Sunday, March 30, 2008

Boston Globe Leftovers

These are the remaining droppings I'm going to put up.

I don't know if i want to go to MSM anymore, readers.

They are terribly hurtful and make me so angry.

I used to believe them, have purchased and read them for decades -- although not the last three months, when I've rarely purchased.

Maybe it is time to cut the ties for good....

Here's what I leave you with:

"Zimbabwe's opposition claims win on early results"

Why is it a totally different article than what is in my paper, readers?

Here is the relevant quote

"Analysts say Mugabe has maintained his grip on power through ruthless security crackdowns, intimidation of ruling party rivals, and elaborate patronage."

My first reaction was, that's the same thing Bush does!!

Then I thought about how the Zionist-controlled, racist AmeriKan MSM is always casting the Africans as a bunch of starving savages who can't govern themselves.

And whose purpose is served by that, right?

U.N. has to get in there, or the West because those Africans can't hold elections, can't manage their affairs.

I really don't care about others elections; I'm in AmeriKa, and I've got my own rigged government to worry about (and a propagandistic Zionist press)!!

"World landmarks go dark for a cause"

Once again it is an altered web article from what's in the purchased paper.

This is tiresome, readers, because these quotes aren't in the "update" -- translation: censored -- versions!

"Organizers were hoping to beat last year's debut of the event, when 2.2 million people and more than 2,000 businesses shut off lights and appliances, resulting in a 10.2 percent reduction in carbon emissions during that hour, according to organizers."

How about LEAVING THEM OFF if you enviro-cultists are serious?

Stop jetting and limoing all over the place, too!

In fact, how about SHUTTING THE LIGHTS OUT on the WAR MACHINE, how about that, huh?

How much carbon will that save, as opposed to this symbolic piece of rubbish, all to PUSH an AGENDA -- that's why its in the MSM!!!

Just ramming the agenda down our throats again.

Look, I'm not for poisons and chemicals in our environment, or for pollution, no one is -- what bothers me is the lying about this particular issue.

This winter has been one of the coldest, we've been buried in snow, and yet the paper said the other day it was a warmer winter.

And so it goes, readers, and so it goes!!!

O.K., let's see if the Globe can get strike three:

"Cocaine industry resurges in Peru"

Awww, they fouled it off!! Article is the same.

One out of three ain't bad, right?

"The Garcia administration initially agreed to suspend eradication efforts, a mainstay of the US-backed antidrug policy. But Garcia later reversed course and even suggested that clandestine laboratories be raided and bombed. With US aid of about $50 million a year, Peru has trained hundreds of antidrug police officers. "If we don't kill the danger now," Garcia said, Peru could be confronted with a large insurgency."

Gee, look at this!

They pressured this poor fuck to allow all this, and yet we never hear much about the DRUG WAR in the MSM!

Probably because the CIA are the biggest drug-runners in the world.

I'm opposed to the DRUG WAR on LIFE GROUNDS!!!

How many people are dying in the raids and bombings?


That's why it is not making the AmeriKan papers, or when it does it is in such a bullshit propaganda context it's useless!

Oh, and look, we could have an INSURGENCY here in the western hemisphere!!

Yup, insurgencies everywhere.

Must be quite a WWIII operation coming up, huh, readers?

On to the blogs now, readers.

Maybe I will stop visiting MSM websites altogether.

Not healthy; you read what they do to me -- even if my excoriating vitriol IS WARRANTED!!!!!