Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The White House Editorial Staff

What a bunch of bull**** fooleys!!!

When the MSM starts exposing this law-breaking liar and mass-murderer for what he is instead of acting as his complicit enabler, then I'll start believing.

"White House chides NBC over editing of Bush words"

NEW YORK - The White House called on NBC News yesterday to set the record straight on what it called "deceitful" editing of an interview with President Bush, in which he was asked whether comments about appeasement were directed at Senator Barack Obama.

They are the last people who should be complaining about deceit!

NBC stood by its reporting of the interview.

Bush aides were angered by the portrayal of the president's answer to a question about his condemnation of "the false comfort of appeasement" in an address last week to the Israeli Knesset. "Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," Bush had said in Jerusalem last week.

Yup, keep the Israeli issue alive -- to the exclusion of all else!

Obama's campaign considered that statement an attack on him, which the White House has denied.

Correspondent Richard Engel asked Bush whether he was referring to Obama in his speech.

As it appeared on "Nightly News" Sunday and the "Today" show yesterday, Bush's response was: "You know, my policies haven't changed, but evidently the political calendar has . . . And when, you know, a leader of Iran says that they want to destroy Israel, you've got to take those words seriously."

Yeah, except he DIDN'T SAY THAT!!!!

But the White House said NBC edited out these words that Bush said between those two sentences: "People need to read the speech. You didn't get it exactly right, either. What I said was that we need to take the words of people seriously."

You know, I'd rather not. I'm sick of this shithole and his damn lies!!!!

Bush counsel Ed Gillespie, in a letter to NBC News president Steve Capus, said that "this deceitful editing to further a media-manufactured storyline is utterly misleading and irresponsible (AP)."


After ALL the LIES the MSM sold for you shit-fucks, you have the gall to criticize said media as "misleading and irresponsible?"

Hey, media, did you hear... GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THAT SHITBOWL, dammit!!!!!!!!

I guess GE owning NBC and profiting from the wars has nothing to do with anything.

Yeah, what a game of BULLSHIT FOOLEYS between the White House and NBC!

You lapping it up, 'murka?