SAVE PORTLAND, Oregon, from being NUKED by Cheney and CO.!!!!
There has been a growing concern over the mock or simulation events (nuclear attack and martial law) proposed to take place in Portland, Oregon by Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other governmental agencies now called Operation Noble Resolve. This mock event has been feared by some in the past to set up martial law in Portland during the months of August and September, but newer information has raised the concern of graver fears. Namely the repeated warnings from members of the Bush-Cheney administration of another terrorist attack on USA soil. Chertoff has mentioned his sense that the US will be attacked by the elusive bin Laden. And many believe that there could be an event planned (false flag) by covert members of our own government against our own people and land so as to declare war on Iran or martial law or to do havoc to the world economy for their gain. To add to this fear is Bush's various presidential directives as of late that could make him dictator for life or at least escape the high crimes and misdemeanors ("The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." Const. U. S., Art. 2. Sec. q.) that he and his group have done. One of these presidential directives has authoritarian elements on the level of Stalin a directive numbered 51. National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51) was issued by Mr Bush in May of 2007 giving sweeping executive power over many aspects of American civil and governmental systems that would place any president or vice president as dictator during and possibly after any human or natural disaster (

Portland, Oregon was dubbed Little Beirut during the Reagan-Bush era, because of its infamous protests of those two Republican presidents. Note that Portlanders have also voted for Republicans as presidents and governors and have protested Democrats who have been president. The Little Beirut aspects reflects Portland's political, social and often environmental issues that are part of our freedom of speech and democratic processes.
"In a promotion for speaker John Fulton, a CIA officer
assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division,
the announcement says, 'On the morning of September
11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team ... were running a
pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency
response issues that would be created if a plane were
to strike a building. Little did they know that the
scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day.'
The running of such an exercise is an excellent method
of confusing emergency response personnel (for
instance, pilots) who are trying to do their jobs.
They expect a drill of a specific but utterly unlikely
scenario; the scenario begins to unfold as expected,
but then they're told it's not a drill is it a drill,
or not?"
Michael C Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon pg 11
In what is not also mentioned in the corporate media in the USA is the fake that the London bombings (the 7-7 bombings or the Tube bombings) several years ago also had a drill or mock bombing event shortly before the actually events. American corporate media neglects mentioning both all these simulations during these tragic events.
The following quotes are from Michael C Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon. These citations are specific to the mock wargames or simulations that were on-going during September 11th 2001 that would have used the services needed at that time or similar to the live tragedy taking place on the East Coast:
pg 337
... the June 2001 Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
... surfaced on the website of the Defense
Department's Defense Technical Information Center.
That demonstrated a willful intent to centralize
decision-making authority away from field commanders
prior to the attacks. As it turns out, the change in
procedure had already been indirectly confirmed in a
June 3, 2002, story in Aviation Week and Space
Technology, and almost everyone missed it. That story
quoted the order without disclosing that it had been
put in place just ten weeks before 9/11. The wording
was a near verbatim quote of the Joint Chief's
Instruction. One exception in that order (Reference D)
did leave some decision making in the hands of field
commanders in certain exigent circumstances, but the
thrust was a radical shift away from long-standing
NORAD policy.
Further research into this change would disclose more
evidence showing that, just a month before that, all
counter-terror response planning and organization
(with a focus on weapons of mass destruction) had been
placed under the control of Dick Cheney.
Then there were the exercises themselves.
Vigilant Guardian was named or referred to in several
news stories including AviationWeek, Newhouse News
Service, and on two official web sites. The official
websites indicated and this was later confirmed to me
in my own queries with NORAD - that details of
Vigilant Guardian were classified and not available
for release. A Vigilant Guardian exercise focusing on
cold war-era threats was, according to an official
site, conducted by NORAD once a year. But a close look
at what NORAD told the press described a Vigilant
Guardian that was vastly different from an exercise
preparing for a Russian attack. In their post-9/1 1
statements, NORAD officials described details of
Vigilant Guardian that seemed to be describing
something else altogether.
Aviation Week reported, "Senior officers involved in
Vigilant Guardian were manning NORAD command centers
throughout the US and Canada, available to make
immediate decisions." This confirmed the geographic
scope of the exercise. Vigilant Guardian was played up
in the press as though it had facilitated a quicker
response. It did anything but that.
That Vigilant Guardian had a direct impact on the
Northeast Air Defense Sector in which all four
hijackings occurred was confirmed in a December 2003
original story by, a New Jersey-based service
also summarizing all major stories published by New
Jersey press outlets.
NORAD also has confirmed it was running two mock
drills on September 11 at various radar sites and
command centers in the United States and Canada,
including air force bases in upstate New York,
Florida, Washington, and Alaska. One drill, Operation
Vigilant Guardian, began a week before September 11
and reflected a cold war mind-set: Participants
practiced for an attack across the North Pole by
Russian forces.
The story never named the second drill, and the
assertion that it was strictly a cold war-type
exercise is belied by direct statements of many of the
principals involved that day. The story also
raised another chilling issue.
Investigators at the September 11 commission confirm
they are investigating whether NORAD's attention was
drawn in one direction toward the North Pole - while
the hijackings came from an entirely different
pg 339
