Wednesday, July 9, 2008

MSM Ignores McCain's Murder Wish

And if they won't report it, what exactly is in their shit pages other than NON-NEWS stories?

"McCain Jokes About Killing Iranians Again"

Paul Joseph Watson
[2] Prison Planet
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Potential next President John McCain’s sick obsession with slaughtering brown people in the Middle East betrayed itself again yesterday when he responded to a question about exporting cigarettes to Iran by saying, “maybe that’s a way of killing them.”

McCain was asked by a reporter, “We’ve learned that exports to Iran increased by tenfold during the Bush administration, biggest export was cigarettes,” to which McCain snapped back, “maybe that’s a way of killing them,” before laughing and chuckling, “I meant that as a joke.”

This is not the first time that McCain has expressed his bloodlust for seeing Iranians massacred. During an April 2007 town hall meeting in South Carolina, one of McCain’s fawning Neo-Con slug acolytes stood up and asked why “we don’t send an airmail message to Tehran,” to which McCain responded, “Remember that old Beach Boys song? Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.”

The whole audience snickered at the thought of innocent Iranian women and children being blown to bits for the good of the American empire. Does a historical pretext even exist against which to measure potential Presidents who find killing hundreds of thousands of people funny?

Hitler, Pol Pot, and Osama Bin Laden liked to talk about slaughtering masses of people on a regular basis, but they stopped short of cracking jokes about it. McCain was subject to a barrage of criticism after his last outburst but he’s gone on to repeat such comments without a care in the world.

Either the body politic is so jaded by 7 years of imperial Neo-Con bloodletting that McCain thinks such comments are tame in comparison, or he knows he’s a ringer and has no chance anyway of beating the elite’s chosen one for 2008 - Barack Obama.

Or he could just be one sick bastard. That makes for presidential material these days."

Would you like to know what the MSM did report (can't blame you if you say no, readers; however, I'm here to expose their lying so...)?

WASHINGTON - In separate appearances before a Latino interest group, John McCain and Barack Obama yesterday challenged the other's commitment to last year's failed immigration compromise while presenting competing claims to kinship with one of the nation's fastest growing and highly contested blocs.

First of all, why must these guys swear fealty to an agreement the American public overwhelmingly opposed?

The second thing is, why does the divisive, agenda-driving AmeriKan MSM assume that all immigrants think the same?

How often do they fail to distinguish illegal from legal immigrants, readers?

Also see: Feds Allowed Illegal Immigrant Rapist to Go Free

Ganging Up on Immigrants

Both candidates turned to their strongest assets - their biographies and personal experience - to charm the League of United Latin American Citizens with declarations of a special rapport. Obama presented himself as the son of an immigrant joined in solidarity with Latinos in a civil rights struggle, while McCain contended that political roots in Arizona grounded his political priorities in turf home to one of the country's largest Latino populations.

Current polls give Obama a roughly 2-to-1 edge over McCain among Latino voters, a typical advantage for Democrats in recent presidential elections. Yet the aggressiveness with which both campaigns are courting them became evident in a renewed debate over immigration, an issue on which McCain and Obama broadly agree but that has become grounds for allegations of disingenuousness from both camps.

Last year, the two senators were part of a bipartisan group that negotiated a reform bill - to legalize immigrants currently in the United States, introduce a temporary-worker program, and heighten security along the country's southern border - that ultimately failed to pass the Senate.

Because the PUBLIC was MASSIVELY AGAINST it and RANG the PHONES off the hook (me included)!

So HowTF did we get two candidates for president that so FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFER from the American people -- and happen to agree on SO MANY THINGS LATELY!!!

Like a re-run of 2004 is what it feels like!

A similar rift emerged in the Democratic primaries, when Senator Hillary Clinton used a long familiarity with Latino politics - beginning with her work as a political organizer in south Texas in 1972 and extending through her experience in New York - to assert primacy over Obama with the bloc. Exit polls suggested that Clinton was beating Obama among Latinos nationwide; even in Obama's home state, Illinois, their vote was split equally.

