Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Evening News

It just never stops from the crap MSM.

As I lined up the evening shows, I had the Situation Room on. Talk about calling to the heavens! They had a poll on showing that Bush is up to 34% approval, and his surge idea is up 10 points.

Well, that's what happens when you feed the public bullshit! The public actually BUYS the BULLSHIT and EATS UP!

Then Lou Dobbs came on and talked about it. He noted that it "might be a trend," so I guess Georgie is going to get popular again! Carol Costello was really pushing the uptick hard, too!

So it's over on that one, folks. You simply CAN'T BELIEVE in the LYING STINK MEDIA any more! They about PUSHING an AGENDA, not investigating and reporting "news."

Next was a piece about the Endeavor spy, er, uh, space shuttle going up for the first time in five years. Yeah, and I seem to remember a shuttle mission with an Israeli general just before the Iraq war.

So this isn't just another space mission, this is a SPY MISSION for the upcoming ATTACK on Iran!

Dobbs then got all fired up about the prop coming from Iraq about the Iranians killing our troops. This is more Pentagon bullshit to set the stage for the coming attack on Iraq; however, Dobbs was beside himself. Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr was saying there wasn't much the U.S. could do, and Dobbs flipped, saying that leaving the situation static was unacceptable. Called for a withdrawal or action against Iran.

And so it goes. And so it goes.

Then C(IA)NN had a brief blurb from the Washington Post about the new National Emergency Procedure. Turns out that the Bush Administration ignored all the requests and recommendations from state and local officials in designing it, and they are pretty upset.

Don't they GET IT? Is that a WARNING about the MARTIAL LAW direction this administration is headed? And remember, because of the John Warner Defense Authorization of 2007, Bush now controls the NATIONAL GUARD from each state -- not the governors, as it HAD BEEN!

So COME ON BOARD, state and local officials. Come on board and let's FIGHT the FASCISM together!

Fuck terrorism, that's all a LIE! The REAL TERRORISTS and REAL THREAT to America is in WASHINGTON D.C.!!!!!

This country is really headed for trouble, folks.

What is strange is that I am certainly not alone, although my language may be coarser than the man; however, I so agree with his
scolding of the public. I'm having a hard time getting through to them, too.

People in AmeriKa need to WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!!!!

Seriously, there is NOT MUCH TIME! WAKE UP, America!

Fascism is on your doorstep. WAKE UP!!!