Northern Vigilance was an exercise being conducted on
September 11th as\ reported only by Canada's Toronto
Star in a story dated December 9, 2001. The story had
a great deal to say about how 9/11 unfolded.
Northern Vigilance, planned months in advance,
involves deploying fighter jets to locations in Alaska
and northern Canada. Part of the exercise is pure
simulation, but part is real world. NORAD is keeping a
close eye on the Russians, who have dispatched
long-range bombers to their own high north on a
similar exercise ....
The Federal Aviation Administration has evidence of a
hijacking and is asking for NORAD support. This is not
part of the exercise.
In a flash, Operation Northern Vigilance is called
off. Any simulated information, what's known as an
"inject" is purged from the screens...
"Lots of other reports were starting to come in,"
[Major General Rick] Findley [Director of NORAD
operations] recalls. 'And now you're not too sure. If
they're that clever to co-ordinate that kind of
attack, what else is taking place across North
pg 343
It certainly appeared that someone in authority had
deliberately interfered with FAA/NORAD operations on
September 11th to make sure that some of the attacks
succeeded. Richard Clarke's book, previously edited by
the White House, had FAA administrator Garvey
referring to as many as 11 off-course/out-of-contact
aircraft. Was she saying that she couldn't tell the
wargame inserts from the real thing?
It would take only a day or two more to find damning
evidence that this is probably what she meant. The
fact that the CIA had been running a
plane-into-building exercise simultaneously with all
the military exercises made me very suspicious. The
first question that leapt at me was, with all these
related exercises running at the same time, who or
what was coordinating them? Someone at DoD had to have
a regular job of knowing all the exercises being
carried out everywhere to avoid SNAFUs. That question
and others would require interviews.
pg 344
On April 18 USA Today spilled some of the beans.
Headlined, "NORAD had drills of jets as weapons" it
offered never-before reported details of 9/11.
WASHINGTON - In the two years before the Sept 11
attacks, the North American Aerospace Command
conducted exercises simulating what the White House
says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners
used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass
One of the imagined targets was The World Trade
Center. In another exercise, jets performed a mock
shootdown over the Atlantic Ocean of a jet supposedly
laden with chemical poisons headed toward a target in
the United States. In a third scenario, the target was
the Pentagon ...
... April 19, CNN ... The headline read, "NORAD
exercise had jet crashing into building."
WASHINGTON (CNN) - Sometime between 1991 and 2001, a
regional sector of the North American Aerospace
Defense Command simulated a foreign hijacked airliner
crashing into a building in the United States as part
of a training exercise scenario, a NORAD spokesman
said Monday ....
Military officials said the exercise involved
simulating a crash into a building that would be
recognizable if identified, but was not the World
Trade Center or the Pentagon.
The identity of the building named in the exercise is
classified ....
This sector exercise involved some flying of military
aircraft as well as a command post exercise in which
communications procedures were practiced in an office
environment ....
NORAD has the ongoing mission of defense of US air
space ....
According to a statement from NORAD, "Before September
11th, 01, NORAD regularly conducted a variety of
exercises that included hijack scenarios. These
exercises tested track detection and identification;
scramble and interception; hijack procedures ....
NORAD's own statement confirmed that real military and
civilian aircraft had posed as hijacked airliners.
Fighter pilots can't intercept thin air. They can't
fly above and slightly to the left of thin air and
rock their wings and wait for a response. They can't
practice dodging sudden, unexpected movements,
maneuver or lock missiles unless there's a real
airplane to do it with.
The NORAD statement was quoted further in the story:
NORAD did not plan and execute these types of
exercises because we thought the scenarios were
probable. These exercises were artificial simulations
that provided us the opportunity to test and validate
our process and rules of engagement with the
appropriate coordination between NORAD's command
headquarters, its subordinate regions and sectors and
National Command authorities in Canada and the United
Any assertion that the White House didn't know of such
drills was pure bullshit.
The National Command Authority is the White House. It
starts with the president and descends through the
vice president (in the president's absence as was the
case on 9/11), to the secretary of defense. Such
exercises, when played in real life, usually involve
White House staff standing in for the president. But
since they are carried out using either the
Presidential Emergency Operations Center or the
Situation Room, how could the president, vice
president, and national security advisor not know
about drills that, of necessity, had taken place
inside the White House?
Note the fact that one particular hijacked airliner
drill, conducted most likely between July 2001 and
September 2001, had the hijacked plane crashing into a
building. September 11th was the best possible "drill"
of all; the real thing. Was the same exercise that had
been rejected in April then carried out as an actual
event on September 11th? Was the intended game target
the World Trade Center? The Pentagon? ...
pg 414
Most Americans think of FEMA as a nice, benevolent
agency that comes to help out when there is an
earthquake, fire, or flood. It is much, much more than
FEMA is an enormously powerful federal agency tasked
with, among other things, ensuring the Continuity of
Government (COG) in the event of a crisis or
"neutralization" of key governmental leaders or
institutions. It also maintains dozens of secret
governmental command centers, like Pennsylvania's
"Site R" to which Dick Cheney was whisked right after
9/11 and where he spent much of his time in the months
following 9/11. Collectively, the Continuity of
Government operations under FEMA command have come to
be known as the "shadow government." In a declared
major emergency, arising from events even more
devastating than 9/11, FEMA's authority divides the US
into ten regions under FEMA control, which then
operate semi-autonomously with the full cooperation of
the military.
The bomings in the London Tube or subway system on July 7th (7/7) 2005 have also been discovered to parallel a mock attack or drill at nearly the same time. Michel Chossudovsky in his report "7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?: Fictional 7/7 "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's subway" gives some frightening aspects to that attack

