Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Boston Globe Says a Depression Would Be a Good Idea, Part II

As a companion piece to the post below, the Globe ran this on the ops page -- from the AGENDA-PUSHING, EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR HERSELF!!!!

"Renée Loth is editorial page editor of the Globe."

"Rooting for a recession"

"by Renee Loth, Globe Columnist | March 30, 2008

IS IT JUST cockeyed optimism, or is there something deeper at work in the way many Americans are finding a bright side to the looming recession?

See how they are PREPARING YOU for the CATASTROPHE --as if the DEPRESSION is a GOOD THING!

No wonder I curse and swear at AmeriKa's shit media.

There is only SO MUCH BULLSHITTING ONE CAN TAKE, especially by SHITSTINKING ELITES like this!!!!!

WHO is being OPTIMISTIC about this -- other than the shitstinking elite shit-shovelers?

All across the zeitgeist, people are talking about shorter lines at the movies, empty tables at the best restaurants, and falling prices for designer handbags courtesy of the economic slowdown.

Yeah, the DEPRESSION is going to be a GREAT THING!

And how many employees will have to be cut loose so shitstink elites will experience less inconvenience when they have to mingle among us masses!

One Globe reader recently sent a letter to the editor cheering Boston's crashing home prices, because he could finally get aboard the real estate gravy train. No less an authority than the SundayStyles section of The New York Times put it succinctly this week. "You Say Recession, I Say 'Reservations!' " the headline read.

That's where the credibility is now totally shot.

Yes, no less of an authority than the New York Times!!!!!

And am I the only one who is INSULTED by this DISGUSTINGLY OFFENSIVE CONCEIT of shitstink elites, READERS?

Others somewhat more selflessly look forward to cleaner air, shorter traffic jams, and less development pressure on the environment. Some even see lower blood pressure and fewer respiratory ailments as idled factories stop belching particulate matter.

Who cares if you are out of work, ,murkn?

Especially if it is based on the global-warming, enviro-cult?

Of course, the MSM has always LUUUVVVED the idea of American factories being shut on the altar of globalization.

I guess those factories relocating to China don't mess up the environment as much as American workers do!

Magazines and websites are full of upbeat tips for weathering the recession:


Consider graduate school! Take free walks in the park! Learn to bake bread!

Yeah, that will save you and the economy!


And it is my cursing and swearing that's a problem?

There is something oddly celebratory to it all, at least among secure, middle-class Americans who face little more than inconvenience and a time-out for their stock portfolios while the economy regains its balance.

Yup, it is a time a CELEBRATE!!!!


And I don't know which "middle-class" Americans she is talking about, do you?!

For such people, preparing for the recession comes with a little frisson, like stocking up for a big blizzard or hurricane - fun so long as you're secure at home.

Yup, the DEPRESSION is going to be FUN!!!!



On CBS's "The Early Show" last week, a segment about riding out the recession featured good wines to be had for under $15.

Gee, your buddy Bennett told me that keeps you poor.

Don't poor people drink beer, anyway?


But the cheerful anticipation of hard times can't all be written off as yuppie recession chic.


Readers, the shitstinking arrogance is a thing to behold, isn't it?

There is a genuine yearning for simplicity among Americans who are plum exhausted by the breakneck pace of the modern economy.

Yeah, and WHO SET THAT UP?!


Far from it!!!!!!!

That was YOUR IDEA -- or people like you, Loth!!!!

A recession would give everyone an excuse to downshift; when even Masters of the Universe are lowering expectations, who would dare demand 60-hour weeks from mere cubicle dwellers?

Umm, excuse me, they are DOING JUST THAT!!!!

They DON'T HIRE PEOPLE, and instead make current workers work longer!!!!

So here is ANOTHER LIE from the Boston Globe!!!!!!!!

It's a relief, in a way, not to feel compelled to buy that iPhone or flat-screen TV.

I never felt I was compelled to buy that shit anyway!!!

Then again, if Americans don't buy consumer goods like the Ipod, then DOWN GOES THE ECONOMY, right?

This is what you need to spend your TAX LOAN on, right, 'murkns?

So this lady proves she doesn't give a shit about the economy, or me and you!!

This whole article is how GREAT the DEPRESSION is going to be for SHITSTINKING ELITES LIKE HER!!!!