"You could see McCain picking up where Hillary left off, more or less," said Rodolfo Espino, a political scientist at Arizona State University. "His message is: 'I have more of a tie to the Hispanic community, I have more of a connection,' which is what Hillary was saying."

How come no one is after me or the American people??

And what the hell kind of choice is this? Why even bother fucking voting?


And almost as if to prove my point, the Globe COVERS this demonstration!

""Support shown for state's immigrants" by Maddie Hanna, Globe Correspondent | July 9, 2008

Nearly 100 people crowded the Grand Staircase in the State House yesterday in a show of support for immigrants across Massachusetts.

Yup, they won't cover THOUSANDS, but they will cover HUNDREDS in an AGENDA-PUSHING DISPLAY!!

And considering all the MSM and Globe hiding news today, you really can't trust a damn thing about them.

It's ALL SHIT, folks!




The goal of the "Welcoming Massachusetts" campaign, which organizers say is backed by more than 60 groups and 40 elected officials, is to promote tolerance and signal that support exists for legislation benefiting immigrants.

However, campaign leaders will not be pushing for that legislation anytime soon, said Maria Elena Letona, executive director of the Latin American organization Centro Presente.

"The truth is that the political environment has been completely and totally poisoned by the loud voices of a few," she said after a press conference yesterday.

The question of how the United States should handle illegal immigrants, a debate that has escalated in recent years, has at times provoked anti-immigrant sentiment in cities across the country.

Organizers must first detoxify that environment, Letona said, or efforts to enact legislation will fail. "That's what this campaign is about," she said. "It's about demonstrating that most people in Massachusetts are hospitable, are caring. We're created equal, no exceptions."

In between chants of "Yes, we can! Si se puede!" and "Today we can, tomorrow we vote," speakers at yesterday's press conference focused on equality.

Support for immigration reform should not be considered a partisan political position, said Emily Szargowicz, government affairs program coordinator for the Jewish Community Relations Council in Boston.

Why did I KNOW THEY where involved in this somehow?

As for all this other shit, this article is written so one-sided I'm not even commenting.

We all know what it is!

Rather, she said, it should be thought of as a return to a principle stated in the Declaration of Independence, that "all men are created equal."

Yeah, except it is the CONSTITUTION THAT GOVERNS US -- not the Declaration of Independence!!

"It is not to move to the left or the right, but to raise itself up to the basic truths this country was founded on," she said.

Pastor Gregory Bishop of the Lion of Judah Congregation in Boston observed that there is a complex relationship between the nation and its newcomers.

"We know we need immigrants," he said. "Yet with every wave of immigration, there has been hostility."

You know, if they were not coming here and committing crimes, straining our social services, getting taxpayer handouts (while Americans suffer, I might add), reducing wages, and the tools of the Global Elite looking to form an economically-integrated North American Union, then I'm ALL FOR taking care of people!

Oh, notice how the WAR LOOTING is never mentioned as well?

Yeah, I AIN'T NO RACIST, assholes!


"Children Being Left Behind


Margo Kindred - with her grandchildren (from left), NaZair Kindred, 11 months; NaZharea Kindred, 3; and NaZeon Kindred, 2 - couldn't get welfare benefits in Michigan without her Colorado birth certificate.
Margo Kindred - with her grandchildren (from left), NaZair Kindred, 11 months; NaZharea Kindred, 3; and NaZeon Kindred, 2 - couldn't get welfare benefits in Michigan without her Colorado birth certificate. (Al Goldis/Associated Press)

The little guy sure seems like he's enjoying himself, huh?

