Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Belgian Bend-Over

My thoughts are the same as Rivero's:

"Belgium to make $170m restitution for Holocaust role"

"by Raf Casert, Associated Press | March 12, 2008

BRUSSELS - .... Yesterday, Belgium's banks and government sought to make material amends, announcing $170 million in restitution for the Jewish community and families of Holocaust survivors whose property and goods were looted by Nazi occupiers.

Overall, $54 million will be paid to individual claimants, with the rest going to a Jewish trust that will help the poor and keep the memory of the horrors of World War II alive....

So we can FORGET about the HORRORS of the Palestinian HOLOCAUST TODAY!!!!

I'm tired of this SIXTY-YEAR-OLD SHIT being SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT, I'll tell you that, you shit NaZionist liars!!

Not helping you gain any sympathy; only an END to OCCUPATION and GENOCIDE will do that!

After the Nazi invasion in May 1940, the Belgian government fled to Britain, but instructed civil servants who stayed to work with the Nazis to keep services running and prevent the economic breakdown that occurred during the German occupation in World War I.

That often led to Belgian officials collaborating with the persecution of Jews, though the resistance movement was also strong and underground networks to save Jews were more successful than in many occupied nations.

Whatever! I'm so tired of Zionist lies passing as history or news, I simply no longer believe them about anything.

Why should I, after the lying bastards have been caught time and again?!

Of the total payout, $69.8 million will come from the Belgian authorities and $85 million from banks.

Most of the remainder will come from insurance companies."

So UP GO the PREMIUMS, 'eh?

All so some stink Jews can have the $$$$?

"HOLD IT. The Nazis commit the crime, but the people of Belgium WHO WERE ALSO VICTIMS OF THE NAZIS, get stuck with the bill?

I mean, who compensates the Belgians for THEIR losses? Or France? Or Austria? Or for that matter the present-day German people who were also victims of the Nazis?

And who pays compensation to the families of the soldiers who died stopping Hitler? Are they not owed something for their losses?
" -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

Also see



Sloppy record keeping and limited access

Electronically-scanned totals



Investigating the Jewish holocaust

The Signs of the holocaust

The First Jewish holocaust

Zionists Hide Holo-Hoax

Holocaust is Nothing But a Holohoax

Holohoax Extortionists

A holocaust Primer

Why One Blogger Believes the Jews Lied About the Holocaust

The Never-Ending Fucking Guilt Trip

The Israeli Extortion Racket

Debunking the Holocaust™

The United States of ISRAEL

Clear now, readers?