Friday, August 10, 2007

Story Iraq: American Impugnity

Amurkn justice!

It ABSOLVES MURDER, especially if you are a MASS-MURDERING Anti-Christ Commander-in-Chief!!!!!

"2 Marines are cleared in probe of Iraqi deaths" by Associated Press August 10, 2007

The Marine Corps has dismissed all charges against a captain accused of failing to investigate and another Marine accused in the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha, the Marine Corps announced yesterday.

Marines went from house to house there, killing civilians, including women and children, after one of their comrades died in a bombing in 2005.... Lt. Gen. James Mattis, the commanding general with jurisdiction in the case, said he was sympathetic to the challenges marines faced in Iraq.

wrote: "It is clear to me that any error of omission or commission by [the officer] does not warrant action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice."

[So MURDER AWAY, troops!!!!!

It's a FREE-FIRE ZONE, isn't it?

Ah, the sweet shitstink of "LIBERATION!"]