The Zionist bias and propaganda of the AmeriKan MSM, I mean.
Yup, NOTHING about the 11,000 Palestinians in ISRAELI JAILS being TORTURED -- including KIDS!!!
Look, I may not post every evil atrocity of Israel that's out there, but I READ the BLOGS!!!
The fact is, I had to scale back on that crap some because it was driving me into rage-filled, expletive-laced diatribes of which there are already enough here.
I'll state on the record again, end the gd war-criminal occupation and collective punishment, the siege, the torture, the stealing of land, the destruction of Palestinian farms and groves, the increasing expansion of settlements, the defiance of U.N. resolutions, and on and on, isn't it?
No, instead I get a Zionist-serving piece of swill-swirley showing how barbaric the Palestinians treat each other -- AS IF USrael didn't torture people!!!!
Oh, yeah, never mind that FATAH WORKS FOR USRAEL, either --- they "peace-loving!"
I'll post it all, but I'm sick of the anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, pro-Zionist shit slop.
Of course, you already knew that, readers!
"Groups decry torture in Palestinian jails; Detainee describes pipe beatings" by Karin Laub and Dalia Nammari, Associated Press | July 29, 2008
RAMALLAH, West Bank - One detainee told of being beaten with pipes and having a screwdriver rammed into his back. Another said interrogators tied his hands behind his back then lifted him into the air by his bound wrists.
Two human rights groups yesterday decried widespread torture of political opponents by bitter Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah, and Associated Press interviews with three victims and a doctor backed the reports of abuse.
The findings emerged as the two sides carried out arrest sweeps in the West Bank and Gaza - highlighting deep tensions in the Palestinian territories after a flare-up in violence over the weekend.
In the West Bank yesterday, the security forces of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rounded up more than 50 suspected Hamas supporters, including mosque preachers and intellectuals, in retaliation for a similar sweep of Fatah loyalists in Gaza, set off by a bombing that killed five Hamas members Friday.
Hamas violently seized power in Gaza in June 2007, leaving the Islamic militant group in charge of the coastal territory and Abbas's forces controlling the West Bank.
The Palestinian human rights group Al Haq said yesterday that arbitrary arrests of political opponents have been common since Hamas's takeover of Gaza, with each side trying to defend its turf.
"Arrests for political reasons haven't stopped for a second," Al Haq director Shawan Jabarin told reporters. He estimated that before the latest sweeps, more than 1,000 people had been seized by each side.
An estimated 20 to 30 percent of the detainees suffered torture, including severe beatings and being tied up in painful positions, said Jabarin, citing sworn statements from 150 detainees.
He said three died in detention in Gaza and one in the West Bank.
"The use of torture is dramatically up," added Fred Abrahams, a senior researcher for Human Rights Watch, a US-based group that is releasing its own report on abuse this week.
Jabarin said that while he had no proof of an official torture policy, he believed political leaders were indirectly encouraging abuse by looking the other way.
Abbas's prime minister, Salam Fayyad, acknowledged shortcomings, but said violations have decreased. "I'm not defending anyone, but I can assure you that we have treated flaws and don't allow violations. The upcoming reports will be better," Fayyad said.
In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum acknowledged mistakes were made by the Hamas forces, but said that unlike in the West Bank, violators were increasingly being punished. He also accused the Fayyad government of trying to destroy Hamas in the West Bank with US backing.
Human Rights Watch said Abbas's forces need to come under closer scrutiny because of the international support they enjoy.
Three former detainees - two from the West Bank village of Salem and one from Gaza - gave similar accounts to the AP.
One, Palestinian Hamas member Majdi Jabour, a construction worker, 33, said he was detained Nov. 17 by military intelligence in Nablus, near Salem. He said he was asked where he had hidden the automatic rifle of his late brother, a member of the Hamas military wing killed by Israel.
He said that for the next six days, he was beaten severely with sticks, pipes, and fists, including on the soles of his feet. His legs became so swollen and his feet so sore that he could not stand, he said."Yeah, here he is:

Palestinian Hamas member Majdi Jabour said that for six days, he was beaten severely with sticks, pipes, and fists, including on the soles of his feet. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Associated Press)
The more you read and the more you find out about Israel, Fatah and Hamas, the more you realize that Hamas is no "terrorist" group; they are the LONE RESISTANCE to ISRAEL GENOCIDE!!!!
As a counterpoint, read this:
"Story from Jerusalem
Last week, we met with some very good Palestinian friends of ours who were visiting here. They are Christian Palestinians and live between Jerusalem and the UK. Jerusalem in order to keep their properties from being confiscated by Israelis and the UK in order to make a living since Israel does not exactly facilitate life for Palestinians.
Our friends were very unhappy. They traveled from Jerusalem to the UK for a holiday and when they returned to Jerusalem, they simply found that their home and cars had been confiscated. Gone. Finished. They couldn’t get into their house. They couldn’t find their cars. They stood there with their bags in their country and had no place to go. Complaining of course got them nowhere. Who are they after all going to complain to? The Israeli authorities? They lost their home and land in Jerusalem and that’s it. The Church doesn’t help. The Palestinian Authority itself gets bombed by Israel but as long as its leaders are well paid by the US, it shuts up. Only the Resistance takes action… and the Israeli blood sucking thieves as well as the world community have the chutzpah of calling Hamas or Hezbollah “terrorists”.
We have many Palestinian friends Muslims and Christians whose homes, properties or lands were confiscated in the same manner. They all have the legal documentation proving their ownership. I could jot down a few names but I won’t because those who have documentation for ownership, especially in Jerusalem are literally hunted down by Israel and I wouldn’t want to endanger them more than they already are.
Every single day Palestinian property is illegally confiscated by Jews… Jews who don’t stop crying “anti-Semitism”, “holocaust” and “persecution” when all they do daily is persecute, murder, steel, torture, loot, humiliate and on and on…
It is no coincidence that “chutzpah” is a Yiddish word.
Describes the Zionist-controlled, agenda-pushing AmeriKan MSM and their shit-shoveling to a tee, doesn't it?