they will get the foolish goy to kill themselves fighting for Israel first!!!!

Biography: Robert Weitzel is a contributing editor to Media With a Conscience. His essays regularly appear in The Capital Times in Madison, WI. He can be contacted at:

Here's Joe the Zionist Jew's contribution to the "debate."

"Lieberman: Airstrikes in Iran are ‘a distinct possibility.’"

Gonna be a shitty summer, 'murkns. You READY for MORE WAR?!

"This morning, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, where Pat Buchanan asked him whether he believed “the United States states should conduct air strikes on the Iranian Quds force in Iran if they do not stop” interfering in Iraq. Lieberman replied that he “hoped” the U.S. would not have to strike at “the people who are responsible for killing Americans,” but said that the Iranians should “have in mind that it’s a distinct possibility.” Watch it:

I'm glad the bloggers pick up and watch this crap, because I never do anymore. I don't watch yak-yaks like Scarborough, Matthews or Olbermann anymore.

AmeriKa's MSM is vapid and full of bullshit fooleys, so I simply don't watch anymore. Other than a few minutes each day to see what ZNN thinks the top stories are, I don't watch AmeriKan MSM TV.

Lieberman, one of the most vocal supporters of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), has been pushing for war with Iran for a long time. As far back as last June, he said that the U.S. had “to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq.”


BUCHANAN: Now, Do you believe that the United States should conduct air strikes on the Iranian quds force in Iran if they do not stop this and do you expect president Bush to do something like that because almost everyone in the administration at a high level, including gates, are saying this hasn’t stopped, it’s going on.

LIEBERMAN: Pat, I hope we don’t have to get to the point of moving in any way into Iran to strike at the base of the people who are responsible for killing Americans. But I hope that the Quds force and the Iranian government has in mind that that is a distinct possibility because let’s be direct about this — and that’s why I asked General Petraeus the question — the Iranians have been equipping to go back and are responsible for the killing of hundreds of American soldiers. This is an outrageous act of the kind of proxy war against us. These people have American blood on their hands and plenty of Iraqi blood as well. I want them to understand that if they don’t stop this, they run the risk having us strike the lines that they are using, the bases, the depots that they have. Pat, you just can’t sit back.

BUCHANAN: I know that, Senator. What I want to ask you is look, I was with Richard Nixon and they doing this from Cambodia and he finally said, Enough, and he bombed the base camps in Cambodia and even went into them. Why is President Bush hesitating to do what should be done, in your judgment, to protect American soldiers from these IEDs, rockets, mortars and other things which are steadily pouring in and they’re using them to fire into the Green Zone?

LIEBERMAN: Yeah, well, obviously President Bush is the only one to answer that question. I’m sure one of the reasons is that he hopes the diplomatic efforts, including now some real strong action by Prime Minister Maliki from Baghdad. Maliki sent a delegation to Tehran about two weeks ago to say to the Iranian government high up, Cut it out. This not only is killing Americans, it’s killing Iraqis. It is a violation of Iraqi sovereignty. He has now appointed a special committee to pull the facts together. I think the best way for a real military conflict to be avoided is for the Iraqis to tell their neighbors, We want to live in peace with you but not going to stand by nor are the Americans if you continue to come in here and basically, through militias and extremists, kill thousands of Iraqis and Americans.

And what if you invade a country on lies and kill millions of them, Joe?

Also see:
Memory Hole: A Connecticut Stink in King George's Court

McCain's Minder