"Welfare clients asked to prove citizenship; Some states now require documents" by Kathy Barks Hoffman, Associated Press | July 6, 2008

LANSING, Mich. - Living in a homeless shelter with her teenage son and three young grandchildren, Margo Kindred needed help, and Michigan was supposed to provide it. But she couldn't get welfare benefits without her Colorado birth certificate, and couldn't get the document without $10.

Maybe WAR-PROFITEERING WAR CONTRACTORS should have to have THEIR OFFICES in the U.S., too, hmmmm?!

I'm posting this because I REJECT the idea that we CAN'T CARE for PEOPLE when we WASTE SO MUCH $$$$ on so many USELESS and WORTHLESS THINGS!!!

Ten dollars she didn't have. "I couldn't squeeze it out, because there was nothing left to squeeze," the 38-year-old said.

And yet the super-rich and wealthy are swimming in dough!

Michigan is one of the few states that give healthcare coverage automatically to children and adults on welfare. But there's a catch: Proof of citizenship is required. Michigan and Nebraska appear to be the only states so far that won't give cash assistance unless proof of citizenship is shown, although Missouri is joining their ranks.

Some states, such as Virginia, require applicants to show a birth certificate or Social Security number. But they allow applicants to sign an affidavit of citizenship if they can't provide the documents. Michigan and Nebraska don't have that provision.

The proof of citizenship requirements are being promoted as a way to keep people who are in the country illegally from getting government assistance. But they go beyond having to show a driver's license or proving that, as a foreign resident, a person is in the country legally.

Critics say many people are being forced to wait weeks or even months for help while they get their paperwork in order, while some are so discouraged by the requirement that they don't even apply.

I'll bet THAT'S the POINT -- because WE NEED WAR MONIES!!!!

A federal study last year showed that the number of people getting Medicaid coverage dropped in many states after the new requirement was put in place on the federal level. Advocates for the poor in Michigan say the same is happening now to welfare applicants in the state.

"People are not getting the help they need and they're eligible for," said Sharon Parks of the Michigan League for Human Services in Lansing. "It's not right."

For many, like Kindred, the requirement is a surprise. A women's group in Battle Creek eventually put up the money, and state officials approved her payments.

Until they started last month - adding $91 to her monthly $598 check - Kindred got by on the children's welfare payments and the food stamps she was able to get because that program didn't require a birth certificate. All the welfare money went to house the family at a small motel they moved to from the homeless shelter.

"It's a struggle to get Pampers or personals, wash clothes," Kindred said.

The Michigan League contends that the Michigan rules are keeping eligible people from getting welfare payments, and points to the discrepancy between food stamp and welfare caseloads. Despite the state's weak economy, Michigan's May welfare caseload was down to its lowest level since December 2002, having dropped by 18 percent in the last year alone.

Yet the food assistance program, which allows people to qualify with far more income, set a record high last month. The number of households getting food stamps has increased about 70 percent since December 2002. "It's troubling to see the cash assistance numbers falling when we know that the level of need throughout the state is growing," Parks said.

But a director in the Michigan Department of Human Services said the tougher proof of citizenship requirements aren't solely responsible for the decrease. Michigan also has made its work requirements more strict.

"Less people may be applying because of eligibility issues," said Barbara Anders, director of the Bureau of Adult and Family Services. "I don't think we can say it's any one item."

In Nebraska, applicants must show a birth certificate or some other proof of citizenship to get food stamps, welfare payments, medical coverage for children and seniors who are disabled or blind, and for help paying energy bills.

That state hasn't seen the large drop in welfare caseloads Michigan has seen because the state will pay for applicants' birth certificates, removing that hurdle, said Becky Gould of the Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest.

More states are considering proof of citizenship for a variety of programs. Missouri recently passed into law a bill requiring people to prove they are US citizens or legally in the country when applying for food stamps, housing, and other public benefits."

You know, ideologically I'm for the proposals; however, with ALL the WAR LOOTING and CORPORATE GIVEAWAYS, WTF?!

Why can't we CARE FOR FAMILY and KIDS instead?!?!