Well the simplest would be to get informed and get the word out to the world so if there was such an event then Bush and Cheney could not manipulate the masses to attack another innocent country with false information. It has been well reported that Mr Bush and Mr Cheney want to have a war against Iran. Portland being attacked could be used for such manipulation. So if Portland was the target of covert operatives using a false flag event on Portland then the hands of Bush, Cheney and their comrades examined as the most likely suspects. Getting this information out would be at least an insurance policy for Portland if attacked for a false flag event. Also during these months why not take community action. Organize neighborhood events like "Truth Centers" or even "Truth Sit-Ins" to discuss the events of 9/11 and the events that followed (including the misguided invasion of Iraq). Why not have picnics inviting the media or be the media on YouTube and other online resources talking about the events both mock events in Portland or the events of 9/11. Get to know your neighborhood veteran and find out first hand the tragedy or war and society's reaction to their veterans after the mass onslaught is over.
Side note Operation Noble Resolve's initials are ONR as in "on R". Could "R" also stand for the "R" in "Site R" where Dick Cheney during 9/11? Just a quick note.
The more the information about Operation Noble Resolve is known and talked about in the public the greater the odds that any attempt at "nuking Portland" or to issue in martial law along with World War III the smaller the odds. Or at least if Portland is attacked during this time then we will have a clear idea it was an inside job. In fact for Portlanders and other Pacific North-westerners (Cascadians) as well as Americans in general a healthy dialogue about the events around September 11th, the London 7-7 attacks, their mock simulations and the responses to other countries after would most likely be a healthy catharsis for all democratic people everywhere. For Portlanders in particular this is a time to get every neighbor, friend, family and stranger to talk about the events around 9/11. To basically widen our information on those events and the actions taken by many people. This is the time to have work meetings to talk of the events the questions around the events. To have a family talk on where this country is going. To have a discussion in the local pub, café or coffee house about our freedoms, what they mean and how they have been undermined or if they are intact. This should be the time to talk to police, fire and other emergency services that lost loved ones in the line of duty on 9/11. This should be the time to gather and talk of our veterans of past and current wars and why we go to war.
Side note FEMA's contact for the Pacific Northwest (called by FEMA Region X)
Mailing Address
Federal Emergency Management Agency?Federal Regional Center?130 228th Street, SW?Bothell, WA 98021-8627
Environment & Historic Preservation Contact
Mark Eberlein?E-Mail:

