Friday, August 3, 2007


I'm sorry readers.

Sorry for taking down my beautiful blog due to NaZionist intimidation.

I give up now because I watched C-Span today, and even though the whole apparatus is biased in favor of the establishment, I did believe in C-Span because of the voice of the people.

Not after today. Brian Lamb asked if Americans were upset at protesters in the hearing rooms (Lamb was upset 'cause their signs get in C-Span's camera shot).

When people complained and said the Code-Pinkers or anyone else shouldn't be allowed in, Lamb would smile.

And most Americans agreed with him. So Americans TALK a GOOD GAME, but DON'T TAKE ACTION.

I have for over 5 years, amid quite honestly, this administration, its LAWLESSNESS, its LIES and it's MASS-MURDER!

And Ameri
cans simply DON'T CARE about the destruction of the Constitution and the country.

Our leaders are obviously puppets for another government, otherwise they would do what is in the American interest.

Question: If the Congress really represented Americans, why are they back-dooring Amnesty when you aren't looking, reader?

Why are they allowing ILLEGAL SPYING to take place, and trying to WORK with Bush to fix the "problem?"

Yup, fucking democraPs SUCK SHIT!!!!!

Then I go to Amy Goodman (what happened to WTC 7, Amy?), and she claims to have uncovered the Ok. City plot.

Then she puts out disinfo that the FBI knew all about it (that part true), but that the plot was an expansive one amongst white separatists, etc.

Ah, so Amy is out there PUSHING an AGENDA!

After having watched her for years, it is clear that DemocracyNow is just another Left Gatekeeper that is actually a deep-cover organization for propaganda.

She refuses to examine 9/11, and pushes the government's "Al-CIA-Duh" bullshit verbatim.

Since it would take too much effort in a useless quest, I am done blogging.

The American people don't care about this country.

They don't care about BEING LIED TO and BEING SPIED ON, or BEING LOOTED by this corrupt and criminal government.

If they did, they would not allow this MONSTROUS and MURDEROUS administration to stay in power.


The (skewed) polls tell me how much you really like George W. Bush.

Judging by this country's reaction, they don't care about this MASS-MURDERER'S CRIMES and USURPATIONS!

For those who have read me over the past 11 months, thank you.

There was a lot of good information and commentary, and I hoped it helped you.

As for the rest of this country, TO HELL WITH IT.

I hope that America and Americans suffer!!

I can HARDLY WAIT for the attack on Iran, the declaration of martial law, and the ENDLESS WARS and MILITARISM that will come with Bush's WAR CRIMES!!!

It is not going to do anything to me.

I am too old and too poor to be of value either way.

So, GOODBYE, Amurka!!!!!