Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Week-Ender: Violence in Iraq

Considering the statistical, factual Iraqi death toll securing the "surge," you tell me these crap papers are not hiding wars, and you know what, I'm done. Do your own fucking research. I look through the two-file cabinets full of my work, think I can pick and choose, but I can't re-establish my links so screw this. I wrecked a great thing because I wanted to do the right thing, clean it up, blah-blah-blah. Well, fuck it! They HIDE OUR SLAUGHTER in Afghanistan, Pakistan (notice the war on "CIA-Duh" has gotten silent as Mushy cracks down? They are our agents, anyway, and the politics of all these countries is bullshit. Bhutto, Musharaff, what diff?), Iran and the dirty shit we do there to CHANGE REGIMES. So, sayonara. I will post relevant info, but I'm done commenting. Link and post, link and post. Bye.