Sunday, August 19, 2007

Story Iraq: Bush's View

Now for something completely different: George W. Bush's delusional insanity (or his lies, which would be nothing different):

"Bush stresses positives at the local level in Iraq" by Deb Riechmann/Associated Press August 19, 2007

CRAWFORD, Texas -- President Bush said yesterday that while political progress is moving too slowly on the national level in Iraq, positive steps in cities and towns are offering hope for future stability.

The Bush administration, facing a mid-September deadline to report to Congress on progress in Iraq, has long prodded the Iraqi government to finalize a national oil law, organize provincial elections, and integrate former members of Saddam Hussein's Ba'athist Party into the central government.

In his weekly radio address, Bush acknowledged weak progress in these areas and instead highlighted strides being made at the local level, outside of Baghdad.

Bush said in the broadcast taped at his ranch:

"Unfortunately, political progress at the national level has not matched the pace of progress at the local level. The Iraqi government in Baghdad has many important measures left to address, such as reforming the de-Ba'athification laws, organizing provincial elections, and passing a law to formalize the sharing of oil revenues. As reconciliation occurs in local communities across Iraq, it will help create the conditions for reconciliation in Baghdad as well."

[As they separate into enclaves and we BARRICADE their neighborhoods with CONCRETE WALLS!

Some liberation, huh?]

Bush cited Anbar Province, where local sheiks joined US forces in driving out terrorists:

"Similar scenes are taking place in other parts of Anbar."

But... even at the local level, progress is slow."

[Had enough of this shitter's lies and wars, Amurka?

Or are you ready for another bowl of diarrhea soup?

O.K., Amurka, DRINK UP (sigh)!]