Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another Government Set Up

Like Buffalo, like Miami, like Dix, like JFK, like every single "terror" case -- a DUBIOUS INFORMANT in the CENTER of it ALL!


"Spying Program May Be Tested by Terror Case" by ADAM LIPTAK

ALBANY, Aug. 22 — After a bloody raid by American military forces on an enemy camp in Rawah, Iraq, on June 11, 2003, a Defense Department report took inventory. Eighty suspected terrorists killed. An enormous weapons cache recovered. And, in what the report called “pocket litter,” a notebook with the name and phone number of the imam of a mosque halfway around the world, here in the state capital.


Prompted by that notebook and records of 14 phone calls between the imam, Yassin M. Aref, and Damascus, Syria, the Federal Bureau of Investigation quickly began a sting operation aimed at Mr. Aref. Federal agents used an informant with a long history of fraud who spun tales to Mr. Aref about a fictitious plot involving shoulder-launched missiles and the assassination of a Pakistani diplomat in New York.

[All of names SOMEONE wrote in a notebook in Iraq, huh?]

Mr. Aref and a friend who owned a pizzeria were convicted of supporting terrorism by agreeing to help launder money for the fake operation, and in March the two men were sentenced to 15 years in prison.

[More pizza bombers like at Dix, huh?

This shit is just getting laughable if it weren't so serious.]

But their case seems far from over, and it has become a centerpiece in the effort to challenge one of the Bush administration’s signature espionage programs.

Lawyers for Mr. Aref say they have proof that he was subjected to illegal surveillance by the National Security Agency, pointing to a classified order from the trial judge, unusual testimony from an F.B.I. agent and court documents concerning the calls to Syria.

If they are right, the case may represent the best chance for an appellate ruling about the legality of the N.S.A. program... Mr. Aref’s challenge can draw on the constitutional protections available to criminal defendants.

In a brief filed this month, Mr. Aref’s lawyers urged the federal appeals court in New York to rule that the program was unlawful and to reverse the convictions.

The wiretapping program was disclosed by The New York Times in December 2005. The next month, The Times reported that officials had cited the arrests of Mr. Aref and the pizzeria owner, Mohammed M. Hossain, as one of the relatively rare instances in which domestic surveillance by the N.S.A. had played a role in a criminal case.

The case is significant in a second way, as a vivid illustration of a new form of pre-emptive law enforcement intended to stop terrorism before it happens, even at the expense of charges of entrapment.

Prosecutors wrote in a brief urging the court to impose harsh sentences in February:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has an obligation to use all available investigative tools, including a sting operation, to remove those ready and willing to help terrorists from our streets.”

[They are ALL STING OPERATIONS because it is GOVERNMENT AGENTS that carry out terror attacks.

Do the research for yourself!]

The lead prosecutor, William C. Pericak, an assistant United States attorney, said the sting had worked perfectly.

Mr. Pericak said in an interview in his office at the federal courthouse here:

You can’t put a percentage on how likely these guys would have been to commit an act of terrorism, but if a terrorist came to Albany, my opinion is that these guys would have assisted 100 percent.”

[And if terrorists steal two elections and take up residency in the White House, what then, guy?]

Terence L. Kindlon, a lawyer for Mr. Aref, saw the matter differently:

The F.B.I. case was a hoax that grew out of the Bush administration’s misuse of fear to turn our democracy into a dictatorship."

[That's a lawyer, not me! HE KNOWS, hey!]

Mr. Aref’s lawyers also rely on a curious exchange with Special Agent Timothy Coll of the F.B.I., who was asked during his cross-examination whether Mr. Aref had been under 24-hour surveillance.

Mr. Pericak objected:

I’m concerned that a truthful answer should implicate classified information.”

Mr. Aref’s lawyer, Kent B. Sprotbery, rephrased the question, asking instead about 24-hour physical surveillance, implicitly leaving out electronic eavesdropping. To that question Mr. Coll answered no.

To set up the sting against the two men, the F.B.I. turned to a Pakistani immigrant, Shahed Hussain, an accomplished criminal who took as many as 100 driver’s license examinations on behalf of people with poor English skills.

No one disputes that Mr. Hussain’s goal was to approach Mr. Aref, the imam named in the Rawah notebook. But he had no direct way to do that, so he worked through Mr. Hossain, a naturalized American citizen from Bangladesh who owned the Little Italy pizzeria, a modest, run-down place on Central Avenue.

[Yup, another pizza plot!]

Most of the conversations between the informant and his targets were recorded, and many were videotaped. They took place in fits and starts, in English, Arabic and Urdu. There were code words, odd pronunciations and misunderstandings.

[As usual

But there was enough for the jury to conclude that Mr. Hossain understood from early on that the informant was talking about money laundering that would support terrorism and would leave Mr. Hossain $5,000 richer.

[After the Padilla case, I don't believe in juries!]

At his sentencing, Mr. Hossain said he was mystified by what had happened to him:

I am just a pizza man. I make good pizza.”

[But you are a "terrorist" pizza-maker, sir!

Or so says the lying, war-mongering, war-criminal government!]

Over time, Mr. Aref was drawn into the fictional plot, asked to serve as a witness to the transactions, a role the government acknowledged was recognized by Islamic tradition. He was not paid.

[They are all fictional, until secret government gives the go-ahead]

Mr. Aref is a refugee from the Kurdish region of Iraq. After Saddam Hussein’s attacks on the Kurds and the first gulf war, Mr. Aref and his family fled to Syria and then the United States, arriving in Albany in 1999.

[Is he related to Ahmed Chalabi?

A Kurdish defector, huh, like what the INC and the administration presented to us?]

His supporters said that his name in a notebook proved nothing and that the Rawah camp was a haven for refugees with no ties to terrorism. In court papers, prosecutors said the notebook was one of many reasons to focus on Mr. Aref.

[All of this based on SOMEONE writing a name in a "found" notebook in Iraq -- like the "found" bin-Laden confession, right?


At the Little Italy pizzeria, where Mr. Hossain first met the informant, his wife, Fatima, carries on without him. Wearing a face veil that showed only her brown eyes, Ms. Hossain recalled ruefully the toy helicopters the informant gave her children to ingratiate himself. Of Mr. Hussain, the informant, she said:

I don’t think a human can make for another human that kind of trouble.”

[Great! Busted up a family on these false charges!]

Near the end of the trial last year, Judge Thomas J. McAvoy told the jury:

The F.B.I. had certain suspicions, good and valid suspicions, for looking into Mr. Aref, but why they did that is not to be any concern of yours.”

[Fuck you, judge!!

We are a JURY, and WE OUTRANK YOU!

Read the handbook!]

In their appeals, both defendants said that statement, which referred to the Rawah notebook and the calls to Syria, had prejudiced the jury against them."

[That's AmeriKan justice these days!]