Now indulgent parents who need a little help saying no to the kids' demands for the latest gadget can blame the economy.

Yeah, they couldn't just say "No," right?

Tell him you can't afford it?

Better to LIE to the KID!!!!

The futurist and trend-spotter Faith Popcorn was on to this development even before Bear Stearns collapsed. Her company BrainReserve identified "minimalism" and a rejection of "hyperconsumption" as major forces in 2008.

Translation: Get ready to EAT SHIT, 'murkns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this could all dovetail with that ENVIRO-FRAUD movement, couldn't it?!

Nice agenda-pushing, shitter!!!!

Among the many anxieties plaguing Americans, she found, was fear of "The Onslaught." Sixty percent of respondents in a BrainReserve survey agreed with the statement: "I am overwhelmed by the pace of life today; too much noise, too much to do, not enough time."

Yeah, thanks Masters of the Universe!

Thanks a lot for setting it up that way!

No wonder we are rejecting you and your shit system!

The clarifying power of hard times forces everyone to take a breath, take stock, and figure out what is really important.


You know what is important, readers?



THAT is what is IMPORTANT!!

Which is why the AmeriKan MSM is SUCH SHIT!!!!!

With a recession on, workers don't have to feel like selfish slackers because they want to spend more time in the garden, or with the kids.

How's that for an INSULT, 'eh, American workers!

You are a SELFISH SLACKER!!!!!!!

There is a sense of virtuousness to making lifestyle changes - carpooling, recycling, eating locally - that are both frugal and green. It's like getting a second chance at those New Year's resolutions.

As long as it is the rabble cutting back, and not shitstink elites!!

Yeah, and that ENVIRONMENTAL aspect just dove-tailed, didn't it?

If you follow her logic, there will be LESS for ALL of US and MORE for the PIGGY, SHITSTINKING ELITES!!!

Which is the WHOLE POINT of the AmeriKan MSM AGENDA-PUSH!!!

I'm CLOSING the CASE, readers!!!!!

The trouble is that a nation all at once cutting back sharply on spending could really send the economy into a tailspin.

Oh, WAY BACK HERE she tells us that a depression may not be so good!

Readers, do I even have to type it?

The United States economy is overly dependent on relentless growth in consumption; cut that off and the impact can be a double whammy: More people will lose their jobs and face truly severe financial trouble, and those still working will be under even more pressure to produce.

This is how the shitstink elites CONTROL the ECONOMY!!!!

And remember, Americans, NO MANUFACTURING BASE to PICK US UP, thanks to shitstink gloabalist elites!!!!!

Those jobs have been OUTSOURCED to China!!!!

Meanwhile, some commodities haven't gotten the memo about depressed prices. Heating oil and gasoline are in the stratosphere, and the country is undergoing the worst inflation in basic grocery prices since the early 1990s.

Suddenly rediscovering our inner Yankee doesn't seem so romantic anymore.

Yeah, I'm glad you waited until the damn-near end o the column to REFUTE ALL THE PROPAGANDA ABOVE!!!!

Nice going, Renee, you agenda-pushing, piece of shit liar!!!!!!

Still, shopping therapy has its limits. Despite the none-too-subtle encouragement from the government to stimulate the economy - the last thing Washington wants you to do with that rebate check is put it in the bank! - a culture dependent on stuff for its happiness suffers from a poverty no amount of spending can assuage.

The last thing I'm going to o is put it in a bank, too!

They don't need it; they just got hundreds of billions from the government!

And THAT is why AmeriKa is a SHIT CULTURE now!!!!

Once the essentials are covered, wealth comes from within. It shouldn't take an economic convulsion to remember that."

Nor should it take a horse shit column, either!

I know I saw it on a blog somewhere:

"Money" has no value - people do."


Well, I was so offended and insulted by this piece I dropped the Globe's editorial page a note, too:

"Your column today was one of the most offensive and insulting pieces I have read for quite some time.

Yeah, the coming DEPRESSION is a GOOD THING!

No wonder newspapers are tanking; who wants to read this diarrhea drivel on a Sunday morning?

At least this column explains all the crap editorials.

Very sincerely,

(Name and address withheld from blog for my own protection)