Saturday, July 12, 2008

McCain's Shit Talk

We ALL ARE, John -- including Arab and Muslim children!!!

: MSM Ignores McCain's Murder Wish

"McCain ads in Western states celebrate Latinos

WASHINGTON - In a new ad targeted at the battleground states of the West, John McCain is presenting himself as a champion of Latino immigrants while disrupting the delicate balance - defending the contributions of illegal Latino immigrants while demanding a secure border to prevent the arrival of new ones - he had sought on the issue.

McCain says in a clip from a Republican-primary debate in June 2007 in which he celebrated the sacrifice of Latinos to the US military:

"So let's from time to time remember that these are God's children. They must come into the country legally, but they have enriched our culture and our nation as every generation of immigrants before them."

Immigration has generally been presented as a zero-sum game for McCain: an embrace of legalization efforts supported by Latino voters could jeopardize his appeal to members of his own party and the socially conservative, working-class white Democrats he is trying to woo. McCain has repeatedly attributed early problems he encountered with primary voters to his work on a failed immigration-reform bill.

The ad, scheduled to air in Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, shows a slight shift of emphasis from McCain. It doesn't include the "secure our borders first" line that has become a crucial part of McCain's latest formulation on immigration reform: He would seek a version of his previous bill, which included a temporary-worker program and a legalization process, but recognizes that a secure border would be necessary to gather the political will (Boston Globe July 12, 2008)."

Translation: HE HASN'T CHANGED HIS POSITION at all -- despite what the MSM says!!!

And the "conservatives" are backing him anyway!