Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Poland: The Latest Victim of the Holocaust™ Racket

"Poland: The latest country to fall prey to the Holocaust™ Racket"

"The latest victims of fraud in Eastern Europe are the Poles, who now, according to their PM, want to "address" the issue of Holocaust™ reparations. Why in the hell should the Poles pay anything?

Anyone who's read some history of WW II will realize that the Poles got hammered by the German Wehrmacht at the beginning and then pounded by the Red Army towards the end of the war.

In eastern Poland, during WW II, the Bolsheviks sent out roaming death squads, that eventually murdered hundreds of thousands of Poles. Guess what group of people formed the Bolsheviks and led these death squads against the Poles?

If anybody should be getting payments for WW II, it should be the Poles getting paid, not the Poles paying off these latest Holocaust™ extortion schemes.

Maybe Poland is going to use some of the cash from Uncle Sam--who will be pouring billions into that missile shield--to pay off the shysters of the Holocaust™ racket.

Not content with using the Holocaust™ racket to shake down even more money from Eastern Europe, these world class con artists are going back to one of their favorite marks, the German people, as this article shows.

Germany has already paid more than TWO BILION dollars to these fraudsters, plus given away an immense amount of military equipment to Israel, like those subs that are sneaking around the Persian Gulf, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles that have nuclear and conventional warheads.

Let's see, the Red Cross said that there was 100,000 survivors of the Holocaust™ alive at the end of WW II. But these people have amazing powers of recuperation and the ability to reproduce more survivors, since the number now stands at around 250,000 Holocaust™ survivors.

But wait, there's more: As this article shows, the Claims Conference--sort of like Mafia HQ for the Jews--is now saying that there won't be enough money to go around to the year 2020 for these "survivors" and that they are looking at means to fund these poor souls in their golden years.

It don't take no rocket scientist to see where this is heading: More Holocaust™ claims from an ever increasing amount of "survivors" who need all the money they can get in their "golden age."

Also see:



Sloppy record keeping and limited access

Electronically-scanned totals



Investigating the Jewish holocaust

The Signs of the holocaust

Isn't that ODD that the PICTURES have been REMOVED from photo bucket?!!

Why does the TRUTH need to be HIDDEN?!?!?!

The First Jewish holocaust

Zionists Hide Holo-Hoax

Holocaust is Nothing But a Holohoax

Holohoax Extortionists

A holocaust Primer

Why One Blogger Believes the Jews Lied About the Holocaust

The Never-Ending Fucking Guilt Trip

The Israeli Extortion Racket

Debunking the Holocaust™

The United States of ISRAEL