Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Lieberman-Hagel Ticket?

Considering the potential for expiration or assassination, could one of them become president?

"Candidates might consider VP pick from another party

With John McCain and Barack Obama each making a special effort to attract voters from the opposing party, the veep-stakes contest is especially interesting this cycle.

For McCain, some speculate that he might pick Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, the Democrats' vice presidential nominee in 2000 who has since abandoned his party to become one of McCain's biggest boosters.


Also see: McCain's Minder

For Obama, the Republican name most often floated is Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, who is conservative on some issues but has become an outspoken opponent of the Iraq war.

Look for the Hagel buzz to increase after today's report in The Wall Street Journal that he will join Obama on a trip to Iraq. Obama and Hagel donning flak jackets together will provide more grist for the rumor mill (Boston Globe July 12 2008)."

Hagel is also a Bilderberger and a Globalist!

They got all bases covered, AmeriKa!