Flood Hazard Mapping Contacts
Joe Weber, CFM, Hydrologist?E-Mail:

Mark Carey, Branch Chief?E-Mail:

Denise Atkinson, Natural Hazards Program Specialist?E-Mail:

Katie Conley, MOD Team?E-Mail:

Mark Riebau, MOD Team?E-Mail:

Freedom of Information Act Contact
Sharon Loper?E-Mail:

Media Contact
Mike Howard?E-Mail:

FEMA Region X website

If you have been employed or "volunteered" to participate in Operation Noble Resolve you simply could refuse on grounds of why a mock scenario about potentially removing civil liberties in an era of growing democratic deficit. Or you could covertly post at various independent media sites like
Why participate in a simulation that supposes an external attack on the USA when there seems to be more internal threat by enemies of democracy within. Cases in point being the undermining of the US Constitution, the US Do Process of Law (Scooter Libby case), felonies in high office (engineered misinformation to justify war against Iraq), illegal wire-tapping and so forth. Some would argue that personnel and officers should not participate in Operation Noble Resolve on those grounds. But instead here is an alternative proposal. Operation Democracy Restored. Instead of compliance with elements and forces supporting potential removing more civil liberties from the masses during a mock event do the reverse. All employees, personnel, officers, operatives, agents and others complying to Operation Noble Resolve could be in this mock scenario supporters of a coup d'etat by anti-democratic forces within our governmental, juridical, military or private sectors. The goal of the mock game (Operation Democracy Restored) would be how to disarm and disable anti-democratic forces ideally using non violent actions while rallying the populous to take up their civil duty to protect, maintain and preserve a real democracy. Instead of undermining civic participation with orders of controlling populations, inform and activate the masses to take back their democracy in this mock scenario of an usurpation of our beloved democracy.
Nonviolent actions have been very effective in many historical cases and modern situations where the authoritarian power has overwhelming brute strength in the form of military, police and thugs. Nonviolence action has also been effective in less visible violence of the authoritarian regime using unjust laws, economics and socially institutionalized pressures. We have seen success in modern countries against authoritarian regimes like in Ukraine, Serbia and Kyrgyzstan using nonviolent actions against brutal regimes. During Nazi occupied Denmark Danish resistance achieved success in their struggle against Hitler's authoritarian regime by means of covert mostly nonviolent actions. During the proceedings for impeachment of president Richard Nixon many feared the president would use a fraudulent military event to keep impeachment off the table or out of the media. Nixon's popularity reached the lowest a president's popularity had ever reached until this year, 2007, George W Bush reach that low of a number. Henry Kissenger ordered the heads of the military to stand down incase a scared Nixon would panic and launch a nuclear attack on the Soviets or other enemy state.
Nonviolence in democratic movement and even among loyal officers against tyrants has been recorded in history through out the centuries. These tactics are well documented by scholars and freedom fighters like Gene Sharp, Bruce Jenkins, Otpor and CANVAS. Resistance to tyrannical orders can range from non compliance or outright resignation on the spot to the most covert acts of informing the independent media or overt actions of cutting wires. The following manuals and books are used by the US government and clandestine operatives and agents to subvert anti-democratic regimes using nonviolent tactics to build democratic civil society:
From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp
198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

50 crucial points about Strategic Nonviolent Struggle
Nonviolent Struggle - 50 Crucial Points A Strategic Approach to Everyday Tactics. Authors: (CANVAS) Srdja Popovic, Andrej Milivojevic and Slobodan Djinovic
The Anti-Coup
by Gene Sharp and Bruce Jenkins
As coups are one of the primary ways through which dictatorships are installed, this piece details measures that civilians, civil society, and governments can take to prevent and block coups d'état and executive usurpation. It also contains specific legislative steps and other measures that governments and non-governmental institutions can follow to prepare for anti-coup resistance.

Roses, cedars and orange ribbons: A wave of non-violent revolution
by Hélène Michaud

FIJI: US group e-mail anti-coup handbook to NGOs [Audio interview]

Before the first day of Operation Noble Resolve (onR) reread the Declaration of Independence (The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America) and ask yourself "What would Jefferson do?" The Declaration of Independence is truly one of the greatest documents in sociopolitical history and begs the question are we not at the same place as our Fore-parents were then? Their struggle was with an internal force that sought to dictate and destroy the very livelihood of the citizens within jurisdiction of centralized government of their time. Ironic how today we have a man named George who has committed such similar injuries to civil liberties as our fore-parents did to them.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, July 4th, 1776:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for
one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected
them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth,
the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and
of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which
impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its
foundation on such principles and organizing its powers
in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate
that Governments long established should not be changed
for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing
the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long
train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
There is also concern that among some who are participating in Operation Noble Resolve are agent who will covertly issue in real martial law or a live nuclear event. Reported in March of 2006 in non corporate media by Paul Joseph Watson in his report "Virginia Training Manual Lists Property Rights Activists As Terrorists":
Shortly after 9/11 a Phoenix FBI manual that was disseminated amongst federal employees at the end of the Clinton term caused waves on the Internet after it was revealed that potential terrorists included, "defenders of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN, " and individuals who "make numerous references to the US Constitution." Lawyers everywhere cowered in fear at being shipped off to Gitmo.
This manual is another surreal and frightening reminder that government officials are being trained to embrace a Gestapo like mentality whereby any political activism or even individualistic outdoor leisure activity is deemed to be suspicious and a possible indication of terrorism.
to read the Virginia manual in full:

(Paul Joseph Watson's article at

This does not mean that everyone or even the majority within the various agencies are part of a anti-democratic coups d'état, but that some of their colleagues maybe acting on the behalf of anti-democratic elements within our infected system of law and order and civil society. So if you are reading this and are participating in Operation Noble Resolve and are devoted to the real ideas of democracy and the values of the US Constitution you may want to question the actions, words and ideas of your colleague and their true intentions. Many working within the operation called Noble Resolve maybe dedicated to the cause of protection of the public, but need to question others in the operations and their intent. So maybe Operation Democracy Restored has been needed for sometime.
If we truly wish to stop such a possible attack then we must start publically talking and loudly about the events leading up to 9/11. To stop Portland from such a disaster we must become as vocal about this information as possible. We must make everyone know of the threat and concern. It MUST be made to be repeated in the corporate media before any such event can happen. Almost every reporter has had some time in Portland and has had experiences or connections here. Though many think that our representatives are worthless or at times involved is such crimes it truly helps to fill their mail boxes, phonelines and e-mail accounts with such concerns. For the more the politicians are "bothered" with such concerns by the populous the more likely we will have them by public concern make comments to the media. What also MUST happen is to find those who have the loudest voices in the media to speak of this concern. We MUST find those who have connections be it family, friends or livelihoods in Portland who would be alarmed at this threat. We MUST get this message around the world and the eyes of the world on Portland so that if Mr Bush or Mr Cheney or their merry band of anti democratic thugs do threaten Portland then the world will deliver justice. If all this is just conjecture and in error about false flags, mock events going live or the anti-democratic forces within our government then at worst such an attention on Portland and the conversations about those horrible tragedies will be a memorial to those of us that have lost, suffered or forever altered our lives do to the events of September 11th and July 7th, but if any of these elements are true then the conversations and spreading of the word could save tens of thousands of lives.
Other valuable resources
Surviving Martial Law guide

For Those Who Want To Know

Posters "Don't Nuke Portland"